Le livre de l'illustrateur Wayne Barlowe, EXPEDITION, est à l’origine d’un faux documentaire assez fascinant, ALIEN PLANET.
L’histoire se passe en 2358 et raconte la première découverte d’une
planète habitée. Le concept –scientifique– étant que cette planète a
évolué comme la Terre mais les dinosaures n’ont pas disparu et ont
continué à évoluer, jusqu’à ce que certaines races deviennent
intelligentes. Le documentaire est ponctué d’interviews de
scientifiques comme Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku ou Jack Horner.
Là où AVATAR racontait un peu n’importe quoi, les créatures d’ALIEN
PLANET sont toutes conçues selon une logique d’évolution par Wayne
Source : Le blog de Jerry Frissen
Alien Planet is a special on Discovery Channel about two internationally
built robot probes investigating alien life forms on the fictional
planet "Darwin IV". As usual, I put here my favorites creatures of this
strange and weird (for us) world.
An interstellar spacecraft
named "Von Braun", leaves Earth's orbit, and travels at 20% the speed of
light for reaches Darwin IV in 42 years. Upon reaching orbit, it
deploys the "Darwin Reconnaissance Orbiter", which looks for potential
landing sites for the probes. Two probes, Leonardo da Vinci (nicknamed
'Leo') and Isaac Newton (nicknamed 'Ike'), successfully land on the
planet, and learn much about its bizarre natives lifeforms.
- Creatures shown in the video -
- The 2,5 m high creature uses a sonar system to terrify prey. Is
called this way due to a retractable appendage on its mouth that can
attack prey, piercing the victim and injecting digestive juices into it.
The insides of the prey are then turned to liquid, which it uses its 8 m
long appendage to suck out as food.
Daggerwrist - Daggerwrists
are 1,8m long aggressive, gliding aliens which live in the pocket
forests of Darwin IV. It is built in a manner that is similar to a
leopard, but is faster and can glide. It preys on Trunk Suckers, mainly
to consume the sap they have digested first. The Daggerwrist has two big
claws, which are used as weapons and for climbing. They sink so deep
into trees that the sap bleeds to the surface, which in turn attract the
trunk suckers.
Trunk sucker - roughly 1 meter Trunk Suckers are
relatively small, delicate creatures that are capable of gliding long
distances. They feed on the tree sap from the Plaque-bark Tree, which is
brought to the surface by Daggerwrists´ claws. Trunk Suckers use sharp
claws to attach themselves to trees while feeding. They fly in small
groups, rather like birds on Earth.
Skewer - My favorites!
Skewers are huge jet-like predators that hunt using sonar, with a 15
meters wingspan, they hunt in small packs, using a lance built in its
head. It uses this to disembowel prey and suck out its juices. Skewers
maneuver by changing the shape of its wingspan. It propels itself by
internally creating methane gas and then igniting it inside four pods,
similar to those on modern-day jet-propelled aircraft.
- Grovebacks are gigantic aliens that are two-legged but have a
rudder-like leg they use for balance, that is dragged along behind them.
They have around 15-18 meters high and a semi-circle shaped head and
two enormous nostrils. The Grovebacks bury themselves for long periods
of time to feed on the nutrients in the soil. They have saplings growing
on their back, which inject sugars into the creature. The Groveback
gives the trees water in return.
Emperor Sea Strider - with 23
meters high, Sea Striders are the largest creatures ever, both on Darwin
IV and Earth. They walk over the Amoebic Sea on which they feed by
taking parts of it with them on their sucker-like feet. The Striders
have tentacles hanging from their face and large glowing holes in their
head. The nymph-like young orbit the adult Striders and are attracted to
these holes.
Text edited from wikipedia.
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