Source :
La Marche de Calypso, au XVIème siècle de l'ère de la Guilde ... L'Empire Galactique est dirigé depuis Prima, la Planète Centrale, par la dynastie Raïmo, mais aux frontières de l'Empire, les Seigneurs sont les véritables maîtres des étoiles.
vendredi 22 mai 2020
jeudi 21 mai 2020
lundi 11 mai 2020
« Pourquoi la Science‐fiction ne peut être comprise sans le recours à l’Histoire »
par Ugo Bellagamba
Tour à tour considérée comme une récréation philosophique, une anticipation technologique, une cousine de l’utopie, ou plus simplement une littérature de genre, la science-fiction est, du point de vue de la temporalité, le fruit d’un subtil métissage : elle explore les futurs en puisant dans le passé, pour parler par allégorie, des enjeux du présent. Rien ne lui échappe et surtout pas la matière historique, à laquelle elle s’abreuve sans cesse et dans laquelle elle puise ses contextes, ses enjeux narratifs, son discours politique, la trame de ses histoires du futur et de ses univers parallèles… Par ricochet, elle contribue à remettre en perspective les événements et les doctrines, les constructions et les crises qui jalonnent l’Histoire des hommes et devient parfois outil épistémologique. La relation entre l’Histoire et la SF a tout d’un contrat aux effets réciproques, et c’est pourquoi, on ne peut appréhender la quintessence de la SF, à la fois prisme déformant et miroir informant de l’Histoire, sans un minimum de culture historique.
— la Science‐fiction, un prisme déformant de l’Histoire
Comme l’affirme Francis Berthelot, la SF est une littérature transgressive, qui brise les barrières génériques dans lesquelles on veut la circonscrire. Irrévérencieuse, serait plus juste encore. La manière dont la SF se sert de l’Histoire fait penser à une chambre d’enfant mal rangée. La matière historique y est éparpillée, puis recomposée en piles instables. Mais, si l’enfant est turbulent, il est également vif. Certaines de ses constructions, dictées par une audace à jamais interdite aux adultes, ont l’éclat de l’inattendu, la pertinence de l’intuitif. Voilà donc la réalité : l’enfant science-fiction joue avec les dix mille cubes de l’Histoire, dans le mépris le plus complet de la chronologie, cet espace de rangement où constitutions et événements devraient être sagement empilés dans la poussière de l’éternité.
Que reproche-t-on au juste à la science-fiction ? D’apprendre en amusant ? Oui, elle brasse pêle-mêle, à travers le prisme déformant de la fiction, le terreau historique des civilisations et toutes les mythologies du monde. Sous la plume des auteurs, l’histoire des cités, des empires et des nations est sans cesse réinventée, au point d’en devenir alternative lorsque la science-fiction se fait uchronie, ou enchantée lorsque la fantasy s’unit au roman historique.
Les exemples sont légion : de « Pavane » de Keith Roberts à « Roma Eterna » de Robert Silverberg, en passant par « Un cantique pour Leibowitz » de Walter Miller, « Le maître du Haut-Château » de Phil Dick, « La Machine à Différences » de Sterling et Gibson, ou encore les « Chroniques des années noires » de Kim Stanley Robinson, l’Histoire est le nectar des auteurs. Elle est présente même dans les œuvres qui ne s’en réclament pas. Sans doute parce qu’elle constitue le plus grand réservoir
de rêves et de cauchemars dans lequel un auteur peut puiser, jusqu’à la noyade. Ainsi, l’histoire de Rome se niche derrière le cycle de « Fondation » d’Asimov, celle de Lawrence d’Arabie se reconnaît dans le « Dune » d’Herbert. Quant aux nombreuses « histoire du futur », oxymore jouissif, d’Olaf Stapledon à Cordwainer Smith, en passant par Robert Heinlein, où trouvent-elles leur substantifique moelle ? Guerres, traités, révolutions, constitutions, restaurations, conspirations... Le kaléidoscope d’avenirs que nous offre la SF est façonné à partir de fragments du passé. C’est un hommage vibrant à nos racines culturelles.
Le caractère mythologique de nombres de récits est une énième preuve de la place prépondérante de l’Histoire, au sens large du terme, dans l’imaginaire des auteurs. Les œuvres de J. R. R. Tolkien, de Roger Zelazny, d’Ursula Le Guin, de Guy Gavriel Kay ou encore de David Gemmel, l’attestent. Combien de fois faudra-t-il assister à la bataille des Thermopyles, à la chute de Carthage, ou à l’épisode de Cheval de Troie pour que tous l’acceptent ? Si la science-fiction était un Parlement d’Ancien Régime, l’Histoire y tiendrait son Lit de Justice à chaque nouvelle publication. Faudra-t-il une séance de la flagellation pour faire admettre aux sceptiques que la SF est aussi proche de l’Histoire qu’elle peut l’être de la Physique ? Littérature transgressive par nature, la SF apparaît comme une récréation historique autant que scientifique.
L’Histoire revêt donc une fonction plurielle dans la SF, puisqu’elle est à la fois une source d’inspiration, un contexte, un enjeu narratif, ou un jeu sur l’évolution du genre, comme l’atteste l’essor du « steampunk », cette variante ludique de l’uchronie. Le « steampunk » revient sur les grandes figures historiques du genre, forgées au cours du long 19ème siècle français et européen. Hommage appuyé aux « maîtres » et à leurs créatures, il met en scène, dans des décors volontiers victoriens, Conan Doyle et Sherlock Holmes, Jack London et Peter Pan, les martiens et la cavorite de Wells, Némo et le Nautilus, démontrant que l’identité de la science‐fiction s’appuie sur des mythes et des valeurs propres. En un mot, qu’elle a su forger sa propre histoire…
— la science-fiction, un miroir informant pour l’Histoire
Au-delà du jeu narratif, il est possible de considérer la science-fiction comme un outil épistémologique qui permettrait de mieux « penser » l’Histoire. Les œuvres qui forment le corpus de la science-fiction, depuis sa naissance sous les plumes de Mary Shelley, Jules Verne et Herbert George Wells, constituent, par l’évolution de leurs thématiques, un « miroir informant » qui nous renseigne sur les valeurs, les peurs et les espérances d’une époque donnée. Et parce que l’utopie elle-même est révélatrice des représentations de l’idéal sociétaire et politique d’un temps, il existe un lien très fort entre elle et la science‐fiction. Le glissement de l’utopie à la SF est matérialisé par l’importance croissante de la science dans le discours utopique, à partir des 17ème et 18ème siècles. Tout d’abord envisagée comme connaissance rationnelle et ensuite appréhendée par ses applications technologiques, la science finit par devenir le moteur de la société idéale. Cette évolution aboutit à la naissance de la science‐fiction au cours du 19ème siècle, à la faveur de la révolution industrielle.
Dans l’entre‐deux‐guerres, la SF oscille entre Nature et Industrialisation ; c’est la critique de la société mécanisée et la nostalgie des sociétés traditionnelles. Citons l’œuvre de Howard Philip Lovecraft qui se réfugie dans le rêve, pour échapper à une société industrielle dans laquelle il ne se
reconnaît pas. Dans les années cinquante, les récits post‐apocalyptiques remettent en cause la toute‐puissance de la science et Hiroshima cloue au pilori tous ceux qui voyaient dans la science la promesse d’un avenir meilleur. La science devient un instrument de destruction.
Dès lors, la SF livre les plus grandes analyses politiques de l’époque, telles le 1984 de Georges Orwell. Dans les années soixante et la décennie suivante, c’est une science‐fiction écologique qui se déploie, aux côtés d’une nouvelle culture prônant la libération sexuelle et l’usage des psychotropes. C’est l’époque de Ballard et de Dick, de l’exploration paranoïaque des univers intérieurs qui témoigne d’un certain rejet de la société. Une science‐fiction très politique, très sociale voit le jour,
inaugurée par Tous à Zanzibar de John Brunner et continuée par Les Monades urbaines de Robert Silverberg, et Soleil Vert de Harry Harrison. Les années quatre‐vingt, quant à elles, sont globalement une phase « en creux » pour la science‐fiction qui se replie sur la pure évasion et voit la montée en flèche de la fantasy commerciale. La critique, de sociale, devient comportementale. Le sport envisagé comme guerre, par exemple dans La guerre olympique de Pelot. Ou l’impact des réseaux informatiques sur la vie quotidienne des individus, qui donne naissance à un nouveau courant, narcissique et violent, le « cyberpunk ». La fin du vingtième siècle est, à l’instar de la société
pluriculturelle qui voit le jour, celle d’une science‐fiction composite. Avec un retour en force du « vivant » comme enjeu narratif, les romans fondés sur l’ingénierie génétique se multiplient, explorant le thème des mutations et du clonage. Mais la SF réinvestit aussi les territoires de la « culture » et puise sans retenue dans l’Histoire, multipliant les uchronies. Le cycle de la Culture de Iain Banks allie ainsi brillamment critique sociale et space‐opera démesuré. C’est enfin l’émergence du « steampunk », du jeu sur l’histoire du genre en lui‐même.
Au vingt‐et‐unième siècle, la SF continue de refléter les transformations sociales et les incertitudes de la géopolitique. Elle porte la marque des avancées scientifiques et technologiques (exoplanètes, nanotechnologies). Etroitement liée au contexte ambigu d’un monde multipolaire, cette science-fiction se caractérise par un foisonnement thématique. Sa subtilité croissante témoigne, outre d’une cristallisation du genre, de la calcification des concepts politiques, tels que l’État‐Nation ou la souveraineté. Plus ambitieusement encore, la SF part à la recherche de nouveaux paradigmes.
S’il apparaît évident que l’Histoire est dans la science-fiction, la SF est également « dans » l’Histoire, puisqu’elle témoigne des enjeux de deux siècles, qu’elle distille par métaphores. D’où la nécessité, pour le lecteur, de disposer d’une certaine culture historique.
— la culture historique du lecteur de science‐fiction
Certains chercheurs se demandent aujourd’hui quelle est l’étendue de la culture scientifique d’un lecteur de SF, supposant qu’il doit en posséder une pour accéder à la compréhension de l’œuvre. Il semble encore plus pertinent de se demander quelle devrait être sa culture historique. La grande majorité des œuvres de SF, sans même parler du cas particulier de l’uchronie, n’est véritablement jouissive que pour ceux qui disposent des clefs pour l’appréhender. Tentez de lire « Le printemps russe » de Spinrad sans connaître, au moins dans ses grandes lignes, l’histoire de l’U.R.S.S. et de la
C.E.I. ou plongez‐vous dans « Autant en emporte le temps » de Ward Moore, sans connaître les grandes lignes de la Guerre de Sécession. C’est comme si vous lisiez les cent uchronies consacrées à Napoléon sans savoir que Waterloo n’est pas une victoire éclatante pour les armées impériales ; comme si vous découvriez les « Chroniques des Années Noires », le dernier roman de Kim
Stanley Robinson, sans rien savoir du Moyen‐Âge et de l’essor du christianisme. Et, bien qu’il ne s’agisse pas véritablement d’histoire, on peut évoquer une lecture naïve de Tolkien sans la maîtrise des grandes mythologies dont il s’inspire, celle arthurienne, celle scandinave, celle celtique, etc. Comment comprendre que la mort de Boromir est un hommage à celle de Roland à Roncevaux, si on ne sait rien de cette dernière ? Comment apprécier la thématique de l’Anneau et la cape d’invisibilité de Frodon (voire celle, plus récente, d’Harry Potter) si on n’a jamais entendu parler de Siegfried
et du Lai des Nibelung ? D’où le paradoxe qui mine la science‐fiction. Elle a l’ambition avouée de
s’adresser à tout le monde et n’est pourtant pas, dans sa quintessence, une littérature de masse. Elle l’est moins, en tout cas, que d’autres littératures prétendument « générales » et généralement arrogantes à l’égard des « genres », qui ne réclament aucune espèce de préparation pour être
La SF, que l’on a trop souvent considérée comme atrophiée du point de vue de la culture serait‐elle, en définitive, une littérature hermétique ? Nécessiterait‐elle une propédeutique qui garantirait à la fois sa force thématique et constituerait sa faiblesse congénitale ? Il faut nuancer ce propos, bien sûr. Si la SF exige sans doute certains efforts de la part des lecteurs, elle n’est pas non plus ésotérique et n’a nulle vocation à l’être. Ceux qui le croient ne contribuent qu’à la « ghettoïser » un peu plus. Elle est et doit rester une simple récréation, philosophique, scientifique, et en l’espèce, historique. Mais, comme dans toutes les cours de récréation, il faut avoir des jouets pour s’amuser ou, tout au moins, posséder assez d’imagination pour en créer. Seule la science‐fiction peut transformer une corde à sauter en ruban de Möbius, ou une roue de vélo en station spatiale… Paul Valery, qui avait tout compris à la science‐fiction sans le savoir, n’affirmait‐il pas : l’étude de l’Histoire n’a de sens que pour ceux qui ont la passion de l’avenir ?
Ugo Bellagamba.
Tour à tour considérée comme une récréation philosophique, une anticipation technologique, une cousine de l’utopie, ou plus simplement une littérature de genre, la science-fiction est, du point de vue de la temporalité, le fruit d’un subtil métissage : elle explore les futurs en puisant dans le passé, pour parler par allégorie, des enjeux du présent. Rien ne lui échappe et surtout pas la matière historique, à laquelle elle s’abreuve sans cesse et dans laquelle elle puise ses contextes, ses enjeux narratifs, son discours politique, la trame de ses histoires du futur et de ses univers parallèles… Par ricochet, elle contribue à remettre en perspective les événements et les doctrines, les constructions et les crises qui jalonnent l’Histoire des hommes et devient parfois outil épistémologique. La relation entre l’Histoire et la SF a tout d’un contrat aux effets réciproques, et c’est pourquoi, on ne peut appréhender la quintessence de la SF, à la fois prisme déformant et miroir informant de l’Histoire, sans un minimum de culture historique.
— la Science‐fiction, un prisme déformant de l’Histoire
Comme l’affirme Francis Berthelot, la SF est une littérature transgressive, qui brise les barrières génériques dans lesquelles on veut la circonscrire. Irrévérencieuse, serait plus juste encore. La manière dont la SF se sert de l’Histoire fait penser à une chambre d’enfant mal rangée. La matière historique y est éparpillée, puis recomposée en piles instables. Mais, si l’enfant est turbulent, il est également vif. Certaines de ses constructions, dictées par une audace à jamais interdite aux adultes, ont l’éclat de l’inattendu, la pertinence de l’intuitif. Voilà donc la réalité : l’enfant science-fiction joue avec les dix mille cubes de l’Histoire, dans le mépris le plus complet de la chronologie, cet espace de rangement où constitutions et événements devraient être sagement empilés dans la poussière de l’éternité.
Que reproche-t-on au juste à la science-fiction ? D’apprendre en amusant ? Oui, elle brasse pêle-mêle, à travers le prisme déformant de la fiction, le terreau historique des civilisations et toutes les mythologies du monde. Sous la plume des auteurs, l’histoire des cités, des empires et des nations est sans cesse réinventée, au point d’en devenir alternative lorsque la science-fiction se fait uchronie, ou enchantée lorsque la fantasy s’unit au roman historique.
Les exemples sont légion : de « Pavane » de Keith Roberts à « Roma Eterna » de Robert Silverberg, en passant par « Un cantique pour Leibowitz » de Walter Miller, « Le maître du Haut-Château » de Phil Dick, « La Machine à Différences » de Sterling et Gibson, ou encore les « Chroniques des années noires » de Kim Stanley Robinson, l’Histoire est le nectar des auteurs. Elle est présente même dans les œuvres qui ne s’en réclament pas. Sans doute parce qu’elle constitue le plus grand réservoir
de rêves et de cauchemars dans lequel un auteur peut puiser, jusqu’à la noyade. Ainsi, l’histoire de Rome se niche derrière le cycle de « Fondation » d’Asimov, celle de Lawrence d’Arabie se reconnaît dans le « Dune » d’Herbert. Quant aux nombreuses « histoire du futur », oxymore jouissif, d’Olaf Stapledon à Cordwainer Smith, en passant par Robert Heinlein, où trouvent-elles leur substantifique moelle ? Guerres, traités, révolutions, constitutions, restaurations, conspirations... Le kaléidoscope d’avenirs que nous offre la SF est façonné à partir de fragments du passé. C’est un hommage vibrant à nos racines culturelles.
Le caractère mythologique de nombres de récits est une énième preuve de la place prépondérante de l’Histoire, au sens large du terme, dans l’imaginaire des auteurs. Les œuvres de J. R. R. Tolkien, de Roger Zelazny, d’Ursula Le Guin, de Guy Gavriel Kay ou encore de David Gemmel, l’attestent. Combien de fois faudra-t-il assister à la bataille des Thermopyles, à la chute de Carthage, ou à l’épisode de Cheval de Troie pour que tous l’acceptent ? Si la science-fiction était un Parlement d’Ancien Régime, l’Histoire y tiendrait son Lit de Justice à chaque nouvelle publication. Faudra-t-il une séance de la flagellation pour faire admettre aux sceptiques que la SF est aussi proche de l’Histoire qu’elle peut l’être de la Physique ? Littérature transgressive par nature, la SF apparaît comme une récréation historique autant que scientifique.
L’Histoire revêt donc une fonction plurielle dans la SF, puisqu’elle est à la fois une source d’inspiration, un contexte, un enjeu narratif, ou un jeu sur l’évolution du genre, comme l’atteste l’essor du « steampunk », cette variante ludique de l’uchronie. Le « steampunk » revient sur les grandes figures historiques du genre, forgées au cours du long 19ème siècle français et européen. Hommage appuyé aux « maîtres » et à leurs créatures, il met en scène, dans des décors volontiers victoriens, Conan Doyle et Sherlock Holmes, Jack London et Peter Pan, les martiens et la cavorite de Wells, Némo et le Nautilus, démontrant que l’identité de la science‐fiction s’appuie sur des mythes et des valeurs propres. En un mot, qu’elle a su forger sa propre histoire…
— la science-fiction, un miroir informant pour l’Histoire
Au-delà du jeu narratif, il est possible de considérer la science-fiction comme un outil épistémologique qui permettrait de mieux « penser » l’Histoire. Les œuvres qui forment le corpus de la science-fiction, depuis sa naissance sous les plumes de Mary Shelley, Jules Verne et Herbert George Wells, constituent, par l’évolution de leurs thématiques, un « miroir informant » qui nous renseigne sur les valeurs, les peurs et les espérances d’une époque donnée. Et parce que l’utopie elle-même est révélatrice des représentations de l’idéal sociétaire et politique d’un temps, il existe un lien très fort entre elle et la science‐fiction. Le glissement de l’utopie à la SF est matérialisé par l’importance croissante de la science dans le discours utopique, à partir des 17ème et 18ème siècles. Tout d’abord envisagée comme connaissance rationnelle et ensuite appréhendée par ses applications technologiques, la science finit par devenir le moteur de la société idéale. Cette évolution aboutit à la naissance de la science‐fiction au cours du 19ème siècle, à la faveur de la révolution industrielle.
Dans l’entre‐deux‐guerres, la SF oscille entre Nature et Industrialisation ; c’est la critique de la société mécanisée et la nostalgie des sociétés traditionnelles. Citons l’œuvre de Howard Philip Lovecraft qui se réfugie dans le rêve, pour échapper à une société industrielle dans laquelle il ne se
reconnaît pas. Dans les années cinquante, les récits post‐apocalyptiques remettent en cause la toute‐puissance de la science et Hiroshima cloue au pilori tous ceux qui voyaient dans la science la promesse d’un avenir meilleur. La science devient un instrument de destruction.
Dès lors, la SF livre les plus grandes analyses politiques de l’époque, telles le 1984 de Georges Orwell. Dans les années soixante et la décennie suivante, c’est une science‐fiction écologique qui se déploie, aux côtés d’une nouvelle culture prônant la libération sexuelle et l’usage des psychotropes. C’est l’époque de Ballard et de Dick, de l’exploration paranoïaque des univers intérieurs qui témoigne d’un certain rejet de la société. Une science‐fiction très politique, très sociale voit le jour,
inaugurée par Tous à Zanzibar de John Brunner et continuée par Les Monades urbaines de Robert Silverberg, et Soleil Vert de Harry Harrison. Les années quatre‐vingt, quant à elles, sont globalement une phase « en creux » pour la science‐fiction qui se replie sur la pure évasion et voit la montée en flèche de la fantasy commerciale. La critique, de sociale, devient comportementale. Le sport envisagé comme guerre, par exemple dans La guerre olympique de Pelot. Ou l’impact des réseaux informatiques sur la vie quotidienne des individus, qui donne naissance à un nouveau courant, narcissique et violent, le « cyberpunk ». La fin du vingtième siècle est, à l’instar de la société
pluriculturelle qui voit le jour, celle d’une science‐fiction composite. Avec un retour en force du « vivant » comme enjeu narratif, les romans fondés sur l’ingénierie génétique se multiplient, explorant le thème des mutations et du clonage. Mais la SF réinvestit aussi les territoires de la « culture » et puise sans retenue dans l’Histoire, multipliant les uchronies. Le cycle de la Culture de Iain Banks allie ainsi brillamment critique sociale et space‐opera démesuré. C’est enfin l’émergence du « steampunk », du jeu sur l’histoire du genre en lui‐même.
Au vingt‐et‐unième siècle, la SF continue de refléter les transformations sociales et les incertitudes de la géopolitique. Elle porte la marque des avancées scientifiques et technologiques (exoplanètes, nanotechnologies). Etroitement liée au contexte ambigu d’un monde multipolaire, cette science-fiction se caractérise par un foisonnement thématique. Sa subtilité croissante témoigne, outre d’une cristallisation du genre, de la calcification des concepts politiques, tels que l’État‐Nation ou la souveraineté. Plus ambitieusement encore, la SF part à la recherche de nouveaux paradigmes.
S’il apparaît évident que l’Histoire est dans la science-fiction, la SF est également « dans » l’Histoire, puisqu’elle témoigne des enjeux de deux siècles, qu’elle distille par métaphores. D’où la nécessité, pour le lecteur, de disposer d’une certaine culture historique.
— la culture historique du lecteur de science‐fiction
Certains chercheurs se demandent aujourd’hui quelle est l’étendue de la culture scientifique d’un lecteur de SF, supposant qu’il doit en posséder une pour accéder à la compréhension de l’œuvre. Il semble encore plus pertinent de se demander quelle devrait être sa culture historique. La grande majorité des œuvres de SF, sans même parler du cas particulier de l’uchronie, n’est véritablement jouissive que pour ceux qui disposent des clefs pour l’appréhender. Tentez de lire « Le printemps russe » de Spinrad sans connaître, au moins dans ses grandes lignes, l’histoire de l’U.R.S.S. et de la
C.E.I. ou plongez‐vous dans « Autant en emporte le temps » de Ward Moore, sans connaître les grandes lignes de la Guerre de Sécession. C’est comme si vous lisiez les cent uchronies consacrées à Napoléon sans savoir que Waterloo n’est pas une victoire éclatante pour les armées impériales ; comme si vous découvriez les « Chroniques des Années Noires », le dernier roman de Kim
Stanley Robinson, sans rien savoir du Moyen‐Âge et de l’essor du christianisme. Et, bien qu’il ne s’agisse pas véritablement d’histoire, on peut évoquer une lecture naïve de Tolkien sans la maîtrise des grandes mythologies dont il s’inspire, celle arthurienne, celle scandinave, celle celtique, etc. Comment comprendre que la mort de Boromir est un hommage à celle de Roland à Roncevaux, si on ne sait rien de cette dernière ? Comment apprécier la thématique de l’Anneau et la cape d’invisibilité de Frodon (voire celle, plus récente, d’Harry Potter) si on n’a jamais entendu parler de Siegfried
et du Lai des Nibelung ? D’où le paradoxe qui mine la science‐fiction. Elle a l’ambition avouée de
s’adresser à tout le monde et n’est pourtant pas, dans sa quintessence, une littérature de masse. Elle l’est moins, en tout cas, que d’autres littératures prétendument « générales » et généralement arrogantes à l’égard des « genres », qui ne réclament aucune espèce de préparation pour être
La SF, que l’on a trop souvent considérée comme atrophiée du point de vue de la culture serait‐elle, en définitive, une littérature hermétique ? Nécessiterait‐elle une propédeutique qui garantirait à la fois sa force thématique et constituerait sa faiblesse congénitale ? Il faut nuancer ce propos, bien sûr. Si la SF exige sans doute certains efforts de la part des lecteurs, elle n’est pas non plus ésotérique et n’a nulle vocation à l’être. Ceux qui le croient ne contribuent qu’à la « ghettoïser » un peu plus. Elle est et doit rester une simple récréation, philosophique, scientifique, et en l’espèce, historique. Mais, comme dans toutes les cours de récréation, il faut avoir des jouets pour s’amuser ou, tout au moins, posséder assez d’imagination pour en créer. Seule la science‐fiction peut transformer une corde à sauter en ruban de Möbius, ou une roue de vélo en station spatiale… Paul Valery, qui avait tout compris à la science‐fiction sans le savoir, n’affirmait‐il pas : l’étude de l’Histoire n’a de sens que pour ceux qui ont la passion de l’avenir ?
Ugo Bellagamba.
dimanche 10 mai 2020
Timeline of galactic history
Prehistory (Eons–10 millennia BBY)
- Sentient species prehistory
- The universe begins forming.[1]
- The galaxy is formed around a super-massive black hole at its center,[2] which stars come to rotate around.[3]
- The microscopic symbiotic organisms that allows living beings to use the energy field known as the Force and connects the Living Force to the Cosmic Force known as Midi-chlorians are birthed from the Wellspring of Life[4] in the Deep Core.[5]
- Birth of the Father, the Son, and the Daughter.[6]
- A non-sentient species lives on the planet Crul millions of years before they evolve into the sentient Crolute.[7]
- A primitive species lives on the planet Abednedo, eventually evolving into the sentient Abednedo.[7]
- Sentient species history (chronology undefined)
- The reptilian sentient civilization that came to be known as the Elders begin appearing on a planet that came to be known as the Mid Rim world of Naboo.[8]
- Pre-hyperspace travel
- Batuu, a planet on the edge of the Outer Rim Territories, is colonized millennia after a great cataclysm resulted in the planet's giant trees being destroyed and eventually petrified.[9]
- A sentient ancestral species[10] invents the hyperdrive after studying the hyperspace-travelling purrgil,[11] opening up the galaxy for exploration.[10]
- Post-hyperspace travel
- The Dai Bendu, the religious group that would be attributed with the first holocrons, exists as the would-be precursor to the Jedi Order.[12]
- Over 20 millennia BBY[13]
- An individual who came to be known as the Prime Jedi founds the Jedi Order on Ahch-To, in pursuit of the preservation of peace and justice.[14]
- Shortly after the founding of the Jedi Order, the world Ilum is discovered by a Jedi scout through Force-assisted hyperspace navigation, and is eventually identified by survey teams as a source of kyber crystals, news of which leads to the lockdown of Ilum on the orders of the Jedi High Council.[5]
- The First Jedi Temple is constructed on[14] the rocky islands[15] of Ahch-To. Soon after, the Jedi village is also constructed on the Temple island.[14]
- The comet Kinro is predicted to carve its way through the Core Worlds. Before it could enter the Mid Rim, members of the Jedi Order came together and willed it apart, though several Jedi lose their lives or minds in the process.[16]
- c. 21,019 BBY[17]
- The Blood Court is established on Thisspias.[12]
- The Great Manifest Period takes place.[12]
- Utapau is settled by colonists who eventually evolve into the Pau'an and Utai species.[18]
- The ice moon Mesula is shattered.[19]
- The first Grand Zigoth of Utapau, Krynbalt Kyr, dies.[19]
Old Republic-era (10 millennia – c. 5000 BBY)
- 10 millennia BBY
- The Old Republic is formed.[20][21]
- Thousands of years before the Clone Wars, the Imperial Era, and the New Republic Era (chronology undefined)
- The Temple of the Kyber is constructed on the cold, desert moon of Jedha.[22]
- Hylemane Lightbringer is born.[16]
- Hylemane Lightbringer is bludgeoned to death by a chair, disproving the myth that "he could not be killed by mortal weapons."[16]
- The Zygerrian Slave Empire is defeated by Jedi Knights.[23]
- An unidentified rogue Jedi[24] leads a group of Force users to seek greater power through embracing the dark side of the Force. They split from the Jedi Order[10] during the schism known as the Hundred-Year Darkness,[25] becoming the rivalling Sith. Defeated, they are exiled by the Jedi Order and flee from known space to Moraband.[24]
- Unbeknownst to others, the Sith on Moraband rebuilds and awaits for their revenge.[24] Meanwhile, massive Sith temple and tombs were built in a location known as the Valley of the Dark Lords.[26]
- Over time, the Sith Empire, with the use of slaves,[27] vyes for control of the galaxy. Battling the Jedi, they built gargantuan superweapons powered by kyber crystals.[28][29]
- Momin is trained by Lady Shaa as a Sith. Eventually, Momin kills his Sith Master and travels the galaxy honing his craft. Eventually, he and his acolytes are slain by a pair of Jedi during his destruction of a city through the use of a superweapon, although Momin's spirit survives through his mask. His story is deemed heretical by the Sith and is suppressed.[30]
- Around this time,[30] the lushly forested planet Mustafar is inhabited by Lady Corvax, who lives in hamony with the native Mustafarians along with her husband. The latter dies as a result of an attack on Mustafar, leading to Corvax's theft of the most sacred Mustafarian relic, the Bright Star, in an attempt to use it in a ritual to resurrect her love.[31]
- The ritual fails; instead, the Bright Star's energies pushes Mustafar into a new orbit, reducing the world to an unbalanced, chaotic state. A volcanic wasteland is created[31] as tiny Mustafar is torn between gas giants Lefrani and Jestefad.[18] Thus, Sith seeking the secrets of eternal life are attracted to the world.[32]
- Radaki[33] leaves the Jedi Order, believing that Jedi should retain their family ties and wealth. Thus he is seduced by the dark side of the force, becoming the Sith Lord Darth Krall.[34]
- Sith victory at the Battle of Wasted Years; this would be attributed to Darth Krall, who would also be remembered for taming the Nightmare Conjunction and as one of the Lost Twenty.[34]
- The Ordu Aspectu is formed.[35] They come into conflict with Jedi Orthodoxy, beginning the Entruvia Conflict.[36]
- The Ordu Aspectu and the Jedi Order make peace, ending the Entruvia Conflict. Jedi inspectors arrive at the Citadel of Rur, and, believing they intend to deactivate him, Eternal Rur seizes control of the Citadel's droids and slaughters its inhabitants. The mortal Rur sacrifices himself in order to deactivate the machine intelligence based on himself, jumping the Citadel across the galaxy in an event that became known as the Doom of the Ordu Aspectu.[35]
- The Corsair Wars occur.[37]
- In the aftermath of the Corsair Wars, Master Oo'ob broke with Jedi Doctrine, pursuing a pre-emptive method of dealing with threats to galactic peace. He and his partner, noted crystallist Var-Whill, develop the Farkiller, and use it to kill a number of "emergent" despots. Within the decade, the Jedi Council pronounces them apostate and eventually purges them.[37]
- The carbonite mines of the Empress Teta system are conquered by a group known as the Krath.[38]
- 7977 BBY
- 6000 BBY
- Civilization on Bardotta began when the Frangawl Cult reigned over a militant society.[5]
- c. 5000 BBY
- The Sith wages a war against the Jedi and the Old Republic, which saw the fall of the Republic capital Coruscant.[18] This allowed the Sith to build a shrine on the planet, then exuding the force of the dark side. However, the Jedi eventually repelled the Sith and reclaimed Coruscant.[10]
- The Great Temple is built by the Massassi on Yavin 4.[39]
Fall of the Old Republic (c. 5000 – c. 1000 BBY)
- Between 5000 and 3966 BBY
- The Mandalorian-Jedi War occurs.[21]
- The Mandalorian crusades occurs as part of the Mandalorian-Jedi War.[21]
- The Devastation of Ubduria occurs as part of the Mandalorian crusades.[7]
- The Mandalorian cataclysm occurs as part of the Mandalorian-Jedi War.[40]
- The Mandalorian crusades occurs as part of the Mandalorian-Jedi War.[21]
- The Mandalorian-Jedi War occurs.[21]
- c. 4000 BBY
- The Four Masters constructs the Jedi Temple atop the ruins of the Sith shrine on Coruscant in an attempt to contain and eliminate its power,[10] as well as to take advantage of the area's strength in the Force.[18]
- 3966 BBY
- By this point, galactic travelers navigate hyperspace using hyperspace sextants.[20]
- By this point, the Malachor superweapon is built by Darth Tanis[32] within the Sith temple on Malachor.[41]
- Eventually, the Great Scourge of Malachor occurs; the Jedi uncovers the battle station and confronts the Sith. All participants are petrified by the superweapon.[41]
- By this point, the crossguard lightsaber design is common among Makashi practitioners.[42]
- 3277 BBY
- The Lothal Calendar is introduced.[43]
- c. 2000 BBY
- The Dagoyan Order takes hold of Bardotta after a series of successful and strategic small-scale wars; The once ruling Frangawl Cult goes into hiding.[5]
- c. 1000 BBY (chronology undefined)
- A series of battles takes place on the planet Ruusan, resulting in the planet becoming home to a number of relics.[44]
- A battle is fought on Takodana between Jedi and Sith.[20]
- Pre-Dark Age
- Tarre Vizsla creates the Darksaber.[45]
- Collapse of the Old Republic; beginning of the Dark Age.[46]
- By this point, the Middle Era of the Old Republic has occured.[47]
Dark Age (c. 1000 BBY)
- Pre-1019 BBY
- The Jedi-Sith War[48] is waged.[47]
- Coruscant and the Jedi Temple are occupied by the Sith during the Battle of Coruscant.[47]
- By this point, Mandalorians of House Vizsla have snuck into the Jedi Temple and liberated the Darksaber.[21]
- Coruscant and the Jedi Temple are reclaimed by the Jedi and remnants of the Old Republic during the Liberation of Coruscant.[47]
- The Sith Brotherhood,[49] an army of the Sith in which Darth Bane served in,[50] are defeated by the Jedi as a result of infighting amongst themselves.[51] The Jedi-Sith War[48] is ended with the Jedi victorius;[47] the Sith are driven into hiding,[10] and are eventually thought extinct.[52]
- The sole Sith surviver, Darth Bane, establishes the[53] Rule of Two,[26] a lineage of Sith who would operate in the shadows, preserving the Sith's vendetta against the Jedi whilst preparing for their own return. Centuries before the Clone Wars, the Rule of Two is revealed to the Jedi Order, though still they presume the Sith's eradication and believe that Bane's plan is ruined with his defeat, afterwhich the Sith Lord becomes the last of his kind to be laid to rest on Moraband's Valley of the Dark Lords.[53]
- The Jedi-Sith War[48] is waged.[47]
Republic Era (1019–32 BBY)
1019 – c. 232 BBY
- 1019 BBY
- The Old Republic is reorganized into the Galactic Republic[47] and by this point,[54] the Galactic Senate is founded by several star systems.[55]
- The Yavin Code is established at the Yavin Convention.[28]
- 973 BBY
- Maz Kanata is born.[56]
- c. 965 BBY
- A Dai Bendu monastery is constructed on Mount Izukika of the planet Kijimi.[57]
- 896 BBY
- 867 BBY
- Naboo joins the Galactic Republic.[59]
- 832 BBY
- 797 BBY
- Yoda begins to train Jedi in the ways of the Force.[60]
- 600 BBY
- Jabba Desilijic Tiure is born[40] on Nal Hutta.[44]
- 522 BBY
- 511 BBY
- 509 BBY
- 501 BBY
- The armor of Sabine Wren is forged.[64]
- 400 BBY
- Thomas Toov is born.[65]
- 319 BBY
- The Aionomica forgery scandal occurs.[66]
High Republic Era (c. 232 BBY)
- Around 232 BBY[67]
- There is a significant increase of Jedi activity.[68]
- The Starlight Beacon is constructed.[69]
- Torching of Nelgenam[70]
- Great Disaster[71]
c. 232 – 32 BBY
- 200 BBY
- 131 BBY
- 102 BBY
- 101 BBY
- c. 84 BBY
- Sheev Palpatine is born on Naboo.[10]
- c. 80 BBY
- Qui-Gon Jinn is born on Coruscant.[75]
- c. 72 BBY
- Mace Windu is born on Haruun Kal.[76]
- 64 BBY
- Wilhuff Tarkin is born on Eriadu.[10]
- 62 BBY
- 57 BBY
- Obi-Wan Kenobi is born on Stewjon.[79]
- Obi-Wan Kenobi is discovered and taken into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant by the Jedi Order to be trained as a Jedi within six months of his birth.[80]
- 56 BBY
- Galen Walton Erso is born on Grange.[22]
- 52 BBY
- Chirrut Îmwe is born.[22]
- 51 BBY
- Orson Callan Krennic is born on Lexrul.[22]
- 46 BBY
- Padmé Amidala (née Naberrie) is born on Naboo.[81]
- 44 BBY
- Garazeb Orrelios is born on Lasan.[43]
- c. 43 BBY
- Landonis Balthazar Calrissian is born on Socorro.[82]
- 42 BBY
- Gallius Rax is born on Jakku.[83]
- 41 BBY
- Anakin Skywalker is born to Shmi Skywalker.[84]
- The Child is born. (Approximate date)[85]
- Rae Sloane is born on Ganthel.[86]
- Dooku claims his title of Count of Serenno and leaves the Jedi Order,[87] before becoming the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, apprenticed to Darth Sidious.[88] (Approximate date)[87]
- 40 BBY
- Galen Walton Erso joins the Republic Futures Program on Brentaal IV.[73]
- Kirames Kaj serves as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic around this time.[89][90]
- Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, undertake a mission to Pijal.[89]
- Qui-Gon Jinn turns down an offer extended by Jedi Master of the Order Mace Windu to take the seat of retiring Jedi High Council member Poli Dapatian.[89]
- By around this point,[91] Jedi Eno Cordova and his Padawan Cere Junda were sent by the Jedi Council to oversee the excavation of a temple on Ontotho. The pair were caught in a battle for Ontotho.[92]
- Before the Invasion of Naboo
- Battle of Malastare Narrows; the Harch Admiral Trench is presumed dead.[93]
- Obi-Wan Kenobi meets Satine Kryze.[94]
- Lor San Tekka is born.[20]
- Asajj Ventress is born.[95]
- Mace Windu rescues a young girl named Depa Billaba. The youngling is brought to the Jedi Temple for training.[96]
- Jedi Master Yoda rescues the Force-sensitive youngling Lo from the Flesh Mongers, pirates on Botor who were fearful of Lo's powers. Lo travels with Qui-Gon Jinn to the Coruscant Jedi Temple as Yoda follows a calling through the Force.[97]
- Yoda finds an embattled world of warring children powerful in stonepower, a Force power attained from connection to the Living Force-imbued blue stone.
- Yoda, deemed to be the Deliverer of an ancient local prophecy, learns from the conflict of fear, hatred, and greed between the mud dwellers, the rockhawkers, the Old Ones, and the giants of living stone, and his journey is later recorded in the Journals of Ben Kenobi.[98]
- Subsequent to Yoda's visit, most human inhabitants leave their world in curiosity.[99]
- Finis Valorum replaces Skor Kalpana as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.[10]
- Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas foresees an upcoming full-scale conflict, but is accused of war-mongering and removed from the Jedi Council. He secretly commissions the Kaminoans to grow a clone army for the Republic.[55]
- Payed by the Sith Lord Tyranus, the Pyke Syndicate murders Sifo-Dyas, who was sent by Chancellor Valorum to negotiate with the Pykes on Oba-Diah. Under the control of the Sith, the clones from the template of bounty hunter Jango Fett had control chips inserted which would activate Protocol 66 under the command of the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.[88]
- 39 BBY
- Padmé Naberrie and her father helps relocate the entire populace of Shadda-Bi-Boran. The populace later dies off as they were unable to replicate Shadda-Bi-Boran's environment at their new home.[100]
- 38 BBY
- Wald is born on Tatooine.[101]
- Padmé Naberrie joins the Apprentice Legislature at the age of eight.[8]
- Gardulla Besadii the Elder loses her slaves Anakin and Shmi Skywalker in a bet to the junk dealer Watto.[102]
- 36 BBY
- Ahsoka Tano is born[103] on Shili.[8]
- Orson Krennic and Galen Erso meet for the first time on Brentaal IV.[73]
- 35 BBY
- Kaeden Larte is born.[104]
- Lauren Mel Coelho is born on Tangenine.[105]
- Tiaan Jerjerrod is born[106] on Tinnel IV.[8]
- 34 BBY
- At age 12,[55] Padmé Naberrie's[81] participation in the Legislative Youth Program leads to her meeting and falling in love with the slightly elder[55] Palo Jemabie.[47]
- Crix Madine is born on Corellia.[38]
- 33 BBY
- Caleb Dume, later known as Kanan Jarrus, is born[86] on Coruscant.[8]
- Ahsoka Tano is accepted into the Jedi Order after Plo Koon discovers her on Shili.[103]
- 32 BBY
- Padmé Naberrie[81] is coronated Queen of Naboo[40] during the Day of Ascendancy;[47] The monarch adopts Amidala as her regnal name.[81]
- Darth Maul kills Jedi Padawan Eldra Kaitis. (Approximate date)[107]
- The Galactic Senate of the Republic passes Prop 31-814D; the Free Trade Zones are taxed.[47]
Fall of the Republic (32–19 BBY)
Republic Era (continued; 32–22 BBY)
- 32 BBY
- As planned by Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation blockades Naboo in protest of the Senate's decision to tax their much used Free Trade Zones, escalating the trade disputes;[79] Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum secretly dispatches Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to serve as the ambassadors for scheduled negotiations with the Federation.[52]
- Invasion of Naboo;
Darth Sidious further manipulates the Trade Federation leadership into
instigating a peace crisis for the Republic with the deployment of
military forces for the occupation of the harmonious world of Naboo.[52]
- The Capture of Theed; the Trade Federation Droid Army establishes itself at the Naboo capital and begins forcefully removing its citizens to prison camps.[52]
- Anakin Skywalker wins the Boonta Eve Classic; with Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn's interference, the slave is freed from the Toydarian junk dealer Watto and follows the Jedi.[52]
- As the Jedi group leave Tatooine, a duel ensued as Darth Maul attempts to fell them; Jedi encounters Sith for the first time since the Sith were thought extinct nearly a millennium ago.[52]
- Battle of Naboo. Queen Padmé Amidala returns to Naboo and forms an alliance between the Naboo and Gungans. The Gungans engage the droid army while the Queen and her security force capture the leaders of the Trade Federation. Qui-Gon Jinn is killed by Darth Maul, who, in turn, is cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi but survives. Daultay Dofine is killed when Anakin Skywalker destroys the Droid Control Ship.[52]
- Senator Sheev Palpatine is elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, replacing Finis Valorum.[52]
- The Jedi High Council promotes Obi-Wan Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight and permits him to train Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi.[52]
- Han Solo is born on Corellia.[108]
- Miara Larte is born.[104]
- 31 BBY
- 30 BBY
- Rinnrivin Di is born.[109]
- 29 BBY
- Hera Syndulla is born on Ryloth.[43]
- Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker, undertakes a mission to Carnelion IV.[110]
- 28 BBY
- Bom Vimdin is born.[38]
- 27 BBY
- The Zillo Beasts are believed to be extinct.[111]
- Enfys Nest is born.[112]
- Enric Pryde is born[113] on Alsakan.[32]
- Numa is born on Ryloth.[114]
- 26 BBY
- 25 BBY
- Bodhi Rook is born.[115]
- Yendor is born[116]
- Wedding of Lyra and Galen Erso[22]
- 24 BBY
- Count Dooku delivers the Raxus Address, the Confederacy of Independent Systems is founded.[48]
- Separatist Crisis.[22] Thousands of star systems leave the Republic and joins the Confederacy.[55]
- The Separatist Senate is founded.[22]
- The Galactic Senate debates the Military Creation Act to determine whether the Galactic Republic should raise an army.[55]
- Chelli Lona Aphra is born.[117]
- 23 BBY
- Dalven Kyrell is born on Jelucan.[62]
- 22 BBY
- Border dispute on Ansion[55]
- Antar 4 schism[10]
- Plot to assassinate Padmé Amidala. Separatist leaders hope to silence the senator from Naboo, who opposes the Military Creation Act. The bounty hunter Jango Fett is hired. He uses Zam Wesell in two attempts which failed. Zam is captured, but Jango kills her to prevent the Jedi from questioning her.[55]
- Mission to Kamino. Obi-Wan Kenobi uses Fett's Kamino saberdart to trace him to the Kamino system in the Outer Rim. There he finds the clone army commissioned by Sifo-Dyas. He finds Jango Fett, and the two battle. Fett escapes, and Obi-Wan tracks him to Geonosis.[55]
- Anakin is charged with the protection of Senator Padmé Amidala. They go covertly travel to the latter's homeworld while Kenobi searches for the assassin. As they spend more time together, the two fall in love.[55]
- Anakin is haunted by dreams of his mother dying. Believing them to be true, he returns to his homeworld of Tatooine and conducts a mission to protect her. He finds Shmi in a Tusken Raider camp, who then dies in his arms. In a fit of rage, he slaughters the Tusken Raiders and swears that he will never again be powerless in the face of death.[55]
- Jar Jar Binks proposes that Chancellor Palpatine be given emergency powers to raise an army without the interference of the Senate. The proposal is accepted, and the clone army developed by the Kaminoans is recognized as the Grand Army of the Republic.[55]
- Obi-Wan Kenobi is captured on Geonosis and sentenced to death. Anakin and Padmé go to his rescue but are captured also.[55]
Clone Wars (22–19 BBY)
- 22 BBY
- The Clone Wars begins with the First Battle of Geonosis. Jango Fett kills Coleman Trebor. Mace Windu kills Jango Fett in the fighting, and many Jedi are killed in an attempt to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala from execution.[55]
- Darth Tyrannus, who was present at Geonosis as Count Dooku, presents Darth Sidious the plans of a battle station designed by the Geonosians.[55]
- Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala are secretly wed on Naboo.[55]
- An attack on a downed Republic troop transport occurs, and Cut Lawquane deserts the Republic during the battle.[118]
- Mace Windu brings a Jedi strike force consisting of himself, Kit Fisto, Prosset Dibs, and Rissa Mano to the planet Hissrich to stop a Separatist mining operation.[119]
- Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi send supplies to Senator Bail Organa and his relief effort on Christophsis.[93]
- Rotta, son of Jabba the Hutt, is kidnapped by Dooku's assassin, Asajj Ventress. The blame is then placed on the Republic by the Separatists in an attempt to destroy the former's reputation with the Hutts, in the hopes that Hutt Space could be opened up to themselves for their war efforts against the Republic.[120]
- Ahsoka Tano becomes Anakin Skywalker's Padawan.[120]
- The Battle of Teth occurs.[120]
- The Mission to Jabba's Palace occurs.[120]
- The raid on Ziro the Hutt's Coruscant pleasure palace occurs.[120]
- Ryloth is invaded by Separatist forces; the Battle of Ryloth begins.[121]
- The mission to Toydaria occurs.[121]
- The mission to Rugosa occurs. Through perseverance and humor, Jedi Master Yoda brought inspiration to three clone troopers against even the full force of Asajj Ventress' army, thus securing the allegiance of the Toydarian king Katuunko for the Republic.[122]
- The Battle of Abregado occurs.[123]
- The Battle of the Ryndellia system occurs.[124]
- The Battle of the Kaliida Nebula occurs.[125]
- The Battle near the Kaliida Nebula occurs.[125]
- The Battle of Mimban occurs.[126]
- The Battle of the Rishi moon occurs.[126]
- The Battle of Falleen occurs.[127]
- The Battle of Bothawui occurs.[127]
- The ambush on the Vulture's Claw occurs.[127]
- The mission to sweep outer corridor of space occurs.[127]
- The mission to Skytop Station occurs.[128]
- The mission to Rodia occurs.[129]
- The rescue on the Tranquility occurs.[130]
- The mission to Vassek 3 occurs.[131]
- The skirmish at Vanqor occurs.[132]
- The mission to Florrum occurs.[133]
- The Battle of Quell occurs.[134]
- The defense of Maridun occurs. With war brought to their doorstep, the pacifist Lurmen of Maridun chose to side with the Jedi, their defenders of peace, and fight against the oppressive Separatist Lok Durd.[135]
- The skirmish on Orto Plutonia occurs.[136]
- The Battle of Orto Plutonia occurs.[136]
- 21 BBY
- The raid on Nuvo Vindi's laboratory occurs.[137]
- The mission to Iego occurs.[138]
- The destruction of the blockade over Ryloth occurs.[139]
- The landing at Nabat occurs.[114]
- The rescuing of the Nabat prisoners occurs.[114]
- The Battle of Ryloth ends.[140]
- The First battle of Felucia occurs.[141]
- The mission to the Jedi Temple occurs.[141]
- The Battle of Devaron occurs.[142]
- The mission to Glee Anselm occurs.[143]
- The second mission to Rodia occurs.[143]
- The mission to Naboo occurs.[143]
- The mission to Black Stall Station occurs.[143]
- The mission to Mustafar occurs.[143]
- The destruction of Felucia Medical Station HCTFF2 occurs.[144]
- The skirmish on Felucia occurs.[144]
- The Battle of Malastare occurs.[111]
- The Zillo Beast incident occurs.[145]
- The mission to Cato Neimoidia occurs.[146]
- The Battle near Dorin occurs.[147]
- The Second Battle of Geonosis occurs.[147]
- The Battle of Dantooine occurs.[148]
- The skirmish aboard TB-73 occurs.[148]
- The capture of Eeth Koth occurs.[149]
- The Battle of Saleucami occurs.[149]
- The sneak attack on Roche occurs.[73]
- The attack on a Republic cruiser occurs.[21]
- The bombing of the memorial shrine occurs.[21]
- The skirmish on Concordia occurs.[21]
- The skirmish aboard the Coronet occurs.[94]
- The bombing on Kalevala occurs.[150]
- The plot to assassinate Satine Kryze occurs.[150]
- The sabotage of the Endurance occurs.[151]
- The mission to Vanqor occurs.[152]
- The second mission to Florrum occurs.[153]
- The Mandalorian black market conspiracy occurs.[154]
- The skirmish at the Sundari docks occurs.[154]
- The Balith civil war occurs.[155]
- The Alderaan Refugee Conference occurs.[155]
- The Battle of Kamino occurs.[156]
- The blockade of Pantora occurs.[157]
- The kidnapping of the Papanoida daughters occurs.[157]
- The rescue on the Pantora Droid Control Ship occurs.[157]
- The rescue in Chalmun's Cantina occurs.[157]
- The Senate hostage crisis occurs.[158]
- The showdown on Teth occurs.[159]
- An unidentified Jedi ceremony occurs.[160]
- The bombing of Coruscant's central power distribution grid occurs.[161]
- The Coruscant mandatory blackouts occur.[162]
- The attack on Confederate people occurs.[162]
- The funeral of Onaconda Farr occurs.[163]
- Sabine Wren is born on Krownest.[164][43]
- Jyn Erso is born on Vallt.[73]
- A farming accident on Raada injures Selda and kills the Larte sisters' parents.[104]
- 20 BBY
- Construction of the Death Star begins over Geonosis.[22]
- The Battle of Sullust occurs.[95]
- The mission to Serenno occurs.[95]
- The Devaron massacre occurs.[165]
- The showdown at Toydaria occurs.[166]
- The mission to Mortis occurs.[167]
- The capture of Even Piell occurs.[168]
- The Battle of Lola Sayu[169] occurs.[168]
- The funeral of Even Piell occurs.[170]
- The Second Battle of Felucia occurs.[171]
- The skirmish on Wasskah occurs.[171]
- The Battle of Mon Cala occurs.[172]
- The skirmish on Naboo occurs.[173]
- The mission to Aleen occurs.[174]
- The Battle of Patitite Pattuna occurs.[175]
- The rescue of Adi Gallia occurs.[175]
- The Battle of Umbara occurs.[176]
- The Battle of Kiros occurs.[177]
- The mission to Zygerria occurs.[178]
- The Battle of Kadavo occurs.[27]
- The Confederate-Republic peace conference occurs.[179]
- The skirmish on Carlac occurs.[179]
- The funeral of Obi-Wan Kenobi occurs.[180]
- The riot at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center occurs.[180]
- The showdown on Orondia occurs.[181]
- The tournament on Serenno occurs.[182]
- The Festival of Light occurs.[59]
- The skirmish in Theed occurs.[59]
- The Battle of Dathomir occurs.[183]
- The safe cargo objective occurs.[184]
- The mission to Lotho Minor occurs.[185]
- The massacre on Raydonia occurs.[186]
- The skirmish above Raydonia occurs.[186]
- The Onderonian Civil War ends.[187]
- The funeral of Steela Gerrera occurs.[187]
- The Gathering occurs.[188]
- The raid on the Crucible occurs.[189]
- The attack on Obi-Wan Kenobi's fleet occurs.[190]
- The rescue on Florrum occurs.[190]
- The Battle on Florrum occurs.[191]
- The battle over an unidentified planet occurs.[192]
- The mission to Aut-O's flagship occurs.[192]
- The escape from Abafar occurs.[193]
- The Republic strategy conference occurs.[194]
- The Carida incident occurs.[194]
- The duel at unidentified Outer Rim spaceport occurs.[195]
- The raid on the Cybloc transfer station occurs.[195]
- The skirmish on Florrum occurs.[195]
- 19 BBY
- Determined to conquer Mandalore, Maul recruits allies to form the Shadow Collective.
- The mission to Mustafar occurs.[196]
- The mission to Nal Hutta occurs.[196]
- The attack on Jabba's Palace occurs.[196]
- The Shadow Collective's takeover of Mandalore occurs;[197] the Mandalorian civil war erupts.[198]
- The defense of Cato Neimoidia occurs.[199]
- The funeral of the Jedi Temple bombing victims occurs.[200]
- The escape from the Republic military base occurs.[200]
- The capture of Ahsoka Tano occurs.[201]
- The trial of Ahsoka Tano occurs.[202]
- The duel at the Jedi Temple occurs.[202]
- The Battle of Ringo Vinda occurs.[203]
- The escape from Tipoca City occurs.[204]
- The escape from the Grand Republic Medical Facility occurs.[205]
- The mission to Level 1325 occurs.[205]
- The mission to Scipio occurs.[206]
- The invasion of Scipio occurs.[207]
- The mission to Bardotta occurs.[208]
- The mission to Zardossa Stix occurs.[209]
- The mission to Oba Diah occurs.[88]
- The mission to Moraband occurs.[26]
- The mission to Utapau occurs.[210]
- The funeral of Tu-Anh occurs.[210]
- The attack on Mahranee occurs.[211]
- The capture of Moregi occurs.[211]
- The rescue of Marg Krim's family occurs.[211]
- The mission to Raxus occurs.[211]
- The mission to Serenno occurs.[211]
- Maul's escape from the Spire occurs; aided by the Mandalorian super commandos Rook Kast and Gar Saxon, the former Sith apprentice breaks free of captivity at the hands of Darths Sidious and Tyranus in the Spire on Stygeon Prime. This was expected of Maul's forces, however, as Sidious hopes to draw the Mother Talzin out and end her threat to the Sith. Maul is tracked to a Shadow Collective camp on Zanbar.[212]
- Separatist forces led by General Grievous battles the Shadow Collective at the latter's camp on Zanbar. The Collective is defeated and retreats to Ord Mantell.[212]
- Anticipating a major Separatist strike spearheaded by Count Dooku and General Grievous, the Shadow Collective prepares a trap for the two Sith pawns of Darth Sidious. As a battle on Ord Mantell ensues, Maul springs his trap, capturing both Dooku and Grievous.[213]
- The assault on Vizsla Keep 09 occurs.[214]
- The Second battle of Dathomir occurs.[215]
- The Battle of Anaxes[216] occurs.[217]
- The insurrection on Yalbec Prime occurs.[217]
- The mission to Skako Minor occurs.[218]
- The rescue of Quinlan Vos occurs.[211]
- The destruction of the Separatist supply storage base occurs.[211]
- The destruction of the Vanqor listening post occurs.[211]
- The Second Battle of Christophsis occurs.[211]
- The bombing at the Jedi Temple occurs.[219]
- The skirmish on Kardoa occurs.[219]
- The Third Battle of Mygeeto occurs.[220]
- The funeral of CT-1157 occurs.[221]
- The Siege of Mandalore occurs.[104]
- The Battle of Coruscant occurs. Count Dooku is executed by Anakin Skywalker at the order of Chancellor Palpatine.[222]
- The siege of Saleucami occurs.[222]
- The Battle of Kashyyyk occurs.[222]
- The Battle of Utapau occurs. General Grievous, now public leader of the Separatists, is killed by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi shortly after the other leaders are sent to the Mustafarian mining complex at the order of the secret leader of the Separatists, Darth Sidious.[222]
- The assault on Mygeeto occurs.[222]
- The Battle of Felucia occurs.[222]
- The capture of Cato Neimoidia occurs.[222]
- The conquest of Kaller occurs.[223]
- The duel in Palpatine's office occurs.[222]
- Anakin Skywalker is anointed Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith.[222]
- Per the Supreme Chancellor's command, Order 66 is executed by clones throughout the galaxy, spelling the end of nearly all Jedi.[222][224]
- Maul, Ahsoka Tano, and Rex escapes from the clone forces sent to Mandalore. Tano and Rex fake their own deaths and part ways.[104][224] The latter eventually joins fellow clones Wolffe and Gregor on Seelos.[225]
- By this point, Snoke is created by Darth Sidious.[226]
- Determined to conquer Mandalore, Maul recruits allies to form the Shadow Collective.
Imperial Era (19–5 ABY)
Clone Wars (continued; 19 BBY)
- 19 BBY
- The Sith Empire is restored as the Republic is reorganized into the first Galactic Empire and the Senate transformed into the Imperial Senate by Chancellor Palpatine—secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious—who declares himself Galactic Emperor.[222]
- The escape from Geonosis occurs.[73]
- The Battle on Lokori occurs.[73]
- The mission to Mustafar occurs; Darth Vader wipes out the Separatist leaders on Mustafar and orders the deactivation of the droid armies at the orders of the Emperor, thus ending the Clone Wars.[222]
Early rebellion (19–0 BBY)
- 19 BBY (continued)
- The duel on Mustafar occurs.[222]
- The duel in the Galactic Senate occurs.[222]
- Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are born to Padmé Amidala on Polis Massa. Padmé Amidala dies in childbirth. Obi-Wan Kenobi, who survived Order 66, leaves Luke with Anakin's stepbrother Owen Lars on Tatooine while Bail Organa adopts Leia in order to protect them from the Sith.[222]
- The Funeral of Padmé Amidala occurs.[222]
- Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda go into exile on Tatooine and Dagobah respectively.[222]
- Ezra Bridger is born to Mira and Ephraim Bridger on Lothal.[43][227]
- Ahsoka Tano settles on Thabeska with the Fardi clan.[104]
- The celebration of the eradication of the Jedi Order occurs.[228]
- The recapture of Darth Vader's starship occurs.[228]
- The attack on Brighthome occurs.[229]
- The mission to the river moon of Al'doleem occurs.[230]
- Caleb Dume escapes Order 66 and goes into hiding, forsaking the Jedi ways for the next 14 years. He changes his name to Kanan Jarrus.[231]
- The ambush in the Coruscant system occurs.[232]
- The hunt for Jocasta Nu occurs.[233]
- The Ryloth insurgency begins.[73]
- 18 BBY
- The Graf family is pursued by the Empire.[234]
- The rescue of Caleb Dume occurs.[235]
- The Antar Atrocity.[236]
- The campaign at Salient occurs.[73]
- The Occupation of Mon Cala occurs.[237]
- The Empire begins a large terraforming project on Ilum after finally claiming it;[32] the planet's core is exposed and exploited by Star Destroyers for Kyber crystals.[104]
- The uprising on Raada occurs.[104]
- Bail Organa and Ahsoka Tano organizes a rebel network.[104]
- The Western Reaches pacification operations begin.[73]
- 17 BBY
- The Erso family flees from Coruscant.[73]
- 16 BBY
- Unkar Plutt is born on Crul.[238]
- 15 BBY
- The Western Reaches pacification operations are brought to a close.[10]
- Gallius Rax joins the Imperial Navy with the rank of commander.[83]
- 14 BBY
- A mission to hijack an Imperial weapons shipment occurs.[239]
- Darth Sidious and Darth Vader undertake a mission to Ryloth.[240]
- The Free Ryloth movement led by Cham Syndulla attempts to assassinate the two Sith Lords.[240]
- Deaths of Belkor Dray and Isval[240]
- The Berch Teller campaign occurs.[10]
- Moff Wilhuff Tarkin enunciates the Tarkin Doctrine.[10]
- The Death Star project is moved from Geonosis.[10]
- The Inquisitorius discovers former Padawan Cal Kestis in hiding on Bracca, sending the Second Sister and Ninth Sister to apprehend him. Following a tense confrontation, Kestis escapes the planet aboard the Stinger Mantis.[241]
- Cal Kestis sets out with former Jedi Cere Junda, pilot Greez Dritus, and the droid BD-1 to recover a holocron sealed within a vault on Bogano by the late Jedi Master Eno Cordova.[241]
- By order of the Emperor, a Project Auger outpost is established on Zeffo, excavating the tombs of sages Eilram and Miktrull.[241]
- Saw Gerrera and the Partisans attack an Imperial refinery on Kashyyyk. With the help of Cal Kestis, they successfully free numerous Wookiee slaves, but are eventually forced to retreat from the planet by the Empire. Several Partisan fighters choose to stay; led by Mari Kosan, they flee into the Shadowlands to join Chieftain Tarfful's resistance.[241]
- The Haxion Brood places a large bounty on Cal Kestis.[241]
- Cal Kestis arrives on Dathomir in search of the Tomb of Kujet, but is accosted by the nightsister Merrin and the mad Jedi Taron Malicos, damaging his master's lightsaber in the process.[241]
- After building a new lightsaber on Imperial Ilum, which now houses a world-wide artificial trench, Cal Kestis returns to Dathomir, defeating Taron Malicos and recruiting Merrin to his cause.[241]
- The Bogano Vault is breached by the Second Sister, stealing Eno Cordova's holocron for the Empire.[241]
- Cal Kestis and Cere Junda storm the Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur to recover Eno Cordova's holocron. After defeating the Second Sister, the two are nearly killed by Darth Vader, barely escaping the facility with their lives and the holocron. Back onboard the Stinger Mantis, Kestis chooses to destroy the holocron to prevent to Empire from obtaining its knowledge.[241]
- 13 BBY
- While hiding on the planet Lah'mu with his wife, Lyra, and his daughter, Jyn Erso, Galen Erso is taken away by Orson Krennic to continue his work on the Death Star. Jyn is taken in by Saw Gerrera.[242]
- The relief mission to Ryloth occurs.[174]
- Han and Qi'ra attempts to escape from the Imperial-controlled Corellia; only the former is successful.[243]
- Han enrolls in the Imperial Navy with the hopes of being a pilot. As Han lacks a family name, the enroller gives him the surname "Solo."[243][108]
- 12 BBY
- Ephraim and Mira Bridger are captured by the Galactic Empire.[244]
- Hera Syndulla leaves Ryloth to fight against the Empire.[3]
- K-2SO is constructed on Vulpter.[22]
- 11 BBY[245]
- Obi-Wan Kenobi rescues Luke Skywalker when the boy confronts Jabba the Hutt's henchmen about their master's "water tax," under which the local farmers are suffering during the Great Drought. Kenobi carries the unconscious Skywalker to the Lars family homestead and leaves before he wakes up, but the child's courage reassures Kenobi that the Jedi have not yet met their end; his waning hope is renewed.[246]
- The Gorse conflict occurs.[86]
- Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus join forces.[86]
- Birth of Temmin Wexley on Akiva.[16]
- Death of Enfys Nest's mother,[247] leader of the Cloud-Riders, the mantle of which passes down to the teenage Enfys Nest.[248]
- 10 BBY
- Jabba Desilijic Tiure sends Black Krrsantan to hunt down Obi-Wan Kenobi.[249]
- Construction of the Death Star moves from Geonosis to Scarif.[250]
- The Galactic Empire establishes the Imperial security complex on Scarif's surface.[250]
- "Vader's Many Prosthetic Parts," a song written by Nakari Kelen's mother and performed by the group Hakko Drazlip and the Tootle Froots, that mocked Darth Vader, is published. Just days after its release, the Empire sent the entire membership of the group to the Spice mines of Kessel.[251]
- Han Solo is expelled from the Imperial Flight Academy for insubordination.[112]
- The Mimban campaign occurs; Han Solo meets his future lifelong friend Chewbacca and deserts from the Empire on Mimban to join Tobias Beckett's gang. Solo [243]
- The Heist on Vandor occurs.[243]
- The raid on Kessel occurs; L3-37 is destroyed, and Han Solo makes the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.[243]
- The Showdown on Savareen occurs; Dryden Vos is killed by Qi'ra; Tobias Beckett is killed by Han Solo.[243]
- Han Solo wins the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian in a game of sabacc on Numidian Prime.[243]
- 9 BBY
- The Death Star arrives at Scarif to finish its construction.[250]
- 7 BBY
- Bodhi Rook enters the Terrabe Sector Service Academy to train to be a pilot.[115]
- The mission to Horuz occurs.[252]
- 6 BBY
- The mission to Inusagi occurs.[252]
- The Malkhani Insurrections occurs.[2]
- The Leonis family migrates to Lothal.[253]
- The Westhills massacre occurs.[253]
- Dhara Leonis is kidnapped by Grand Inquisitor and forcibly inducted into Project Harvester.[254]
- The Westhills skirmish occurs.[253]
- 5 BBY
- The mission to Tamsye Prime occurs.[252]
- A raid on an Imperial supply convoy occurs.[255]
- An attack on a Lothal airfield occurs.[256]
- A heist in Capital City occurs.[257]
- Ezra Bridger is recruited by Spectres.[257]
- Kanan Jarrus takes up the ways of the Jedi once more and takes on Ezra Bridger as his Padawan learner.[257]
- A mission to steal Imperial weapons occurs.[258]
- Senator Bail Organa sends his droids, C-3PO and R2-D2, to stop an Imperial plan to mass-produce T-7 ion disruptor rifles on Lothal. The droids are helped by Spectres.[258]
- Ezra and Garazeb steal an Imperial TIE Fighter owned by Baron Valen Rudor.[259]
- An attack on Imperial Troop Transports occurs.[259]
- Merei Spanjaf stages a data breach at the Imperial Transportation Ministry on Lothal.[254]
- The Spectres embark on a mission to destroy a kyber crystal with the assistance of Imperial cadet Zare Leonis.[254]
- An attack on an Imperial convoy occurs.[260]
- 4 BBY
- The bombing at the Empire Day parade occurs.[227]
- The Spectres disrupt the Empire Day celebration in Lothal's Capital City, prompting an Imperial crackdown on Lothal.[227][261]
- The rescue of Tseebo occurs.[227]
- Ezra Bridger passes his trial to overcome his fears and receives a kyber crystal. He uses it in the construction of his lightsaber, which is completed several weeks later.[262]
- The mission to Lando Calrissian's farm occurs.[263]
- The assault on the Gray Syndicate occurs.[261]
- The trap in the Old Republic Senate Building occurs.[264]
- The raid near Jalath occurs.[265]
- The raid on the communications tower occurs.[265]
- Kanan Jarrus is captured by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin on Lothal.[265]
- Ezra sends out a message inciting rebellion which is heard on Lothal and in surrounding star systems.[265]
- The Action at Mustafar occurs.[266]
- The Spectres mount a rescue of Kanan Jarrus, which leads to the death of the Grand Inquisitor and destruction of the Sovereign.[266]
- The tribunal of Zare Leonis occurs.[267]
- The Rescue of Dhara Leonis occurs.[267]
- The mission to rescue Janard occurs.[268]
- The mission to steal Imperial shield generators occurs.[269]
- The siege of Lothal occurs.[269]
- The Phoenix rebel fleet is crippled by Darth Vader, who destroys the rebel command ship, but fails to capture the Spectres, who escaped with remains of the rebel fleet.[269]
- Darth Vader dispatches two Inquisitors—the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister—to hunt down Jedi Ahsoka, Kanan, and Ezra.[269]
- The assault on Seelos occurs.[225]
- Rex joins Phoenix Squadron.[225]
- The mission to Absanz occurs.[270]
- A skirmish aboard a Republic medical station occurs.[271]
- The skirmish in Nixus Hub 218 occurs.[272]
- The blockade of Ibaar occurs.[273]
- A prototype B-wing created by Mon Calamari engineer Quarrie is commandeered by rebellion.[273]
- The skirmish on Thrad occurs.[274]
- The skirmish in the Garel City Spaceport occurs.[275]
- The rescue on the Imperial Interdictor occurs.[276]
- The battle with Phoenix Squadron occurs.[277]
- The bombing at the Empire Day parade occurs.[227]
- 3 BBY
- Leia Organa's Day of Demand occurs.[278]
- The attack on Calderos occurs.[278]
- The assassination of Quarsh Panaka occurs.[278]
- The arrests on Christophsis occurs.[278]
- The evacuation of Paucris Major occurs.[278]
- The mission to Garel occurs.[279]
- The Inquisitors attempt the kidnap Force-sensitive younglings but are stopped by the Spectres and Ahsoka Tano.[280]
- The duel on Blizen occurs.[281]
- The skirmish on Imvur occurs.[282]
- Mira and Ephriam Bridger stage a breakout in an Imperial prison on Lothal, freeing many prisoners, but are killed during the escape attempt.[244]
- The Empire attacks Phoenix's Squadron's hidden base on the planet Garel.[244]
- Princess Leia Organa supplies three Sphyrna-class corvettes to Phoenix Squadron on Lothal.[283]
- The mission on Lothal occurs.[283]
- The dogfight over Concord Dawn occurs.[284]
- The mission to the third moon of Concord Dawn occurs.[284]
- Phoenix Squadron gains safe passage through the Concord Dawn system from the Mandalorian Protectors.[284]
- Rediscovery of Lasat homeworld of Lira San.[285]
- The heist at the Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery occurs.[286]
- A Mining Guild Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery on an unidentified planetoid is destroyed by Spectres with the help of a purgill herd.[286]
- The mission to Ryloth occurs.[287]
- Spectres with the help of Ryloth freedom fighters led by Cham Syndulla hijack an Imperial bomber carrier.[287]
- The mission to Oliu occurs.[288]
- Ambush on an Imperial construction module above Geonosis; Garazeb Orrelios and Agent Kallus form an unlikely friendship on Bahryn.[289]
- Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger are ambushed by two Inquisitors on Oosalon while scouting for a rebel base.[290]
- The rescue of Ezra Bridger occurs.[291]
- Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka Tano head to the Lothal Jedi Temple to seek guidance on from Master Yoda to defeat Darth Vader and his servants[290]
- Attack on Phoenix Squadron; Chopper and AP-5 helped the rebellion to discover the planet Atollon.[292]
- Phoenix Squadron established Chopper Base on Atollon; Rex and the Spectres secure the base against krykna.[293][294]
- The rescue of Ojo occurs.[295]
- The mission to Thune City occurs.[296]
- Mission to Malachor[41]
- Kanan, Ezra, Ahsoka, and Chopper travel to Malachor. There, they forge a temporary alliance with the former Sith apprentice Maul to fight several Inquisitors and to obtain a Sith holocron containing knowledge on how to defeat the Sith.[41]
- Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka confront Darth Vader.[41]
- Destruction of the Malachor Sith temple; Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper escape back to Atollon.[41]
- Vader survives the Sith temple's destruction, and Ahsoka is saved by Ezra.[41]
- 2 BBY
- Governor Arihnda Pryce solicits the services of Grand Admiral Thrawn and his Seventh Fleet in dealing with the growing rebellion.[297]
- Rescue of Hondo Ohnaka[297]
- Mission to Reklam Station[297]
- Maul kidnaps the crew of Ghost.[298]
- A massacre near Teralov occurs.[299]
- The escape from Skystrike Academy occurs.[299]
- Sabine Wren recruits Wedge Antilles and Hobbie into the rebellion.[299]
- The second mission to Ryloth occurs.[300]
- The mission to Agamar occurs.[301]
- The second mission to the third moon of Concord Dawn occurs.[302]
- A skirmish over Mykapo occurs.[303]
- The blockade over Synistahg occurs.[303]
- A mission to loot an Imperial cargo ship occurs.[304]
- The infiltration of the Imperial Armory Complex occurs.[305]
- The skirmish on Dathomir occurs.[306]
- The rescue of Ketsu Onyo occurs.[307]
- The mission to investigate Geonosis occurs.[6]
- EXD-9's infiltration of Chopper Base occurs.[308]
- Sabine Wren undergoes training with the Darksaber.[45]
- The skirmish on Krownest occurs.[309]
- The rescue of Alexsandr Kallus occurs.[310]
- The Operation Handoff occurs.[311]
- Mon Mothma forms the Alliance to Restore the Republic above Dantooine.[311]
- The mission to recover Imperial codes occurs.[312]
- Mission to Tatooine. Maul falls to Obi-Wan Kenobi's blade and dies.[313]
- The Battle of Atollon takes place. Thrawn attacks Chopper Base and forces the Rebels to retreat to Yavin 4.[314]
- 1 BBY
- The mission to Mandalore occurs.[64]
- Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger assault Imperial prison on Mandalore to rescue Sabine's father, Alrich Wren.[64]
- Sabine Wren passes on the Darksaber to Bo-Katan Kryze.[64]
- The mission to Jalindi occurs.[315]
- The mission to Faos Station occurs.[315]
- The raid on a suspected rebel cell occurs.[316]
- The theft of the TIE Defender Elite occurs.[316]
- Ezra sees a Loth-wolf, the first sighting of one for over 100 years.[316]
- The hijacking of Crawler 413-24 occurs.[317]
- The attack on Lothal occurs.[318]
- Hera attacks the Imperial blockade over Lothal with twenty-four T-65B X-wing starfighters.[318]
- The rescue of Hera Syndulla occurs.[319]
- Kanan Jarrus is killed sacrificing himself to save the rest of the Spectres.[319]
- Farnay's mother dies.[320]
- The Liberation of Lothal occurs. Ezra Bridger sacrifices himself to defeat Thrawn.[321]
- The mission to Mandalore occurs.[64]
- 0 BBY
- Armitage Hux is born on Arkanis.[63]
- The infiltration of Iakar occurs.[22]
- The Battle of Ferrok Pax occurs.[2]
- The Battle of Mygeeto occurs.[2]
- The Rebels have discovered the Death Star.[322]
- The mission to the Ring of Kafrene occurs.[242]
- The liberation of Erso occurs.[242]
- The battle on Jedha occurs.[242]
- Jedha City is destroyed by the Death Star. Saw Gerrera is killed and his Partisans' campaign to end the imperial occupation of the planet ends.[242]
- The Jedha insurgency ends.[242]
- Operation Fracture occurs.[242]
- The mission to Eadu occurs.[242]
Galactic Civil War (0 BBY–5 ABY)
- 0 BBY; continued:
- Battle of Scarif. Jyn Erso, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe, Captain Cassian Andor, and Bodhi Rook die while on a mission to steal the blueprints for a secret Imperial superweapon called the Death Star. Destruction of the Imperial Scarif garrison and Orbital Command; first major Alliance victory against the Empire. The Death Star plans are transferred to Princess Leia Organa's Tantive IV[242]
- Secret mission to Tatooine. The Tantive IV escapes with the vital information for Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine at the earlier behest of Bail Organa,[242] yet with the CR90 corvette's malfunctioning hyperdrive, the ship's signature is leaked and allows for Darth Vader's personal[323] upgraded[324] Imperial I-class Star Destroyer[8] Devastator to trace the Alderaanian craft;[323] Above Tatooine, the Tantive IV
is captured along with all its crew, including Leia Organa. However,
the plans escape with R2-D2 and C-3PO planetside, the former of which
was tasked by Organa to seek Obi-Wan Kenobi.[325]
- Owen and Beru Lars are murdered by Imperial stormtroopers; the Lars homestead is destroyed.[325]
- Luke Skywalker leaves Tatooine and begins training to become a Jedi.[325]
- The Imperial Senate is dissolved.[325]
- The Disaster. Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star.[325]
- Rescue of Princess Leia. Leia Organa is rescued from the Death Star; Obi-Wan Kenobi purposely dies in a duel with Darth Vader and becomes a Force spirit.[325]
- Battle of Yavin. The Death Star is destroyed by the Rebel Alliance.[325]
- 0 ABY
- Royal Award Ceremony.[325]
- Evacuation of Yavin 4.[326]
- The mission to the Tellik Four Station occurs.[327]
- The infiltration of the Dreamers occurs.[327]
- The mission to Affadar occurs.[327]
- The mission to Anukara occurs.[327]
- The mission to neutralize blackmailers occurs.[327]
- The ambush on Taanab occurs.[1]
- Mission to rescue the survivors of Alderaan. Leia Organa and Evaan Verlaine search the galaxy for surviving Alderaanians.[326]
- Skirmish over Llanic.[251]
- The Cyrkon Extraction occurs.[1]
- Mission to Rodia.[251]
- Mission to Fex.[251]
- Mission on Denon.[251]
- The mission to Pasher occurs.[251]
- Attack on Cymoon 1. The Rebels destroy Weapons Factory Alpha, causing a significant setback in the operations of the Imperial Military.[328]
- Skirmish over an unidentified green planet.[329]
- Attack on an unidentified pirate base.[329]
- Theft of the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix.[330]
- Secret mission to Geonosis.[330]
- The skirmish in Cylo's research base occurs.[331]
- The duel in Ben Kenobi's home occurs.[332]
- The first attack on the Son-tuul Pride occurs.[333]
- The Son-Tuul Pride robbery occurs.[333]
- The mission to the Anthan system occurs.[334]
- The mission to Shu-Torun occurs.[335]
- The escape from the Monsua Nebula occurs.[336]
- The rescue of Luke Skywalker occurs.[336]
- The Battle of Vrogas Vas occurs.[337]
- The Arrth-Eno Mission occurs.[338]
- The assault on Sunspot Prison occurs.[339]
- The war on Shu-Torun occurs.[340]
- A battle at a delving citadel occurs.[340]
- The attack on the ancestral retreat occurs.[341]
- The Battle at Rubix's citadel occurs.[342]
- The hijacking of the Executor occurs.[343]
- The skirmish on the Ghost Moon occurs.[344]
- The hijacking of the Harbinger occurs.[345]
- The siege on Tureen VII occurs.[346]
- The escape from Skorii-Lei occurs.[347]
- The raid at the Great Temple occurs.[35]
- Luke Skywalker undertakes a mission to the stonepower-strong world Yoda once journeyed to following the writings of Obi-Wan Kenobi; the Jedi-aspirant confronts Garro, a selfish rockhawker left bitter, power-hungry, and hoarding stonepower following Yoda's visit. Skywalker convinces Garro to let go of his power and sacrifice for his planet, restoring the balance of life.[99]
- The twilight of the Ordu Aspectu occurs.[348]
- The mission to Ktath'atn occurs.[349]
- The auction of Rur occurs.[350]
- The escape from an unidentified ocean planet occurs.[351]
- The mission to Akiva occurs.[352]
- The mission to Horox III occurs.[353]
- The mission to rescue C-3PO occurs.[354]
- Arrests on Zeitooine.[62]
- Evacuation of Ivarujar.[62]
- 1 ABY
- The mission to Jedha occurs.[355]
- The mission to Crait[356]occurs.[357]
- Assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks occurs.[357] A large portion of the Alliance Fleet is lost when Death Squadron attacks the Mako-Ta Space Docks. Alliance High Command suffers heavy casualties.[358]
- The Heroes of Yavin[359] are stranded on Hubin;[360] they eventually escape, leading to an attack on an Imperial Impound Yard.[361]
- The rebels conduct a mission to Shu-Torun; seeking revenge, Leia Organa plans to bring the traitor, Queen Trios, to ruin. Beginning with Trios' Empire-allied world, Organa found her and her own forces' mistakes after dueling Trios, who died fighting against the vengeful Partisans' threat of destroying her world. Ultimately, Organa's team acts to save Shu-Torun, and the Heroes of Yavin emerge victorious.[362]
- Before the Battle of Hoth
- Undead Troopers invasion.[363]
- The Rebel Alliance establishes Echo Base on Hoth, the sixth planet in the Hoth system.[364][365]
- 2 ABY
- Birth of Poe Dameron.[20]
- 3 ABY
- Mid Rim Retreat.[2]
- A raid on an Imperial heavy freighter occurs.[2]
- The Battle of Hoth occurs. The Alliance suffers a costly blow when the Empire attacks Echo Base.[365]
- The infiltration of the Thunderstrike occurs.[2]
- Following advice from the Force spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker heads to Dagobah to begin his training with Jedi Master Yoda.[365]
- Duel on Cloud City.[365]
- Escape from Cloud City.[365]
- Operation Ringbreaker occurs.[2]
- The siege of Inyusu Tor occurs.[2]
- The Battle for Sullust occurs.[366]
- 4 ABY
- The dogfight in the Hudalla system occurs.[62]
- The escape from the Invincible Faith occurs.[367]
- Operation Yellow Moon. Princess Leia leads a mission meant to distract the Galactic Empire while the Rebel Alliance uses Sullust as a staging area for its fleet.[368]
- Rescue of Han Solo. Han Solo is rescued from Jabba the Hutt.[369]
- The Battle of Taanab occurs.[369]
- Yoda dies on Dagobah and Luke Skywalker discovers that he is not only truly the son of Darth Vader but also the brother of Leia Organa. He later passes this information on to her.[369]
- Battle of Endor
- Darth Vader is redeemed to Anakin Skywalker and kills Darth Sidious, the Galactic Emperor, fulfilling the prophecy of the Chosen One and bringing balance to the Force, as well as destroying the Sith. The second Death Star is destroyed by the Millennium Falcon.[369]
- Funeral of Anakin Skywalker[369] and a celebration of victory occurs on the forest moon of Endor.
- Soon after the Battle of Endor
- A riot in Monument Plaza occurs; outbreak of the Coruscant civil war.[16]
- The wedding of Han Solo and Leia Organa;[83] Shortly after this, Leia Organa begins training in the ways of the Force on Ajan Kloss, per her choice of location, under the tutelage of her brother, Luke Skywalker.[370]
- Billions of sentient beings are conceived in direct celebration of the Battle of Endor, leading to the large generation of victory kids.[371]
- One day after the Battle of Endor
- An assault on an Imperial outpost on the far side of Endor occurs.[372]
- The Beltire Liberation occurs.[373]
- Seventeen days after the Battle of Endor
- Operation: Cinder is initiated; Garrick Versio recieves his instructions, leading to the battle of Fondor and the mission to Pillio, afterwhich the Versio's operation is moved to Vardos, prompting the skirmish on Vardos.[367]
- Twenty days after the Battle of Endor
- Imperial forces launch Operation: Cinder against Naboo.[373]
- Raid at the Wretch of Tayron.[374]
- Three months after the Battle of Endor[375]
- The mission to Vetine occurs. Two fragments of the Great Tree are retrieved by Luke Skywalker and Shara Bey.[376]
- Imperial forces launches Operation: Cinder against Abednedo, Burnin Konn, Candovant, and Commenor. (Approximate date)[376]
- Sometime after the Battle of Endor; during the Alliance to Restore the Republic's existence (chronology undefined)
- Ubrik Adelhard, the Imperial governor in charge of the Anoat sector, locks his sector down, establishing the Iron Blockade. Deprived of the Rebel Alliance's help, those trapped inside the blockade start an uprising.[377]
- The Liberation of Sullust occurs.[106]
- The battle of Malastare[378] ends.[16]
- The Rebel Alliance reorganizes into the New Republic, accomplishing its goal of restoring the Republic.[16]
- The New Republic restores the Galactic Senate on Chandrila, its capital.[16]
- New Republic foils an Imperial attempt to restart Geonosis droid foundries.[16]
- Mission to Akiva.[16]
- Emergency summit on Akiva.[16]
- Battle of Naalol.[16]
- Rebellion on Akiva.[16]
New Republic Era (5–34 ABY)
Galactic Civil War (continued; 5 ABY)
- 5 ABY
- Six months after the Battle of Endor[379]
- Shara Bey and Kes Dameron moves to Yavin 4, planting a fragment of the Great Tree within their property.[376]
- The skirmish on Takodana occurs.[367]
- The mission to Chinook Station occurs.[367]
- The liberation of Cloud City occurs.[377]
- Attack on the Hyborean Moon.[83]
- Capture of Perwin Gedde.[83]
- Battle of Nag Ubdur.[83]
- Siege of Arkanis.[83]
- Battle for Kuat Drive Yards.[83]
- Liberation of Kashyyyk.[83]
- Imperial-Republic peace talks.[83]
- The Naboo invasions occur.[62]
- The destruction of an abandoned weapons depot occurs.[367]
- By this point, Brin Izisca had become a leader of the Church of the Force, and made holographic recordings of his teachings, including himself reading from the Journal of the Whills.[380]
- The Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya's Star Dreadnought, the Liberty's Misrule, destroys three Imperial II-class Star Destroyers.[380]
- Senator Tolwar Wartol is arrested for attempting to assassinate Mon Mothma.[380]
- Battle of Jakku. The New Republic and Galactic Empire engage on Jakku, with the Republic emerging victorious.[62]
- The Galactic Concordance. The New Republic and Galactic Empire cease hostilities, and both powers begin a process of disarmament. The remaining forces of the Empire retreat to the Unknown Regions.[20]
- Six months after the Battle of Endor[379]
Post civil war (5–28 ABY)
- 5 ABY
- The Ryloth Insurgency ends.[83]
- Ben Solo is born to Leia Organa and Han Solo.[380] By this point,[370] Leia Organa had concluded her year-long training with Luke Skywalker for she witnessed visions of the future, seeing where she would best serve the galaxy.[32]
- The Confederacy of Corporate Systems and the New Separatist Union are founded.[380]
- Sometime after 5 ABY
- An Imperial remnant has fled to the Queluhan Nebula in the Unknown Regions.[62]
- Tamara Ryvora is born.[381]
- Team Fireball is found.[381]
- 6 ABY
- Paige Tico is born[382] on Hays Minor.[383]
- Terex travels to Kaddak.[384]
- 7 ABY
- Terex obtains the Carrion Spike.[384]
- The Vorantis beat the Brightfox.[19]
- The Second skirmish in the Mesulan Remnants Belt occurs.[19]
- 8 ABY
- 9 ABY
- The Mission to Arvala-7 begins.[85]
- The Rescue of the Child begins.[386]
- The Skirmish on Sorgan begins.[387]
- The Hunt for Fennec Shand begins.[388]
- The Rescue of Qin begins.[389]
- The Skirmish on Nevarro begins.[390]
- 10 ABY
- 11 ABY
- 12 ABY
- Korr Sella is born to Sondiv Sella and a fellow New Republic politician.[116]
- Tallissan Lintra is born.[14]
- 13 ABY
- Landonis Balthazar Calrissian's daughter is born.[394]
- Kaydel Ko Connix is born[395] on Dulathia.[14]
- ST-I4191 is born.[396]
- 14 ABY
- 15 ABY
- Rey is born.[20]
- Luke Skywalker restores the Jedi Order.[398]
- Ben Solo begins training with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.[398]
- Landonis Balthazar Calrissian's daughter is abducted by the First Order.[32]
- 16 ABY
- Izal Garsea is born[399] on the Meridian.[400]
- 17 ABY
- NK-Witell-class freighter is introduced.[371]
- 18 ABY
- Torra Doza is born.[401]
- Jac Lodain is born.[402]
- Poe Dameron leaves home and joins the Spice Runners of Kijimi.[403]
- 19 ABY
- Yama Dex is born on Corellia.[404]
- Exantor Divo graduates from the Hosnian Prime Academy of Law Enforcement.[38]
- 20 ABY
- Mattis Banz is born on Durkteel.[405]
- 21 ABY
- The First Order begins using Rinnrivin Di's cartel and the Amaxine warriors to procure funds for constructing its navy.[116]
- Sith loyalist Ochi of Bestoon kills Rey's father and mother after the pair[406] sold Rey to Unkar Plutt on Jakku in hopes of isolating the youngling from the reach of the Sith.[32]
- Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian undertakes a mission to Pasaana, in which the duo tracks Ochi of Bestoon after Skywalker sensed a disturbance in the Force;[32] Ochi dies on Pasaana between 21 ABY and 35 ABY;[407]The two fail to find Ochi; Calrissian stays on Pasaana after finding peace and a sense of community amongst the local Aki-Aki.[32]
- 23 ABY
- Poe Dameron leaves the Spice Runners of Kijimi and returns home.[408]
- 24 ABY
- By around this date, the cold war Imperial remnant was reorganized into the First Order.[20]
- The Scyre warriors Phasma and Frey joins the First Order.[409]
- Joph Seastriker enrolls in the New Republic Academy.[116]
- 25 ABY
- Greer Sonnel is diagnosed with Bloodburn syndrome.[116]
- 27 ABY
- The New Republic issues a wanted poster for crime lord Rinnrivin Di.[410]
- Temmin Wexley joins the New Republic Defense Fleet.[411]
- Poe Dameron joins the New Republic Academy.[412]
- 28 ABY
- The Bail Organa statue-dedication ceremony occurs.[116]
- Amaxine warrior crisis.[116]
- The mission to Bastatha occurs.[116]
- The Napkin Bombing occurs.[116]
- The mission to Sibensko occurs.[116]
- Tai-Lin Garr's assassination occurs.[116]
- Tai-Lin Garr's memorial service occurs.[116]
- Senator Leia Organa resigns from the Galactic Senate following revelations of her parentage.[116]
- Leia Organa forms the Resistance.[116]
- Carise Sindian is expelled from Elder Houses.[116]
- Destruction of Luke Skywalker's Jedi temple occurs. A storm destroys the temple and Ben Solo flees the site, but he is pursued by students Hennix, Tai and Voe.[413] Solo ultimately turns to the dark side of the Force, assumes the name Kylo Ren, and becomes the master of the Knights of Ren and a First Order warlord.[15]
- Luke Skywalker goes into exile over Kylo Ren's fall to the dark side; He ultimately retreats to the ancient world of Ahch-To by a route inscribed upon a holographic map with his personal X-wing.[414]
Cold war (29–34 ABY)
- 29 ABY
- 30 ABY
- 31 ABY
- Race for the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku.[418]
- Poe Dameron and BB-8 leaves the New Republic for the Resistance.[419]
- 32 ABY
- Poe Dameron forms Black Squadron and begins searching for Lor San Tekka; the Hunt for Lor San Tekka commences.[420]
- 33 ABY
- Senator Lanever Villecham is elected Chancellor of the New Republic.[20]
- The Suraz engagement occurs.[371]
- The skirmish in OR-Kappa-2722 occurs.[371]
- The mission to Taul occurs.[421]
- The rescue of Admiral Ackbar occurs.[421]
- Operation: Sabre Strike occurs.[371]
- The mission to Ovanis occurs.[422]
- The mission to Megalox Beta occurs.[423]
- 34 ABY
- The skirmish on Pheryon occurs.[424]
- The mission to Kaddak occurs.[384]
- A battle over a desert planet occurs.[425]
- The funeral of L'ulo L'ampar occurs.[426]
- A mission to obtain fuel occurs.[427]
- The mission to Spalex occurs.[428]
- The mission to Cato Neimoidia occurs.[429]
- The mission to Pillio occurs.[367]
- Rescue of Lor San Tekka occurs.
- The Mission to rendezvous with the Resistance occurs.[381]
- Missions against pirates in the Cassander sector occurs.[430]
- Attack on Tuanul. The village of Tuanul is sacked by the First Order, which had been pursuing a clue to missing Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's location.[15]
- The escape from the Finalizer occurs.[15]
- Escape from Jakku. Rey, a scavenger, Finn, a former stormtrooper of the First Order, and BB-8, a Resistance astromech droid, escape from the planet of Jakku to evade the First Order.[15]
- Skirmish aboard the Eravana.[15]
- The mission to Athulla occurs.[367]
First Order–Resistance war (c. 34 – 35 ABY)
- 34 ABY (continued)
- Hosnian Cataclysm. The Hosnian system is targeted and destroyed by the First Order's superlaser weapon, the Starkiller.[15]
- The battle of Kestro occurs.[367]
- Battle of Takodana. The First Order sacks Takodana Castle, searching for Resistance astromech droid BB-8.[15]
- Battle of Starkiller Base. Resistance forces engage with First Order at their stronghold, destroying the Starkiller superweapon.[15]
- Kylo Ren kills Han Solo during the battle.[15]
- The skirmish on the Retribution occurs.[367]
- The hunt for Rivas occurs.[431]
- With the exposure of their base on D'Qar, the Resistance begins evacuating. The First Order attacks in the midst of the evacuation, but the Resistance fleet escapes.[414]
- General Leia sends Inferno Squad and Black Squadron on a mission to the Outer Rim Territories to find allies of the Resistance.[367][432]
- Battle on Pastoria. Black Squadron fails to persuade King Siroc to ally with the Resistance against the First Order.[432]
- Rey and Chewbacca find Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, a planet in the Unknown Regions. Skywalker briefly trains her, before she departs to try to redeem Kylo Ren.[15][414]
- The First Order fleet ambushes the fleeing Resistance in realspace, having deployed their recently developed means of tracking a ship through hyperspace.[414]
- The Mission to Canto Bight occurs.[414]
- Rey is captured by the First Order whilst trying to redeem Kylo
Ren, and brought before Supreme Leader Snoke aboard his flagship, the Supremacy.
A wavering Ren betrays and murders Snoke, attempting to forge new
leadership for the First Order with himself and Rey as its new leaders.
However, she declines and escapes after a fight in the throne room.[414]
- Rey's lightsaber is destroyed during the fight.[414]
- The Resistance fleet is effectively wiped out in the Crait system while fleeing the First Order fleet, but are able to score a victory of their own as Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo launches a suicide attack which heavily damages the Supremacy and destroys many Star Destroyers.[414]
- Battle of Crait. Resistance forces that escaped to the surface of Crait are pursued by remaining First Order forces in the system. The two factions engage briefly, before the remaining Resistance members escape aboard the Millennium Falcon.[414]
- Luke Skywalker dies on Ahch-To, becoming one with the Force.[414]
- The Battle of Grail City occurs.[433]
- The Resistance establishes itself at the Ryloth Defense Authority cave base. They launch a mission to Corellia and a mission to Bracca. However, they are betrayed by someone in Lessu, the capital city of Ryloth, forcing them to escape during a battle against First Order forces.[404]
- 35 ABY
- The voice of the former Galactic Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, threatens revenge via a broadcast transmitted throughout the galaxy.[434]
- In determination to eliminate any threat to his power, Kylo Ren travels to Mustafar for a calling Force-imbued Sith wayfinder. Ren travels to the co-ordinate pre-defined within the wayfinder—the planet Exegol—and discovers a resurgent Darth Sidious. Initially intending to bring an end to the dark power he found behind Snoke, Ren is persuaded by Sidious, who reveals that the voices of Snoke and Darth Vader were that of his doing and unravels the Sith Eternal fleet, to join forces and bring Rey to the august Sith Lord, as she's his granddaughter and desires to make her his successor.[434]
- The Mission to Sinta Glacier Colony occurs; the First Order Supreme Council recognizes a hidden spy within a their ranks.[434]
- The First Order tracks down Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, C-3PO and Chewbacca to Pasaana during the its once-every-forty-two-years Festival of the Ancestors. While the five managed to evade the First Order thanks to Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca gets captured by the Order and presumed dead by his friends.[434]
- The mission to Kijimi occurs. Armitage Hux reveals himself to be the spy who has been helping the Resistance and lets them escape, with Rey discovering that Darth Sidious is her grandfather thanks to Kylo Ren. However, Allegiant General Enric Pryde sees through Hux's deception and executes him, taking control of the First Order military.[434]
- The crew of the Millennium Falcon conducts a mission to Kef Bir in search of the Emperor's whereabouts.[434]
- On Kef Bir, Kylo Ren and Rey fight over the remains of the second Death Star. Concurrently, Leia Organa passes away and Rey leaves Ren for Ahch-To to exile herself in fears of falling to the dark side after saving Ren from dying at her hands. Kylo Ren then has a vision of Han Solo, resulting in Ren ceasing to exist and Ben Solo to reborn.[434]
- Rey, in fear after learning of her true lineage and from her tendencies of falling to the dark side of the force, takes Ren's starfighter and attempts to hide on Ahch-To, following the footsteps of Luke Skywalker, but is persuaded by the latter to face her destiny and confront her grandfather. Bestowed the lightsaber of the late Leia Organa and Skywalker's submerged X-wing starfighter, Rey uses the wayfinder aboard the late Kylo Ren's ship to uncover the path to Exegol, throneworld of the Darth Sidious' Sith Eternal, his personal Sith cult.[434]
- Allegiant General Enric Pryde of the First Order assumes control of the organization and pledges it to Darth Sidious' Final Order, a new empire of the Sith.[434]
- The destruction of Kijimi occurs at the behest of Pryde in a demonstration of loyalty to Sidious. Kijimi, a world affiliated with the Resistance, is destroyed by the axial superlaser of a Xyston-class Star Destroyer offered from the Sith fleet to the First Order military.[434]
- The battle of Exegol occurs.[434]
- The Resistance confronts the Sith fleet and Sith Eternal army. In face of apparent defeat, Lando Calrissian leads gathered allies, the galaxy fleet, against the Final Order.[434]
- Ben Solo arrives at the Sith Citadel and forces himself through defending Knights of Ren, Sovereign Protectors into the throne room.[434]
- Darth Sidious fights against Rey and Ben Solo before the Throne of the Sith. Rey sacrifices herself to destroy Sidious, last of the Sith.[434]
- Ben Solo dies to revive Rey by giving her what remains of his life energy becoming, along with his mother Leia, one with the Force; Allied forces victory.[434]
- Resistance and allies hold celebrations on Ajan Kloss; an uprising against the Final Order across the galaxy by the galaxy's inhabitants begins.[434]
- Rey buries the twin Skywalker's sabers by the Lars homestead and recognizes herself as a Skywalker.[434]
- Fey Zara operates a cantina in a distant corner of the galaxy which hosts a series of holotables upon which patrons may play games based on pivotal conflicts of galactic history.[435]
- Gammit Chond creates maps based on tales of the galaxy, and his works end up in the Shadow Stacks of the Graf Archive; Later, Chond's drawings are exhumed by a trainee archivist.[3]
- An archival task force led by archive droid TR-33NA scours the Graf Archive in a restoration effort for artifacts of historical importance. Within the library, they find an old illustrated journal of galactic species and cultures. TR-33NA identifies the drawing style to be similar to that of Gammit Chond.[436]
- A Whill is appointed by other Whills with chronicling events that transpired in the galaxy into the Journal of the Whills. After extensive research on all things related to the subject and a lifetime of preparation, the Whill begins recording events of the Galactic Civil War into the Journal in the presence of a second Whill.[437]
- The second Whill is unsatisfied with the first's writing, and leaves to write an episode on how Chewbacca's family celebrates Life Day in a personal journal.[437]
- The Journal of the Whills is read to an audience of an extragalactic species situated far away from the galaxy about the events that occurred there during the distant past.[437]
- The Sith | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts on the official Star Wars Kids YouTube channel (backup link)
- The Star Wars Timeline | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts on the official Star Wars Kids YouTube channel (backup link)