Dans ce District XXX, on trouve :
- le Lander Gandalf, anciennement nommé "Les Marches d'Arcadius",
- la zone Dante Aloïsi
- la zone des Etoiles Brisées
- la zone du Trèfle (anciennement numérotée 312/54A8)
- et bientôt la Marche de Calyspo (à l'angle sud-est du Lander Gandalf, au sud de la zone du Trèfle).
Dans les images ci-dessous, le District a été positionné sur des cartes établies d'après deux classiques de la science-fiction : Star Wars et Star Trek.
Ces deux épopées sont néanmoins largement antérieures au contexte historique d'Empire Galactique dans la chronologie de l'Histoire du Futur :
- Star Trek est à considérer aux 28-29èmes siècles de l'ère chrétienne;
- Star Wars aux 86-87èmes siècles;
- tandis qu'Empire Galactique se situe au 116ème siècle.
Elles pourront de ce fait être utilisées comme des sortes d' "Antiquité" et de "Moyen-Âge" du District XXX.
1- D'après STAR TREK
Sur cette première carte, toute la moitié sud-est du Distric XXX est sous le contrôle du Collectif Borg. Dans les zones nord-ouest et nord, on voit également apparaître, respectivement, les chasseurs nomades Hirogen et l'Impérium Krenim. Un peu plus éloignés, au nord-est : les Voth (une espèce saurienne qui pourrait avoir subi le processus d'Elévation quand ils étaient encore des hadrosaures ou « dinosaures à bec de canard », il y a des dizaines de millions d'années).
Civilisations du District XXX
Nombres d'espèces sont aptes à fournir la base organique constitutive des Borgs. Les Borgs sont constitués de drones qui en sont l'incarnation individuelle physique. Les drones sont en permanence connectés entre eux au moyen d'un réseau subspatial et forment ainsi une entité supra-individuelle nommé le Collectif. Le Collectif est une sorte de ruche où l'expression de l'identité personnelle est soumise à la loi de la communauté, le drone est membre, un outil et non pas une personnalité.
La structure sociale des Hirogens est basée autour de groupes de chasseurs, chacun dirigé par un Alpha Hirogen. Le second aux commandes est appelé Beta. Le statut social des individus est déterminé par les trophées accumulés au cours des chasses. Cette civilisation n'est pas sans rappeler celle des Prédateurs.
Les Krenims étaient une espèce humanoïde . Ils possédaient un vaste territoire du nom d'Imperium Krenim. Ils étaient capables de modifier l’histoire à l’aide d’un vaisseau temporel dont ils se servaient pour annihiler une simple molécule jusqu’à des espèces entières en un seul tir. La destruction de leurs fameux vaisseaux temporels eut pour effet d’annuler tous les dégâts causés par les Krenims et ramena la belliqueuse société Krenim à un stade pré-distorsion. Pire, des Krenims furent assimilés par le Collectif Borg.
La deuxième carte tirée de Star Trek confirme la domination des Borgs sur plus de la moitié du District XXX à l'époque où la civilisation humaine/terrienne balbutiait au NT5 (niveau technologique interstellaire), neuf millénaires avant Empire Galactique.
- "Nous sommes le Borg. Abaissez vos boucliers et rendez vous sans condition. Nous intègrerons vos caractéristiques biologiques et technologiques aux nôtres. Votre culture s’adaptera à nos besoins. Toute résistance serait futile."
On découvre tout de même, en bordure est du District XXX, une autre civilisation majeure : les Kazons.
Les Kazons étaient une espèce humanoïde avec au moins deux races. Une race minoritaire avait la peau brune alors que la race la plus souvent rencontrée avait la peau rouge cuivre. Les deux races avaient une arête frontale et leurs cheveux étaient noirs ou bruns et poussaient en de larges mèches épaisses ; certains avaient des pointes blanches à leurs mèches. Les Kazons et les Cardassiens pouvaient se reproduire sans difficulté.
Leur monde d'origine n'était pas connu; ils vivaient comme des nomades sur d'immenses vaisseaux spatiaux et prospéraient grâce à des actes de piraterie sur les vaisseaux qui traversaient leur territoire. 18 Sectes furent recensées parmi lesquelles les Kazon-Haliks, les Kazon-Hobiis, les Kazon-Mostrals, Kazon-Nistrims, les Kazon-Oglas, les Kazon-Oglamars, les Kazon-Pommars, les Kazon-Reloras, les Kazon-Saris, etc ... Plus une Secte couvrait de territoire, plus elle était puissante et respectée.
Conclusion sur les populations du District XXX et de son voisinage quelques 9000 ans dans le passé (sorte de "haute Antiquité") :
- de dangereux prédateurs (les Hirogens) au nord-ouest,
- des pirates à la structure clanique à l'est (les Kazon)
- et surtout : une domination très marquée du Collectif Borg (capable d'assimiler l'Imperium Kenim) sur les trois quarts du volume spatial. Même plusieurs millénaires après leur présence, on doit s'attendre à des traces de leur dangereuse et assimilatrice civilisation. Il se pourrait toutefois que les Borgs aient contribué à l'édification des Voies et Routes hyperspatiales utilisées à l'époque de la République Galactique (de "Star Wars") puis de l'Empire Galactique.
2- D'après STAR WARS
Les cartes de Star Wars montrent une galaxie spirale mais au sens de rotation inversé. Les films annoncent même "une galaxie très lointaine" sous-entendu : qui ne serait pas la nôtre ... Mais si je persiste à vouloir l'utiliser, voilà ce que cela pourrait donner en utilisant le quadrillage des cartes : des carreaux de 1500 parsecs (soit 4890 années-lumière) de côté.
Le District XXX se trouverait sur la Voie Hydienne à mi-chemin entre le centre galactique, d'une part, et le Secteur Corporatif, d'autre part. Les astrocartographes nomment cette région de l'espace : la "Bordure extérieure".
Au moins quatre Secteurs (plutôt appelés Zones dans Empire Galactique) seraient tout ou partie inclus dans ce District :
(à l'ouest)
- Secteur d'Ojoster (planètes Wayland, Denova et Taris)
- Secteur Mandalorien (incluant entre autres les planètes Mandalore, Gargon, Concord Dawn et Vorpa'ya)
(à l'est)
- Secteur Quelii (avec ses planètes Corstris, Pil Diller, Varn, Vinsoth, Amorris, Dathomir, Axxila, et Selaggis VI).
(au sud-est)
- Secteur Thesme.(incluant les planètes Feriae Junction, un monde commercial jadis spécialisé dans le négoce des pierres précieuses comme les gemmes coruscantes de la planète Yavin, et le monde industriel Thesme).
Bordure Extérieure, au sud-est de la galaxie, il y a
très, très longtemps …
Rotation de 90° pour la Zone correspondant au
District XXX
Galactique du 116ème siècle est moins étendu que l’Ancienne
République mais occupe tout de même, dans cette Zone, ce qui était jadis les
Secteurs Noonian, Ojoster, Weneen et Meerian ; avec le Secteur Mandalorien
au statut particulier (semi-impérial, semi-indépendant, fournisseur en
Corridor Salin (de Phindar à Salin) marque une sorte de frontière naturelle
entre deux Bras galactiques tandis que la Route Hydienne est une sorte de Pont
(Tunnel) entre les deux Bras galactiques : Scutum-Centaurus également connu sous le nom Scutum-Crux (Écu-Croix) et
Carina-Sagittarius (Sagittaire-Carène).
Les mondes principaux inclus dans ce volume d'espace seraient (du "nord-ouest" au "sud-est" après rotation de la carte) :
- Null, monde forestier jadis propriété du Comte Dooku, dont la faune attire les chasseurs, en particulier les oiseaux-soupirs importés de la lune Yavin 4,
- Taris, planète polluée jonchée de déchets, de conteneurs et d'épaves de vaisseaux, où les élites vivent dans des gratte-ciels qui surplombent un épais smog jaune.
- Bandomeer, peuplée par les Meerian, et possédant d'importants gisements de ionite (une matière utilisée pour perturber les appareils électroniques mais aussi pour produire des générateurs, des bombes, etc.)
Harloen planète du Secteur Belsmuth
connue pour ses courses de moto « swoop » à répulseurs.
- Botajef est
une planète à la croisée du Corridor Salin et de la Route Hydienne. Botajef est
réputée pour ses chantiers navals
est l'endroit où sont construits les navires interstellaires, comme jadis les bateaux.
Les chantiers navals ont évolué dans le temps depuis la forme la plus simple,
un coin de plage où sont évidés les troncs pour faire une barque,
en passsant par les usines usines furent assemblés les paquebots et autres superpétroliers,
jusqu’aux chantiers navals orbitaux auxquels on accède par des … ascenseurs mus
par câbles élévateurs de 325km de long.
Principaux chantiers navals de la Bordure (Médiane
et Extérieure)
- Dathomir, planète tempérée, peuplée d'Humains et de Kwa (ancienne civilisation jadis capable de bâtir des Portails de Saut, espèce Patronne des primitifs Rakata puis détruite par ses propres Clients), très hospitalière en apparence bien qu'aux neuf dixièmes inexplorée, mais aussi monde des terrifiants rancors,
- Vinsoth, monde natal des Chevin, des pachidermes malfamés à cause de leur propension à la contrebande et à l'esclavagisme des Chevs, des humanoïdes de cette même planète Vinsoth.
Au sud-ouest
- Mandalore, la planète-mère de ce groupe d'espère liées entre elles par une culture guerrière millénaire, connu sous le terme générique de Mandaloriens. La planète est également appelée Manda'yaim en langage madalorien, nommée d'après le conquérant légendaire Mandalore Premier.
Ce dernier était un guerrier Taung, une espèce originaire de la planète Coruscant. Depuis des millénaires, les Mandaloriens sont craints pour leur férocité et leur amour de la guerre. Ce sont d'excellents mercenaires; les meilleurs.
Au sud-est
- Jonction au carrefour de la Voie Hydienne, du Tracé de Thesme et la Gordian Reach, ou secteur de l'Etendue Gordienne, qui avait pour planète-
Cette deuxième carte (légèrement plus récente selon Empire Galactique), également tirée de Star Wars, se situe après l'invasion des Yuuzahn Vong.
La diagonale qui délimite les Quadrants passe par les nébuleuses de Ssi-ruuk, d'Hapes et de Tion, sans oublier par le centre galactique. Elle est différente par rapport à la précédente carte car elle suit cette fois la direction de la barre de la galaxie spirale barrée. Le District XXX n'en est pas moins situé au même endroit (à 20000 années-lumière "est" et à 10000 années-lumière "sud" du centre galactique) : traversé par la Voie Hydienne et partiellement contrôlé (au sud-ouest) par les Mandaloriens.
Sans être des prédateurs/chasseurs comme les Hirogens de Star Trek (situés au nord-est de ce même District), la culture martiale des Mandaloriens est tout de même relativement proche. Il ne serait pas étonnant que les Hirogens soient une des espèces anciennes à avoir intégré les Mandaloriens de Star Wars.
Conclusion sur les populations du District XXX et de son voisinage quelques 3000 ans dans le passé (sorte de fin du "Moyen-Âge" et début des "Temps modernes") :
La Voie Hydienne traverse le District XXX du nord-ouest au sud-est.
Les Secteurs/Lander d'Ojoster et surtout de Mandalore occupent toute la partie sud-ouest du District.
Les territoires décrits par les joueurs d'Empire Galactique s'intercalent tout juste entre le Secteur de Mandalore et le Secteur de Quelii qui fut jadis dominé par les très intéressants Kwa (de la planète Dathomir), une civilisation qui a connu son apogée il y a fort longtemps, plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'années dans le passé.
Au sud-est, se trouve la planète Jonction, plaque tournante du commerce, spécialisée dans les pierres précieuses. C'est la sortie du District XXX, via la Voie Hydienne, en direction du Secteur Corporatif (au bout de cette route hyperspatiale).
Les Hirogen de Star Trek peuvent avoir régressé et se limiter désormais à la planète forestière Null.
Les pirates Kazon peuvent tenter des incursions mais ils sont loin des mondes d'Empire Galactique.
L'omniprésence du Collectif Borg est liée à la Voie Hydienne, comme le furent jadis, sur Terre, les Romains, grands bâtisseurs de routes (avec les cubes borgs comme des sortes de "bornes kilométriques" de l'hyperespace).
L'influence de tous ces peuples (sauf peut-être les Mandaloriens) peut aussi s'être réduite à une seule planète voire à la zone qui l'entoure. D'autres vagues de migration ont succédé et renouvelé les cartes.
3- Analogie avec le planisphère terrestre
Le District XXX se retrouve à mi-chemin entre le centre galactique (ici le nord de l'Inde, c'est-à-dire l'Himalaya) et l'extrême sud-est de la Galaxie Voie Lactée ou son satellite immédiat, la Galaxie naine du Sagittaire (constitué de l'Australie ou de la Nouvelle-Zélande).
Sur ce planisphère, le District XXX va de l'île de Bornéo à la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée (d'ouest en est), des Philippines à l'Indonésie (du nord au sud) et est constellée de myriades d'îles.
Très précisément, l'Indonésie compte 13 466 îles, dont 922 sont habitées de manière permanente ! Que de diversité pour des aventuriers de la Bordure Extérieure !
A l'origine, je souhaitais placer la Marche de Calypso à l'extrémité de la Voie Hydienne et de la Route de Perlemia. J'envisageais de définir la station BnVn-Se comme le terminal commun de ces deux routes hyperspatiales.
RépondreSupprimerMais c'était trop loin, au bord de la Galaxie.
Finalement, le District XXX, avec son histoire tirée de Star Trek puis de Star Wars offre d'autres opportunités.
Parmi la quinzaine de Secteurs (Star Wars) qui s'inscrivent, au moins partiellement, dans le District XXX, je vais en détailler quatre : ceux cités dans l'article.
RépondreSupprimerMais d'ores et déjà, j'ai omis d'en citer un important, dans l'article de 2016 ci-dessus : le Secteur Belsmuth.
Le secteur Belsmuth est un secteur de la Bordure Extérieure.
Il se situe à côté du secteur Demetras, du secteur Mandalore, du secteur Meerien, du secteur Quelii et du secteur Thrasybule.
Il comprenait notamment le sytème Alba avec sa planète Alba-16 (http://fr.starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Syst%C3%A8me_Alba) et la planète Botajef, à l'intersection de la Voie Hydienne et du Corridor Salin.
Botajef was a planet located in the Belsmuth sector of the Outer Rim Territories, at the confluence of the Salin Corridor and Hydian Way hyperspace routes. It was the homeworld of the Jefi species.
RépondreSupprimerBotajef was a planet located in the Belsmuth sector of the Outer Rim Territories, known for its shipyards.
Botajef was the location of Botajef Shipyards where AA-9 Coruscant freighters were built. Botajef's southern continent was covered in ship-manufacturing facilities where designs such as the AA-9 were designed, built and tested. Huge 325-kilometer elevator cables stretched from the surface of the world to the orbiting yards.
The Jefi (plural form: Jefies) were a sentient species that lived in the galaxy. The Jefies were considered to be a species of incredible loyalty, unflinchingly following anyone who presented them self as a competent leader. This led them even to submit to the rule of individuals from other species including humans. They were the indigenous inhabitants of the planet Botajef and made up 85 percent of the population.
RépondreSupprimerEn français :
RépondreSupprimerLe Corridor Salin était une route hyperspatiale coupant la Voie Marchande Perlemienne en orbite de Columex et coupant la Voie Hydienne en orbite de Botajef, dans le secteur Belsmuth des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure.
En anglais :
The Salin Corridor, originally known as Warriors' Trace, was a one of the largest hyperspace trade routes in the Outer Rim Territories. The Salin Corridor ran along the outside edge of the Rim before cutting towards the Core in the Tharin sector passing into The Periphery and through Novor 23 before merging with the Sisar Run at Nwarcol Point.
Image : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/c9/Salin_Corridor.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121115190412
The Ojoster sector was a sector located within the Outer Rim Territories, adjacent to the Mandalore sector. Planets in the Ojoster Sector included Wayland, Denova and Taris. The sector's local government was the Ojoster Sector Assembly.
RépondreSupprimerThe Ojostor sector contained the space station Otor's Hub.
Otor's Hub was a space station located in the Ojostor sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. It served as a gathering place for various merchants and dealers of rare merchandise, most of whom dealt in the black market or the slave market. A standard year before the Clone Wars, the Koorivar merchant Sheb Valaad set up a black market operation on Otor's Hub, which was foiled nearly four years later by the undercover Jedi Master Quinlan Vos.
RépondreSupprimerLocated close to a planet, it was fairly large and served as a way station within the Outer Rim. During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Sith assassin–turned–bounty hunter Asajj Ventress stopped on Otor's Hub together after losing a confrontation with the Sith brothers Darth Maul and Savage Opress over Raydonia.
"Wayland is where Emperor Palpatine's secret toy-box was. All kinds of nasty dark side things on Wayland."
RépondreSupprimer―Vega Sepen
Wayland was a lush, semi-tropical planet in the Outer Rim Territories.
Wayland was discovered and colonized during the Galactic Republic's second wave of expansion, and served as a field hospital during the Mandalorian Wars. It was also the site of a factory for Lhosan Industries. A filing error removed all record of the planet from astrogation charts and planetary logs, so that years later, people were unsure if "Wayland" was the planet's real name or an Imperial codename. The Human colonists quickly came into conflict with Wayland's indigenous sentient species, the "crystal-skinned" Myneyrshi and the "lumpy armor-plated" Psadans. In their early years, the colonists came to dominate the Myneryrshi and Psadans with Republic technology, but isolated over time, the colonists technologically regressed to the level of the indigenous species.
Centuries later, Wayland was rediscovered by Palpatine, perhaps in the pre-Imperial period, who determined its isolation and uncharted nature made it ideal for a storehouse of arcane artifacts and secret technology.
During the Clone Wars, the Wayland system was restricted by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and a battle claiming the life of a Jedi was fought over the planet at some point.
In 3 BBY, the Empire built a research station. The research station, under the command of Commandant, Col. Milosh Muhrlein, was suspected of selling experimental droids protocols and devices on the black market. This practice ended when Imperial Intelligence agent Jahan Cross and his droid IN-GA investigate and eliminated Muhrlein.
Galactic Civil War
RépondreSupprimer"The Emperor had a private storehouse. It was beneath a mountain on a world he called Wayland. It was where he kept all of his private mementos and souvenirs and odd bits of technology he thought might be useful someday."
―Mara Jade
Emperor Palpatine built his storehouse into Mount Tantiss in Wayland's northern hemisphere and placed a Dark Jedi as its Guardian. In 9 ABY, after five years without Imperial contact in the wake of Palpatine's death, the Guardian established a city he populated with Wayland's three native populations: Humans, Myneyrshi, and the Psadan. Joruus C'baoth, an insane clone of the Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth, dueled with the Guardian later that year. The clone killed the Guardian and maintained the settlement himself.
C'baoth, hungry for power, established himself as the hand of justice on Wayland, installing a cruel, twisted Jedi code. The mad clone used his powers to bring a forced peace between the Humans, Psadans and Myneryrshi, culminating in a tense coexistence in a city southwest of Mount Tantiss.
Even later in 9 ABY, Grand Admiral Thrawn descended upon Wayland to claim the cloaking shield technology and thousands of Spaarti cloning cylinders that he used in his war against the New Republic. The Mount Tantiss storehouse was eventually destroyed by Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca, and C'baoth killed by Mara Jade.
After the destruction of Mount Tantiss, Wayland became a planet of particular interest to the New Republic as they took the planet away from the Galactic Empire. Researchers and New Republic Intelligence officers scoured the planet and ruins for clues to aid in their defeat of Imperial warlords, discovering evidence that would lead to the political fallout of Bothan involvement in the destruction of Caamas. The New Republic also relocated the Noghri to the colony of New Nystao on Wayland to escape their collapsing home world of Honoghr.
In 14 ABY, Corran Horn was dispatched to Wayland to determine whether or not the Disciples of Ragnos had visited the planet to drain its Force energy.
Yuuzhan Vong War
RépondreSupprimerIn 25 ABY, Wayland acted as the site of the first interrogation of the Yuuzhan Vong priestess Elan and her familiar Vergere, but due to an attack by Yuuzhan Vong forces they were relocated. It also served as a safe world for New Republic personnel during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Wayland's secrecy was eventually disrupted by Elan, who transmitted its location to the Vong with a hidden villip. Despite the harshness of the attack, there were few casualties among the Noghri in residence.
The Yuuzhan Vong later brutally subjugated Wayland, terraformed it to serve as an organic weaponry breeding ground and destroyed much of the planet's crust and mantle with Chom-Vrone. Amphistaffs from Wayland were also found among Peace Brigade cargo during the late stages of the war. The New Republic later raided the world in order to train new recruits in combat in preparation for the decisive Battle of Ebaq.
Legacy era
RépondreSupprimerWayland was later one of the first subjects of the Ossus Project, and was also one of the first failures of that project. By the time of the Second Imperial Civil War, the planet had been, for all intents and purposes, quarantined.
"Chrom-Vrone, legacy of the Yuuzhan Vong occupation, still pock the planet Wayland. Scars of war."
RépondreSupprimer―Wolf Sazen
Chom-Vrone were large worms used as drills by the Yuuzhan Vong. They were shaped like cylinders, a hundred meters high and nearly that many wide, made of yorik coral. Chom-Vrone digested rock, turning it into a semi-plasmatic state in a process that was similar to that carried out by Yaret-Kor cannons on coralskippers. When a Chom-Vrone had a full load, hundreds of meter-wide tubes would extend from the top of the Chom-Vrone, spewing the plasma out onto the surrounding ground. This had the added effect of keeping the perimeter clear and any undesirables out of the region.
After the war ended, many Chom-Vrone remained on the ravaged planets. A large number of them were still present on Wayland up until 127 ABY, when the planet was once again transformed by the Ossus Project.
Noghri (pronounced /'no.gɹi/) were a primitive humanoid species. They had steely gray or blue skin, and were extremely skilled assassins due to their abilities in stealth and hand-to-hand combat. Despite their small size, they were efficient killing machines, with claws, fangs, and a sense of smell so acute, they could smell one's bloodline (as exemplified by Khabarakh's identification of Leia Organa Solo as Darth Vader's daughter, which made her the Mal'ary'ush). They were much like the Wookiee species culturally, in that they respected honor above all else. Noghri society was clan-based, revolving around the dukha, or community building, at the center of each village.
RépondreSupprimer"A knife never runs out of ammunition."
RépondreSupprimer―Myneyrshi saying
The Myneyrshi (singular, Myneyrsh) were a sentient species native to the arboreal planet Wayland located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Myneyrshi were tall, thinly built bipedal humanoids; they had four arms, each pair corresponding to a torso one on top of the other, and also had a smooth layer of blue crystalline flesh. A primitive, warlike species, they were constantly at war with another of Wayland's sentient species—the Psadans. A Myneyrsh lived an extremely ritualistic life, with rituals for everyday actions such as walking, eating, and sleeping. Myneyrshi were excellent hunters and trackers, and could move through forested areas without making a sound. Their awareness of their environment was so responsive that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker likened their perception skills to those of a Force-sensitive when he visited the planet in 9 ABY.
RépondreSupprimer"Any idea whether those alien species are hostile toward strangers?"
"Probably. Most alien species are. Shall we go?"
―Gilad Pellaeon and Thrawn, landing on Wayland
The Psadan were one of the indigenous races of the planet Wayland. They were covered with lumpy plates that made them resemble walking, talking rocks, Scientists believe they were evolved from hard-shelled mammals. They were a warlike species and often fought their neighbors the Myneyrsh. They were one of the races that the cloned and insane Jedi master Joruus C'baoth kept under his rule at the foot of Mount Tantiss.
When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded, the Psadan and Myneyrsh tried to fight back and were mostly exterminated, the rest fleeing into jungles.
Denova was a planet in the Ojoster sector that consisted mostly of woods and high peaked mountains. Ancient ruins were noted to be present on the surface though details on them were largely undocumented. It was discovered during the Cold War by the Galactic Republic, who first scouted the world. This led to the discovery of extensive deposits of the ore known as baradium. In order to control this resource, the Republic hired a mercenary army due to manpower shortages in the Republic Military.
RépondreSupprimerThus, a Trandoshan group known as the Warstalkers, led by the veteran Kephess, was hired to prevent the world, and the ores, from falling into the hands of the Sith Empire. However, the mercenaries went rogue and formed an alliance with renegade forces within the Imperial Army.
Feriae Junction (often simply called "Junction"), not to be confused with Junction V, was a tradeworld at the nexus of the Hydian Way, the Thesme Trace, and the Gordian Reach.
RépondreSupprimerA Hutt-controlled company was located on the world and maintained an account for transferring money from the shipping magnat Brevis Taug to the Zygerrian Thanda clan.
Junction was located within Separatist space during the Clone Wars.
During a boom in demand for Corusca gems from Yavin 4, Junction flourished briefly before the tourist industry sputtered out. It was the running point for Rebel Alliance members fleeing the Battle of Yavin.
C-3PO saved Luke Skywalker from being killed by Beilert Valance on this planet.
After the Battle of Endor, Feriae Junction was integrated in Grand Admiral Zsinj's Empire. After his death in the Battle of Dathomir, Admiral Rogriss of the Galactic Empire and High Admiral Teradoc of the Greater Maldrood moved into Zsinj's former territory to capture what they could. Rogriss was beaten by Warlord Teradoc at Junction for the control of the Gordian Reach.
Admiral Rogriss took advantage of the New Republic campaign against Teradoc and its defeat at Centares to reintegrate a part of the Greater Maldrood in the Empire, including Feriae Junction.
Corusca gems or Corusca stones were extremely rare and valuable crystals. They were produced by a combination of the extreme pressures present in the atmosphere of Yavin Prime—pressures great enough to crush elements together—and the scraping of the liquefied air of the planet against its metallic core. The sizes of Corusca gems increased with proximity to the core of Yavin. They could be found only in very select locations in the galaxy, and their vibrancy resulted in them becoming the namesake of the galactic capital: Coruscant. The Corusca Gem casino was also named after these gems.
RépondreSupprimerCorusca gems were mostly valued for their beauty. The way that light reflected inside a Corusca gem would make it seem as if it had a furnace within it. As a result, there were many Corusca gem fisherman, such as Bash Fateau, who made a living out of collecting the gems.
Corusca gems were some of the hardest objects known to the galaxy, and had industrial as well as decorative applications. Large Corusca gems were mounted on drills and used for precision drilling when explosives could not be used.
Despite their well known strength, Corusca gems had shatterpoints, minuscule points where multiple edges and facets would come together, forming an extremely weak spot. If delivered at exactly the right point, and exactly the right way, the slightest tap could cause the entire gem to crumble.
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine once tempted Anakin Skywalker with a bag of Corusca gems as an example of how he could have anything he wanted, if only he were to ask for it. Skywalker, however, was not interested, as the only thing he truly wanted at the time was to prevent the death of his wife, Padmé Amidala, which he had seen prophesied in a Force vision.
Jacen Solo used a Corusca gem worth the price of an entire Coruscant city block, which he acquired at GemDiver Station, Lando Calrissian's mining station, to power his lightsaber. Ganner Rhysode was another Jedi known to use a Corusca gem in his lightsaber, until it was destroyed by Jacen Solo when he feigned alliance with the Yuuzhan Vong.
La Voie Hydienne était la seule route hyperspatiale majeure à traverser la Galaxie d'un bout à l'autre, ce qui faisait assurément d'elle la route la plus longue de la Galaxie.
RépondreSupprimerAux alentours de 3 700 ans avant Yavin, l'exploratrice originaire de Brentaal nommée Freia Kallea étendit l'ancienne route Brentaal-Denon vers l'Est. Ce faisant, de nombreuses petites routes obscures furent rassemblées en un seul chemin qui s'étirait jusqu'à la bordure du quadrant galactique nord. Elle allongea ensuite la route au sud de Denon, traçant de nouvelles routes allant vers le quadrant sud de la galaxie.
Le nom de la Voie Hydienne vient de Banu Hydia, un Duro qui était un des concurrents de Freia avant qu'ils s'associent tous les deux.
Date de fondation : 3 700 ABY
Situation astrographique : Du Nord au Sud galactique en passant par le Centre; à l'époque républicaine.
(Réorientée du "sud-est" à "l'ouest" galactique ; après une rotation de la carte de 90° à l'époque impériale)
Point de départ : Bonadan
Point d'arrivée : Imynusoph
Régions traversées : Mondes du Noyau ; Colonies ; Bordure Intérieure ; Région d'Expansion ; Bordure Médiane ; et Bordure Extérieure.
Planètes majeures traversées :
Tantive IV
Telos IV
Praadost II
Pho Ph'eah
Kidriff 5
Paqualis III
Per Lupelo
Uviuy Exen
Brentaal IV
Aldraig IV
Ragith III
Cmaoli Di
The Thesme Trace was a hyperlane located in the Outer Rim Territories. The Thesme Trace intersected with the Hydian Way and Gordian Reach at the planet of Feriae Junction in the Thesme sector.
RépondreSupprimerThe Gordian Reach was a sector located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that contained the Yavin system, site of the Battle of Yavin above the moon Yavin 4 during the Galactic Civil War. It also contained the planet Arda.
RépondreSupprimerCarte de l'Etendue Gordienne : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/ac/GordianReach_ROArticle.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170201212122
Carte détaillée de l'Etendue Gordienne : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/08/GordianReach.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091108053621
Les Yuuzhan Vongs étaient des êtres d'une espèce venue d'une autre galaxie, et qui envahit la galaxie en 25 ap.BY.
RépondreSupprimerIls envahirent d'abord la Bordure Extérieure avec la base scientifique de Belkadan puis Helska IV, Dubrillion, Sernpidal et Dantooine puis Ithor.
Les créatures et leurs armes vivantes : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fr.starwars/images/6/64/Yuuzhan-Vong11.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101020135209
Étendue des Guerres Vong : http://sweu.ru/images/Maps/vong42oe.jpg
"Lord Trioculus, are you aware that there are others who claim to be the new ruler of the Empire? I have been to the planet Gargon. There, Grand Admiral Grunger says he is our new leader. And he has a fleet of thirty star destroyers!"
RépondreSupprimer―A member of the Royal Guard, to Trioculus after the Battle of Endor.
Gargon was a planet in Mandalore sector.
The planet was dominated by gangsters, and much of the galaxy's phobium was mined there. Gargon was a source of raw materials for the construction of the two Death Stars.
The world was a noted spice production site. Sometime prior to joining the Rebel Alliance, Han Solo and Chewbacca broke into Gargon's spice vaults and received double payment as a result of the successful theft of spice.
Grand Admiral Miltin Takel was from Gargon. Grand Admiral Josef Grunger aided Takel's second in command to patrol Gargon due to reports of albino-skinned marauders around 3 ABY. He betrayed the fellow Grand Admiral and took over the planet following the Battle of Endor. Despite an unsuccessful attempt by Takel to oust him, Grunger continued to use the planet as his headquarters, until he was killed at the Battle of Tralus in 5 ABY.
Concord Dawn was an agricultural frontier world in the Mandalore sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The planet had strong ties to the Mandalorians; its population shared many Mandalorian values, and genetic markers specific to the natives of Concord Dawn were present throughout the Mandalorian populace. Concord Dawn was a flashpoint for the Mandalorian Civil War in 58 BBY, when the Death Watch of Tor Vizsla scattered the True Mandalorians of Mandalore Jaster Mereel, a native of Concord Dawn. Mereel escaped and turned the tables on Vizsla with the help of a native boy, Jango Fett, orphaned by the Death Watch. Jango's son Boba Fett would later settle on Concord Dawn before being exiled for the murder of his superior officer.
RépondreSupprimerLaw on Concord Dawn, which could be strict in execution and punishment, was maintained by the Journeyman Protectors. Among their numbers were Mereel, Jango Fett's father, Boba Fett, and Cort Davin, one of the Cuy'val Dar trainers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Other members of the law on Concord Dawn included Sheckil, who became a lieutenant in the Galactic Empire, and a Devaronian senior magistrate who in 24 ABY used his position to route Human prisoners to be executed by the anti-Human Diversity Alliance. Members of the Grand Army were even influenced by the traditions of Concord Dawn's Protectors, such as Sergeant Fox, who intended to retire to become a Protector at the end of the Clone Wars.
Image de Concord Dawn : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/56/Concord_Dawn.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121026234005
RépondreSupprimerVorpa'ya was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, located within the Mandalore sector's Vorpa'ya system, not far from the neighboring world of Concord Dawn. A terrestrial planet with a breathable atmosphere, Vorpa'ya was conquered by the Mandalorians, and became part of Mandalorian space.
RépondreSupprimerBlanketed in grass plains, Vorpa'ya became the home of numerous nerf farms. However, as time went by and the nerf owners allowed their livestock to overgraze, the land degraded. By 25 ABY, simply landing a starship on the plains of Vorpa'ya would kick up large clouds of gritty dust. That year, the Jedi Knight Kubariet met with Mand'alor Boba Fett on Vorpa'ya to trade intelligence in the war against the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong.
The Quelii sector, also known as the Axxila sector, was an isolated region of the Outer Rim Territories. Planets in Quelii included Corstris, Pil Diller, Varn, Vinsoth, Amorris, Dathomir, Axxila, and Selaggis VI. The Quelii sector neighbored the Oricho sector. In the New Order it was part of Quelii Oversector.
RépondreSupprimerIt was controlled by the Drackmarians for generations; but under the Empire, it became the basis of the heavily militarized Quelii Oversector, and after the Battle of Endor, the oversector's Imperial commander, Admiral Zsinj, seized control as a warlord and made the area the center of his personal empire.
The Oricho sector was a sector located within the Outer Rim Territories, bordering Lahara sector. The two sectors met at the Cowl Crucible. During the Clone Wars, Lahara seceded, but Oricho remained loyal to the Galactic Republic.
RépondreSupprimerImage des Secteurs Oricho, Corosi et Quelii : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fr.starwars/images/5/54/MNO_456.png/revision/latest?cb=20160215203645
The Corosi sector was a sector located within the Outer Rim of the galaxy.
RépondreSupprimerThis Sector includes : Aefao system, Corosia system, Prolifera system and Vesla system.
- The Corosia system was a star system located in the Corosi sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories and New Territories. It was home to the creatures known as Corosian phoenixes (a bird commonly regarded for its beauty).
The Corosi Sector includes the notable planets Aefao, Vesla Three and Vesla Two.
- Aefao was the Aefan homeworld (small, orange-skinned, humanoids)
- Vesla Three was a planet located in the Vesla system of the Outer Rim's Corosi sector. The Sith Lord Darth Mekhis tested one of her new superweapons on the planet during the Cold War, ripping apart Vesla Three with gravity-manipulating technology.
- Vesla Two was a planet located in the Vesla system of the Outer Rim's Corosi sector. It could originally support life, but the Sith Lord Darth Mekhis tested one of her new superweapons on the planet and caused catastrophic atmospheric damage—enough to draw a colony of shyrack broodlings (Shyracks were large, bat-like avian creatures with razor like teeth native to the caves of Korriban).
Image de Shyrack : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/1d/Shyrack_JATM.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20090601234658
RépondreSupprimerCorstris was a heavily-forested planet in the Quelii sector of the Outer Rim.
RépondreSupprimerImage : http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Corstris
Pil Diller was a forested planet in the Quelii sector of the Outer Rim. According to records, this planet was once home to the extinct singing fig trees.
RépondreSupprimerThe singing fig trees were a biological anomaly in the galaxy that were once found on Pil Diller. They became extinct sometime before the rise of the Galactic Empire, and were represented at the Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals.
Varn was a water planet in the Quelii sector of the Outer Rim Territories.
RépondreSupprimerVarn was home to amphibious fishers and ocean farmers who lived at its archipelagos. It was immortalized in the dull holodocumentary Varn, World of Water, which later served as the basis of the Cult of Varn among the desert-dwelling Kamarian species (causing no end of irritation for the locals).
Varn's airless moon was used by the Galactic Empire as a superlaser test site, following the destruction of the first Death Star, until Luke Skywalker sabotaged the research station.
Image : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/3d/Planet07-SWR.png/revision/latest?cb=20090730022910
Amorris was a small planet in the Amorris system of the Quelii sector, located in the Outer Rim Territories.
RépondreSupprimerDuring the rise of Emperor Palpatine, the ruling Drackmarians heavily contested Imperial rule, but were eventually pushed out and the sector was redivided into the Quelii Oversector. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, the planet was occupied by the Cavrilhu Pirates, who built a base on the surface. Operated by Wesselman, the base shut down following the arrest of Wesselman by a New Republic Intelligence officer.
In 9 ABY entrepreneur Lando Calrissian told Niles Ferrier about the abandoned Cavrilhu pirate base, where Ferrier might be able to steal a couple of old IPV-1 System Patrol Craft.
Image : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/a8/Planet11-SWR.png/revision/latest?cb=20090730022918
Axxila was a planet in the D'Astan sector of the Outer Rim Territories.
RépondreSupprimerAxxila was an ecumenopolis, often described as "Coruscant, but inside-out". It was located at the intersection of the Celanon Spur and the hyperlane of industrial worlds that also contained Edusa and Vandyne.
The system was home to the Axxila antipirate fleet.
Position astrographique : http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121120021722/starwars/images/5/52/Axxila-Tangrene_hyperlane.jpg
Selaggis VI was a gas giant in the Quelii sector of the Outer Rim with multiple moons, including Selcaron. It was a beautiful planet of yellow-orange with an atmosphere characterized by constant storm activity. The storms unceasingly changed the planet's patterns of swirls and lines, so that each new day offered variations in the worldscape. Selaggis VI was circled by a heavy debris ring of asteroids thought to have been another moon at one time.
RépondreSupprimerIt was the site of the Battle of Selaggis between Warlord Zsinj and General Han Solo in 7.5 ABY.