The Fallen Emperor, was the last Emperor of the decadent Old Empire; he witnessed its fall and the rise of the Titans.
His name is forgotten and lost in history (though probably known to Leto Atreides II and Ghanima from their genetic memories), however millennia later, his lineage would still exist however; Camie Boro was a direct descendant of him.
Camie Boro (224 BG - 110 BG) was the last known descendant of the fallen Emperor of the Old Empire during the Butlerian Jihad. Iblis Ginjo married her to improve his political power and image.
Although they had three kids together, the marriage was clearly a political convenience and the two spoke mainly when in public.
After Ginjo's death, Boro succeeded him as Grand Patriarch
and was essential in the machinations that covered his crimes during
the war and cleaned out his name, redirecting the accusations towards
the 'traitor' Xavier Harkonnen. Along with Yorek Thurr they led the Jihad Council and she proposed the construction of the monument to the Three Martyrs.
Camie Boro succeeded her husband promising Thurr to be her
successor, however ten years later she resigned and denied him the
succession and placed her own son, Tambir Boro-Ginjo in the throne of the Grand Patriarch. Thurr then feigned his death in a ship explosion and went to the Synchronized Worlds.
Later, she put her grandson (of her other child) Xander Boro-Ginjo to succeed her son in the position of the Grand Patriarch.
Tambir Boro-Ginjo (192 BG - 110 BG) was the son of Iblis Ginjo and Camie Boro.
Camie Boro denied Yorek Thurr the succession of Ginjo, placing her own son in the position of the Grand Patriarch in 154 BG.
During his days, officers of the Army of the Jihad discovered Norma Cenva's navigation computers, that caused an uproar that nearly shut down the Kolhar
shipyards. Norma had been baffled, citing the evidence of success and
pointing to the greater good the superfast ships would do for the Jihad.
But Tambir had been apoplectic about the "deceit" Norma had attempted
to perpetrate.
He apparently died without heirs and the title was succeeded by his nephew, Xander Boro-Ginjo.
Xander Boro-Ginjo [d. 88 BG] was the son of Rellon Boro-Ginjo, grandson of Camie Boro and Iblis Ginjo.
He succeeded his uncle, the Grand Patriarch Tambir Boro-Ginjo who apparently died without heirs.
He was the father of Jessica Boro-Ginjo, the later wife of Viceroy Faykan Butler.
When Yorek Thurr escaped the blockade of Corrin, he returned to Salusa Secundus.
There he sneaked into Grand Patriarch's office and introduced himself,
asking him to resign for his favor. Thurr then was ousted by the
Patriarch's guards.
In a following night, Thurr once more sneaked into his mansion,
this time in his bedroom while the Grand Patriarch was sleeping. He
paralyzed his vocal cords and forced an audience. Once more he asked
from him to resign so that Thurr could take his place, promised by his
grandmother years ago.
When Xander Boro-Ginjo tried to escape from his grasp, Thurr
strangled him and wore his chain of office, a chain which he and Camie
Boro had designed.
Jessica Boro-Ginjo [b. 132 BG] was the daughter of Xander Boro-Ginjo and niece of the Grand Patriarch Tambir Boro-Ginjo.
In 100 BG, while her father reigned as Grand Patriarch, she married Viceroy Faykan Butler.
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La dynastie Boro a été fondée par Ladislaus/Darius Le Grand en 9320. L’épopée de Morgana (en bande dessinée) et celle de Dune (en roman) parlent de lui comme « l’empereur des dix mille mondes ». Son règne a été bref (sept années à peine) mais déterminant. Il retira le monopole du voyage spatial à la caste des Pilotes. Et fonda l’ordre des Bibliothécaires. Ainsi que l’Ecole impériale.
RépondreSupprimerL’un de ses descendants les plus connus est Aleksandr XI «Le Chauve » (évoqué dans le roman « Des milliards de tapis de cheveux ») célèbre pour sa cruauté morale envers ses ennemis vaincus. Il obtint sa rédemption en organisant son propre assassinat.
Les derniers descendants connus sont Ezaelle et Hellroy II (évoqués dans le cycle de Genesis : « « L’Histrion » et « Sexomorphoses ») qui régnèrent conjointement en 9508-9512 juste avant la tentative de coup d’Etat de Tlaloc et de ses vingt Titans.
« L’Empereur déchu » (« Fallen Emperor » en anglais) est peut-être ce Hellroy II.
Le Vieil Empire, désormais scindé en de nombreuses factions, dont la Ligue des Mondes (gouvernée par le Vice-Roi), les Mondes Synchronisés (Connectés et contrôlés par l’IA Omnius) et les Mondes Non-Alignés, n’a plus qu’une unité symbolique autour du Grand Patriarche (sans réel pouvoir temporel).
Il faudra attendre la conclusion du Jihad Butlérien (victoire de la Ligue des Mondes, conduite par son Vice-Roi, sur les Machines) pour que l’unification de l’Empire soit à nouveau effective. Les rôles de Vice-Roi et de Grand Patriarche à nouveau fusionnés donnent naissance au titre d’Empereur-Padishah.
Jessica, fille du Grand Patriarche Xander Boro-Ginjo épousera le Vice-Roi Faykan Butler, fondateur de la dynastie Corrino, pour unifier leurs deux lignées (Boro et Butler).