Génésis, la créature-monde du Daym, définit la Décadence en ces termes : "Ils [les Humains et les espèces associées] sont mûrs pour s'autodétruire encore, chaque fois qu'ils se sont retrouvés à la même table, le ventre plein, à trouver que la table était trop exiguë et la nourriture trop exotique."
Le pouvoir impérial est discrédité. Son autorité s'émiette considérablement. Il est contraint d'appliquer une politique décentralisée et cède la place à des seigneurs locaux. Une nouvelle féodalité apparaît : baronnies, théocraties (dont celle des Karias), matriarchies, démocraties populaires, républiques exotiques, et menaçantes intelligences artificielles synchronisées au cœur même de l'Empire ...
Les rivalités entre seigneurs féodaux et le "Vieil" Empire provoquent une Guerre des Marches.
Une guerre d'usure s'installe entre les Mondes Synchronisés et la Ligue des Nobles.
Les mondes de niveau technologique inférieur (les Planètes Non Alignées) sont mis en quarantaine. La Bordure apparaît.
9513 Tlaloc échoue dans sa tentative de sortir le Vieil Empire de sa torpeur. Alors, avec 20 personnes (les Titans), il part à la conquête de l'Empire. Barbarossa reprogramme les ordinateurs, leur donnant l'agressivité humaine et la faim de pouvoir. Avec son aide, le Vieil Empire (de la dynastie Boro-Ginjo) tombe. Toutefois, certains systèmes en bordure de l'Empire résistent et fondent la Ligue des Nobles conduite par Salusa Secundus. Les scientifiques abandonnent Arrakis.
9520 Tlaloc meurt. Agamemnon et les autres Titans se sont eux-mêmes transformés en cymeks.
Parallèlement, une société secrète de femmes perfectionne les techniques mentales et redécouvre les pouvoirs psi. Cette consoeurie deviendra plus tard le Bene Gesserit, ébauche de la future Église de la Conscience Universelle.
9600 (400 BG) Les Sorcières de Rossak commencent à tenir des registres détaillés de reproduction, commençant le programme génétique pour concevoir le futur Kwisatz Haderach.
9608 La Première Rébellion d'Hrethgir a lieu sur Walgis. Xerxes confie complètement le maintien de l'ordre sur sa planète au réseau local d'ordinateurs.
9617 Ajax, seigneur de Walgis écrase la rébellion et extermine la population humaine. Outrée par le massacre, sa compagne Hecate transfère son cerveau dans un vaisseau de l'espace profond et disparaît.
- 9618 Le réseau de Xerxes prend le contrôle d'Ix. Omnius, l'Intelligence Articifielle, met en place la structure des Mondes Synchronisés sur l'ensemble des planètes contrôlées par les Titans. Les Titans deviennent ses serviteurs.
- Les ordinateurs dotés d'IA sont interdits sur les mondes de la Ligue des Nobles, et l'usage des ordinateurs moins sophistiqués est strictement limité.
- Omnius lance une attaque contre la Ligue des Nobles. Les Bouddhislamiques croient que l'avènement des machines pensantes au pouvoir est le Kralizec des prophéties et s'enfuient principalement vers les Planètes Non Alignées. Plus tard, des esclaves bouuddhislamiques sont introduits sur quelques planètes de la Ligue des Nobles.
- Barbarossa crée Beowulf.
9697 (303 BG) Dernier assaut massif des machines pour près d'un siècle.
9723 (277 BG) Les soldats de Ginaz découvrent Chirox (un formec) dans un navire interstellaire naufragé. Ils le reprogramment et commencent à l'utiliser pour l'entraînement des mercenaires de Ginaz.
9725 (275 BG) Hecate revient secrètement dans l'espace humain et commence à observer la guerre entre Omnius et la Ligue des Nobles.
9726 (274 BG) Mariage de Manion Butler, Vice-Roi de Salusa Secundus, et Livia. Ils auront trois enfants : Serena Butler, Octa Butler et Fredo Butler.
Naissance de Camie Boro, descendante du dernier Empereur du Vieil Empire.
9733 (267 BG) Ulf et Katarina Harkonnen sont attaqués par Agamemnon en route vers Salusa Secundus. Leur fils Piers s'écrase sur Caladan à bord d'une capsule de survie mais est porté disparu et finit sa vie parmi les Zensunni.
Muadru was an ancient religion or team of humans. During the Old Empire, mystics traveled throughout the planets of the Known Universe and left obscure markings and runestones on several planets. The spiral was their sacred symbol.
RépondreSupprimerSome caves on Arrakis also were adorned by Muadru runes. They were also known by the Zensunnis of Harmonthep.
During the Butlerian Jihad, Grand Patriarch Iblis Ginjo mentioned that such runestones prophesied the end of the war, and asked Cogitor Kwyna to translate and give insight about them. However Ginjo used the texts of these inscriptions out of context.
The Fallen Emperor, was the last Emperor of the decadent Old Empire; he witnessed its fall and the rise of the Titans.
RépondreSupprimerHis name is forgotten and lost in history (though probably known to Leto Atreides II and Ghanima from their genetic memories), however millennia later, his lineage would still exist however; Camie Boro was a direct descendant of him.
Camie Boro (224 BG - 110 BG) was the last known descendant of the fallen Emperor of the Old Empire during the Butlerian Jihad. Iblis Ginjo married her to improve his political power and image.
RépondreSupprimerAlthough they had three kids together, the marriage was clearly a political convenience and the two spoke mainly when in public.
After Ginjo's death, Boro succeeded him as Grand Patriarch and was essential in the machinations that covered his crimes during the war and cleaned out his name, redirecting the accusations towards the 'traitor' Xavier Harkonnen. Along with Yorek Thurr they led the Jihad Council and she proposed the construction of the monument to the Three Martyrs.
Camie Boro succeeded her husband promising Thurr to be her successor, however ten years later she resigned and denied him the succession and placed her own son, Tambir Boro-Ginjo in the throne of the Grand Patriarch. Thurr then feigned his death in a ship explosion and went to the Synchronized Worlds.
Later, she put her grandson (of her other child) Xander Boro-Ginjo to succeed her son in the position of the Grand Patriarch.
Omnius, also known as the Evermind, was a collection of powerful artificially intelligent entities, which existed prior to and during the Butlerian Jihad, and after in the refounded Synchronized Worlds outside the Old Empire.
RépondreSupprimerThough Omnius instances existed on many worlds, each one evolving subtle differences, all instances were bound by a synchronizing process that saw them share the collective experiences of their counterparts. Thus they were frequently referred to as a single being.
Omnius is often cited as the cause of the mankind's long-standing revulsion of technology, particularly computers. Though technically a gender-less being, speech refers to Omnius as a male.
Tio Holtzman [d. 174 BG] was an enigmatic genius before and during the Butlerian Jihad, best remembered as the inventor of the Holtzman Effect and its subsidiary technologies including the Holtzman shield, which played a critical role in numerous technological developments.
RépondreSupprimerThe veracity of this fact was later questioned by Leto Atreides II, who used other memory to conclude that Norma Cenva was the actual discoverer of the principle.
The famed inventor Tio Holtzman resided on the planet Poritrin, where slavery was commonplace. It is thought that his heritage was Ixian. Holtzman worked under the protection and patronage of the nobleman Lord Niko Bludd. He gained celebrity stature when his inventions were the major defense against the thinking machines; he was also a recipient of the Poritrin Medal of Valor and Medal of Glory and the Service to Poritrin Award. However his career waned when their Achilean heel was discovered at the Battle of Zimia: Cymeks, having human brains, could penetrate the scrambler shields unharmed, and prepare the ground for a machine attack.
RépondreSupprimerHoltzman had not come up with as many new brilliant inventions as he used to but soon came across the work of Cenva, a dwarf woman from Rossak; realizing her genius, he invited her to come and work with him on Poritrin.
Cenva's name was eventually forgotten by history, as she was more interested in improving defensive shields and developing 'foldspace' travel, making it safer and more efficient. Her efforts help humanity defeat the forces of Omnius. Cenva saved his life (and many of Starda citizens) when she prevented him from testing a personal force-shield against lasgun fire. Holtzman was reluctant to take her warnings seriously until she appealed to Lord Bludd personally. The test was finally done on an asteroid, and Cenva was proven correct since the impact of these two technologies results in sub-atomic fusion and a nuclear explosion. This overlook due to Holtzman's eagerness was a serious hit to his morale.
After the nuking of Earth, Holtzman was a part of the cyber-experts who attempted to interrogate the Earth-Omnius gelglobe captured by Xavier Harkonnen. He also had gradually cut Cenva off from his projects set of workrooms down by the docks, in favor of other assistants and later proved to be a fierce antagonist. Holtzman and Bludd, persuaded by Aurelius Venport, agreed to surrender Cenva to VenKee Enterprises in turn of the commercial right of the glowglobes, when Tio realized their new project. While Venport was off to Arrakis to settle the problem with the Wormriders, Holtzman persuaded Bludd to close the project and expel Cenva and Tuk Keedair from the planet. They raided her laboratories under the auspice of her working against the security of Poritrin.
During Aliid's slave rebellion, Holtzman realized that intruder slaves entered his mansion. Aliid who worked there as a young solver, remembered the location and wanted to take his personal revenge. Holtzman wore a personal force-shield for protection, but saw that Aliid was armed with a lasgun.
Aliid ignorant of the effect, shot Holtzman, and the resulting explosion destroyed both of them, along with most of the Starda.