samedi 2 avril 2016

Who is Supreme Leader Snoke?

SPOILER ALERT: This feature contains major plot details for Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

Everybody loves a good villain. Whether it’s Darth Vader, Darth Maul, or the Emperor himself, villains have a way of captivating us even when they scare us.  


It’s no surprise, then, that new villains like Kylo Ren are capturing the imaginations of Star Wars fans across the globe. Even so, while Kylo may be the primary villainous character in The Force Awakens, he’s not the one in charge of the First Order.

 Supreme Leader Snoke, portrayed through motion capture by Andy Serkis, is the shadowy figure who leads the resurgent Imperial forces, speaking to his underlings only through a massive holographic projection that makes him look dozens of feet larger than any mere human. His deformed face and ghastly demeanour suggest he could be ancient and incredibly powerful in the dark side of the Force — but beyond that, we know nothing about him.

That mystery is why fans have started theorizing who Supreme Leader Snoke could be. Here are a few of the best…

Darth Plagueis

Darth Plagueis and the young Palpatine

By far the most popular fan theory about Supreme Leader Snoke is that he’s secretly Darth Plagueis, the mysterious Sith Lord first referenced in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Superfans know that Darth Plagueis was the master who trained Palpatine in the ways of the dark side. Palpatine later told Anakin Skywalker about “the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise” in an effort to turn the young Jedi Knight to the dark side. After seeing visions of his wife, Padmé Amidala, dying in childbirth, the tales of Darth Plagueis learning to use the Force to keep the ones he cared for from dying were just too enticing for the conflicted Jedi hero. The non-canon Star Wars Legends novel Darth Plagueis, by popular series author James Luceno, later noted that it was Plagueis’s experimentation with the Force that led to Anakin’s conception as the Chosen One, as a way for the Force to fight back against the designs of the Sith.

So why do fans think Darth Plagueis could be Supreme Leader Snoke? Chatter about the theory started after it was announced that Andy Serkis would be playing the villainous leader using motion capture, and he was described as tall, thin, and ancient-looking.

Darth Plagueis was established as a Muun in Legends, and the look of the Muun certainly fits that description, though Serkis himself has been quick to say that Snoke is a new character. There were even rumors that Rey’s quarterstaff weapon was the staff of Darth Plagueis, also referenced in Luceno’s novel. In the film itself, Kylo Ren says that “the Supreme Leader is wise” — perhaps a reference to Darth Plagueis the Wise ?

While there’s not much evidence for this theory, I have to admit there’s something compelling about the idea of Palpatine’s master, spoken of only in legend, being the true architect of evil all along.

The Sith Emperor

Dark Council

Fans who have played the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic will be familiar with the Sith Emperor, once known as Vitiate and later known as Valkorion. Vitiate was a Sith Lord who lived during the time of the Great Hyperspace War, the first conflict between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire. The Sith lost and retreated into the unknown, but Vitiate rebuilt them over thousands of years to become an empire that could once again take on the Republic. The Emperor’s true goal, however, was to live forever and rule the galaxy, so his spirit spent millennia jumping from one host to another. During the Galactic War, his true designs were revealed: Unknown to most in the galaxy, he forged the Eternal Empire to defeat both the Republic and the Sith Empire that he had built, which would allow him to reshape the galaxy the way he wanted it to be.

The Old Republic is commonly accepted as a Legends storyline, so it’s doubtful we’ll see its primary villain revealed as Supreme Leader Snoke, but with the transmedia storytelling involved at Lucasfilm, it’s not entirely outside the realm of possibility. There have also been hints that Snoke has lived for a very long time and has seen everything that transpired during the previous six films, suggesting he could be ancient. In the novelization of The Force Awakens, Snoke tells Kylo Ren about how he watched the Empire rise and fall, and wants to create something stronger than the Empire ever was.

Between that and his decidedly ancient appearance, it’s possible that Snoke could be Plagueis or the Sith Emperor, but there’s one theory that I think is far more likely to be true…

A New Power From Beyond the Galaxy

The recent novel Aftermath, the first in a trilogy by Chuck Wendig, tells the story of what happened in the months after Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. During the story, the remaining Imperial fleet commanders gather on Akiva to discuss how the Empire should handle its defeat at Endor and the rise of the New Republic. One of the new characters introduced is Yupe Tashu, who served as an adviser to Emperor Palpatine. He was a dark side historian, though he could not use the Force himself, and believed strongly in the powers of the Force. He wanted to follow the teachings of the Emperor, and he recognized that the Sith had found strength in hiding in the shadows and then striking when the enemy least expected them to. He also said this:

“No Sith remain. And the lone Jedi that exists—the son of Anakin Skywalker—possesses an untouchable soul. At least for now. We must instead move toward the dark side. Palpatine felt that the universe beyond the edges of our maps was where his power came from. Over the many years he, with our aid, sent men and women beyond known space. They built labs and communication stations on distant moons, asteroids, out there in the wilds. We must follow them. Retreat from the galaxy. Go out beyond the veil of stars. We must seek the source of the dark side like a man looking for a wellspring of water.”

Aftermath is part of the Journey to The Force Awakens series, so it seems unlikely that the story would introduce a detail like that only for it to never pay off. My guess is that Supreme Leader Snoke is from beyond the galaxy, perhaps from or influenced by the source of the dark side itself, and has been watching the galaxy for a long time. That would fit with Serkis saying that Snoke is a new character, and it would mean that the seeds for Snoke’s true nature have already been planted in the post-Return of the Jedi storyline.

Who do you think Supreme Leader Snoke is? Join the discussion on Wookieepedia, and visit our Star Warshub for all of the latest information about The Force Awakens!

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8 commentaires:

  1. Les Muuns étaient une espèce originaire de la planète Scipio. La plupart des Muuns étaient des banquiers et faisaient partis du Clan Bancaire Intergalactique.

    Taille moyenne : Plus de 2 m

  2. San Hill était un Muun, le Président du Clan Bancaire Intergalactique et un membre du Conseil Séparatiste.


    Natif de Scipio, San Hill devint Président du Clan Bancaire Intergalactique et leader du Clan Bancaire de Muunilinst bien avant le début de la Guerre des Clones. Durant la Crise Séparatiste, San Hill fut approché par le Comte Dooku pour rejoindre la Confédération des Systèmes Indépendants. Ainsi lors de la première réunion du Conseil Séparatiste, San Hill annonça que le Clan Bancaire de Muunilinst signerait le traité.

    Malgré ce ralliement, le CBI resta officiellement neutre, gardant des représentants au Sénat Galactique avec Rush Clovis et Nix Card. Tout changea lors de l'invasion de Scipio. Au terme de cette bataille, le CBI passa sous le contrôle de l'Office du Chancelier. Cependant, le Clan Bancaire de Muunilinst et San Hill continuèrent à supporter les Séparatistes.

    Ainsi, le Muun se trouvait sur Utapau, aux côtés de l'ancien Sénateur Tikkes et de l'Émir Wat Tambor du Techno-Syndicat entres autres, lorsque le Général Grievous annonça au conseil leur transfert sur Mustafar. San Hill fut ainsi tué comme tous les autres séparatistes présents sur Mustafar par Dark Vador.

  3. Andy Serkis est un acteur, réalisateur et producteur britannique, né le 20 avril 1964 à Ruislip (Grand Londres).

    Très actif dans les rôles tournés avec la capture de mouvement, il interprète notamment Gollum dans la trilogie du Seigneur des Anneaux et dans Le Hobbit : Un voyage inattendu de Peter Jackson, le singe César dans la 2e série de films La Planète des singes, le Capitaine Haddock dans Les Aventures de Tintin : Le Secret de La Licorne de Steven Spielberg et le suprême leader Snoke dans Star Wars, épisode VII : Le Réveil de la Force et Star Wars, épisode VIII : Les Derniers Jedi, qui sont autant de blockbusters mondiaux.

  4. Une autre version de fan présente Jocasta Nu (la bibliothécaire de l'Académie Jedi) comme amante secrète de Palpatine et survivante de l'Etoile de la Mort.

    Pourtant, l'encyclopédie "Star Wars Wiki" dit qu'elle est morte de la main même d'Anakin Skywalker ...

    "Jocasta Nu était une Jedi Bibliothécaire en chef des Archives du Temple Jedi.

    Son étonnante mémoire rivalise avec ses Archives, qu'elle considère comme un outil, demandant aux visiteurs d'effectuer leurs recherches eux-mêmes. Par excès de fierté, elle oublie parfois que les Archives ne sauraient être exhaustives.

    Lors de la Guerre des Clones, elle continua à dispenser son savoir à ceux qui le lui demandait. Malheureusement, elle fut la première victime du massacre dans le Temple Jedi, tuée de la main même d'Anakin Skywalker, devenu Dark Vador depuis peu, à qui elle refusa d'indiquer l'endroit où se trouvait l'émetteur reliant tous les chasseurs Jedi au Temple."

    Source :

  5. « Est-ce que tu connais l'histoire tragique de Dark Plagueis le Sage ? Ce n'est pas le genre d'histoires que racontent les Jedi. C'est une légende Sith. Dark Plagueis était un Seigneur Noir des Sith tellement puissant et tellement sage qu'il pouvait utiliser la Force pour influer sur les midi-chloriens et créer la vie. En outre, sa connaissance du Côté Obscur était telle qu'il arrivait aussi à empêcher ceux dont l'existence lui importait de mourir. »

    Le Chancelier Suprême Palpatine, Star Wars Épisode III : La Revanche des Sith

    Dark Plagueis est l'un des Seigneurs Sith les plus brillants qui aient jamais existé : nul n'égale son talent à commander l'ultime pouvoir sur la vie et la mort. Dark Sidious, son Apprenti, étudie secrètement la voie des Sith tout en poursuivant publiquement son ascension au sein du gouvernement.

    Plagueis et Sidious visent la domination galactique et l'éradication de l'Ordre Jedi. Mais peuvent-ils défier l'impitoyable tradition Sith ? Le désir de règne absolu de l'un et le rêve d'éternité de l'autre contiennent-ils le germe de leur destruction ?


  6. "Ma vie est millénaire. Des légions entières m'ont mis à l'épreuve. Mon ascension est inéluctable. Un jour, une année, un millénaire peu importe. J'ai la patience de la pierre et la volonté des étoiles. Votre combat est insignifiant. Votre mort en sera de même."
    ―L'Empereur Sith[src]

    Valkorion ; aussi appelé l'Empereur Sith, Vitiate ou Tenebrae ; est un Empereur Sith, ayant la particularité d'être immortel.

    Il établit le Second Empire Sith sur lequel il régnera pendant plus de 1000 ans. Il fut tué plusieurs fois mais réapparaîtra chaque fois en prenant possession du corps d'un autre. Sa dernière connue est celle de Valkorion, Empereur de l'Empire Éternel.

    Source :

  7. Dans l'encyclopédie Wookieepedia, Snoke est présenté comme étant un non-humain (alien) humanoïde meneur des "Attendants" (un cortège de navigateurs mutants non-humains originaires des Régions Inconnues).

    Source :

  8. Snoke was a humanoid alien who was the leader of the Attendants, a retinue composed of mute alien navigators who originated from the Unknown Regions. At some unspecified point in his life, Snoke acquired a black obsidian stone from the catacombs and mines beneath the castle of the Sith Lord Darth Vader on the planet Mustafar. He affixed the stone to a golden ring he wore, which was engraved with glyphs used by the Four Sages of Dwartii, controversial figures of philosophy from the early days of the Galactic Republic and were represented with bronzium statues in the office of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

    Eventually, Snoke witnessed the rise and eventual fall of the Galactic Empire. Through a secret Contingency, however, many former Imperial officers, nobles and technologists fled to the Unknown Regions and took the shape of what eventually became the First Order. Most of the former Imperial officers would have likely perished while crossing this uncharted realm, if it had not been for the ancient hyperspace trails blazed by Snoke's retinue, along with some of Grand Admiral Thrawn's vast knowledge about the Regions, which helped them to stay there and organize themselves.

    Although he was a very powerful practitioner of the dark side of the Force, Snoke was not affiliated with the Sith, which became extinct as a result of the deaths of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader at the Death Star II thanks to the efforts of the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. As such, Snoke, a secretive master of the Force, was a seeker of arcane and ancient lore. In a matter of time, Snoke became unexpectedly the leader of the First Order. The last of the Imperial leadership, including Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the political lunatic Ormes Apolin or even General Brendol Hux didn't see Snoke's rise to power and were surprised when it occurred. General Armitage Hux, Brendol's son, was spared by Snoke in order to use him as a tool in his rise to power.
