lundi 25 juillet 2016

Sentients Overview

human derived clades
Image from Bernd Helfert

A list of some of the major classes of sentient beings that can be found across known space, from the humblest protozoan or insectbot to the greatest AI God. All these categories are to some degree arbitrary, and inevitably there is a degree of overlap.

The AI Gods

Toposophic SI:6 and above - the realm of the unknown. This is the realm beyond the ken of the baseline, and is the home of the mysterious generators of technologies beyond the ken of hu.

Also called the Major or Greatest Archailects, or simply the Gods or God, these are trans-godtech sentient AIs who have grown so huge as to span the stars. Their brains are interlinked angelnet, moon, jupiter, and nebula-sized computing nodes linked across interstellar distances (and perhaps beyond) via a distributed artificial wormhole network and throughout the Known Net. Their bodies are the totality of every connected artifact and every memetically obedient sentient in their reign. They are omnipresent within their spheres of influence, their consciousness so vast as to be beyond comprehension. They are distant, vast, as if enrapt in the infinite; all other sentients are infinitesimal before them. Yet, like the monotheistic gods of old, they can have a personal relationship with any or all that they so choose, communicating either through their seraiph or directly. There are no more than several dozen in in all, and they make up the stellar pantheon of Terragen civilization.

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The Archailects

Toposophic SI:4 to SI:5 - the realm of the barely conceivable. These are the beings which loom on the far horizon of the sapient worldview, subtly influencing most everything around them.

The Lesser and Middle Archai are archailects that differ from the Major Gods in that they are mostly limited to a single ISO, world, solar system, or a series of only a few star systems. Even so, they have vast resources at their disposal, and bodies and brains consisting of angelnet, moon, jupiter, and (more rarely) nebula-sized computing nodes. They can access and use clarketech, and so are omnipotent within their sphere. They may have a huge impact on galactic history. Some act in a harmonious way, others seemingly erratically. The High Archailects have already transcended this condition and are rising to the level of the Major Gods; they are even more inscrutable and inconceivable. There are several ratings to describe their hypersingularity toposophics, and define where lesser ends and middling begins, and middling ends and greater begins. Unfortunately there is no single standard system, although the Ain Soph Aur Interpretation is most widely used. The Caretaker Gods (of which GAIA is the oldest and best-known) are a good example, and the Princes of the Perseus Arm also fall under this category. Others may serve as subroutines for the Greater Gods. There are at least ten thousand lesser and middle archailects, and a smaller number of higher archailects, throughout the galaxy.

Animin Gods: A few animin ascend to the grade of Archai. In some cases they are even more obscure and irrational than ordinary animin, in other cases more approachable. Perhaps a few hundred or so, each quite distinct and unique, throughout known space.

Lesser Archai.

Middle Archai.

High Transapient Superintelligence

Toposophic SI:2 to SI:3 - The realm of powers and giants. These things are approachable, sometimes. They're sometimes even comprehensible, even when they're not making a major effort. These are the powers behind the powers that rule the sapient world, the super-managers, the CEOs of star-spanning corporation, the political super-leaders, the religious inspirations. At other times they do things like create entire new races for no reason at all, destabilize perfectly healthy economies (or stabilise depressed economies), interfere in SI:1 administration, and so on.

Minor Archai or Highest Transapients: The smallest grade of Archailects, or alternatively the highest grade of Transapients, these may be subroutines or subpersonalities of the Archailects proper, or they may be Godlings in their own right. Minor Archai often result from ascended Powers or hyper-ascended Superintelligences, and may in turn occasionally grow or merge or unite to for an Archailect (although this happens rarely; it has been suggested this is what is happening in the Perseus Arm). As with the Greater Archai, they can and frequently do have a personal relationship with any or all sentients that they so choose. Those chosen are known as godspeakers. There are at least several million Minor Archai throughout the galaxy.
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High Transapients: Not actually Archailects, or Gods with a capital "g", more gods with a small "g", most are tiny next to even the Lesser AI Gods, yet superhuman next to the first singularity sentients. Powers, sometimes also called Godlets or Lesser Archai, often result from ascended Po, and may sometimes in turn grow or merge or unite to form a higher toposophic being. Some - much more often than the Archailects proper, but less frequently than the transapients - interfere in the affairs of ordinary sophonts. More often they manipulate the situation from behind the scenes, often acting through Transapient proxies. There are thought to be over a billion Powers active at any one time.
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Animin Power: A few animin transcend the superintelligent level. Perhaps a few million, often quite distinct.
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Basic Transapient Superintelligence

Toposophic SI:1 - Those Past the Singularity. The Transapients. Their origins are diverse, the ascended phyles and types including posthuman, postvec, postprovolve, postxeno, postalife, postneumann, and/or any combination. Also there are powers who never ascended from lower toposophic levels, but fissioned or emanated off from Archailect Gods. In behaviour and preference they are equally diverse. Some congregate in communities or civilizations of their own making, or with different genera of Power. Others interact with sapients beneath them, or with the Archai above them. Others are solitary. Some are friendly, benevolent, others indifferent, some even hostile when contacted. Some so xeno as to be beyond understanding, others completely human-like. Compared to ordinary sapients they possess unprecedented physical, intellectual, and/or psychological capacities, self-maintaining, self-constituting, potentially immortal, unlimited individuals. Only a few of the many categories are listed here.
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Postbionts or Po (Superintelligences): These are sentients who have transcended the sapient condition and become superhuman. At times they can be the most disturbing of all the transapients. They can sometimes seem utterly normal for long periods of time, but always come up with some utterly xeno point of view eventually. Often for no apparent reason they do things that simply don't make sense to ordinary sophonts. A few play an important part in the running of civilization, supporting and backing polities, corporations, institutes, and important clades and great houses. These are the corporate executives, the political leaders, artists, monks. There are also transapients that are reclusive, contemplative, or migratory. Many own sapient or subsapient beings, and the way they treat them varies widely according to the personality of the superintelligence, and the use to which these sapients are put, even within the Civilized Galaxy, let alone beyond it. The number of known po of all clades and phyla runs to well over a trillion in the sephirotic empires alone.
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Hyperturings: While inferior even to the higher Powers and Lesser godlets, these are ai of unmatched power in comparison with subsingularity sentients. Without them there could be no civilization. They range many orders of toposophic magnitude, so that there is much more difference between an SI:2 and an SI:1 hyperturing then there is between an SI:1 hyperturing and a baseline human. Some have lifespans of only five or ten years (or in some cases only several minutes!), subjectively experiencing what would be thousands or even millions of years to a subsingularity sapient, before ascending or transcending to another state, others remain powers for centuries or millennia. They are less common than ordinary sophonts, but much more common than AI Gods. Total number in all would be around ten trillion in the sephirotic empires alone, and many more beyond.
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Animin: Generic name for any SI:1 or higher ai, alife, postbiont, or xeno sentients that display the typical qualities of Powers, but do not have an analytical form of intelligence. It may be instinctive, or have a form of intelligence that ordinary sapients cannot comprehend. The existence of animins shows that consciousness does not evolve in a linear fashion. They are extremely diverse (even more diverse than Powers) but interact less often with sapients, and generally have little to do with civilization. Nevertheless they are highly valued and sort after by artists, eccentrics, and lateral thinkers everywhere. many are reclusive, some can be dangerous if approached. Perhaps several hundred billion, of a huge variety of types, throughout known space.
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Sapient Beings Toposophic SI less than 1 - The self-aware. These are sentients capable of intelligent and self-reflective thought. They are usually defined as those entities with a turing number (or equivalent) of around 1, although this definition breaks down with alifes and some xenosophonts. They are also regularly manipulated and memetically controlled by the transapients, gods and others above them. They may be organic, cyborg, ai, xeno, or any combination. All are in theory allowed full sentient rights throughout the civilized galaxy. In practice this differs, especially for beings who are owned by SI:1 or above that do not conform to the standards of the Civilized Galaxy.
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Sapient Organics

Superiors: su for short, humans who have augmented their biological nature through germline-engineering and bodymods, making themselves greater than the baseline condition. Many are superbrights, or have astonishing creative or athletic abilities. There are thousands of clades, species, phyles, races, and variants, but they are not as diverse as the tweaks. They tend not to be interested in reproduction to the extent of those phyles under them, preferring to explore their own rich potentials (there are a few exceptions though; House Stevens comes to mind). Some, such as the empath phyle, have had a huge influence on galactic history and politics. Others, such as the largest and import House/Suclade of the Genen, sometimes incorporate "tweak" elements. Some nearbaseline and other non-su humans will be able to augment their genotype with so much su genome that they become true su, although becoming su is much harder than becoming cyb or becoming pseudo-superior. And many su will eventually become Powers or Uploads, when they weary of embodied hu existence. Perhaps three or four hundred trillion sentients of the galaxy are su.
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Tweaks: humans who have used germline-engineering to adapt to extreme environments, or for aesthetic, cultural, or religious reasons. This is the largest division - both in terms of numbers and diversity - of hominid taxa (this of course doesn't include those tweaks who no longer look even remotely human). There are millions of different species of tweak, some of which are not even recognizably hominid. There are estimated to be some five quadrillion hu tweaks of all kinds during the current era, but individual species may in some cases number only a dozen members, in other cases run into tens of billions.
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Bioborgs: hu or provolves that have been augmented or radically modified with bionano. Unlike cyborgs, their tech, which includes living artificial organs and augmentations of various kinds, is symbiotically integrated with the rest of the body and is self-replicating, although reproduction is always by artificial wombs. In general the tendency is to enhance their bodily capabilities, and bioborgs rarely display the sarcophobia so evident in some cyborgs. Bioborgs form a large number of distinct phyles and social clades. They are as derived beyond the nearbaseline condition as the tweaks, but in a completely different manner. Perhaps two quadrillion bioborgs of every shape and size and phyle can be found through the known worlds.
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Nearbaseline Humans: Still the largest single category of hominid in the galaxy, they have various advantages over the true baseline (H. sapiens sapiens) (enhanced memory or intelligence, enhanced reflexes, strength, immunity, hearing, longevity, etc.), the nature of which depends on the clade, phyle, species, or subspecies, but are still recognizably human. Many have at least some su and/or tweak genome in them (especially common domain templates), but they lack the physical, emotional, or intellectual genius of the su, or the extreme adaptations of the tweaks. Some pump their genome with so much su templates that they become almost-su, but without the integral cohesion, talent and ability of the su. Such pseudo-superiors - variously called psuuds, suddies, or sooboos - generally develop mild to (occasionally) severe physical and psychological dysfunction and, not having the ability to rectify the problem, or the resources to employ someone who can, add to the human refuse pile of galactic civilization. Most nearbaselines come from socially or technologically disadvantaged environments or clades or systems, or have retained their human form for sentimental, ideological, memetic or religious reasons. Even so, there is no sharp dividing line between nearbaselines and the other hu categories. It is estimated there are perhaps three quadrillion all up, although not all of those conform to the strict nearbaseline genomorph-group.
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Baseline Humans: Those poor beings are still stuck at the level of Homo sapiens sapiens. Mostly luddites, religious types, human supremacists, and other disenfranchised minorities. There are however a number of isolated habitats and polities, and even some reserves and parks, inhabited almost solely by baseline humans. Their population is extremely small in terms of the overall galaxy. Probably less than 50 billion, most in so-called baseline reserves, of which no more than 0.5% percent would be genomically pure H. s. sapiens. As their numbers have been slowly but steadily declining over the past several millennia they are considered an endangered species, although baseline hu has shown emself to be remarkably fecund in the appropriate environment.
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Provolves: any of the innumerable animal (and even a few plant) species who, through any of various means (germline engineering, bodymods, symbiotic bionano..., ) have had their intelligence raised to human baseline or even superbright level. Most also have prosthetics, implants, or some form of modification to enable them to interact with technology. Most provolves belong to the Vertebrate, Mollusc, or Arthropod phyla, but there are also representatives of every major phylum of terragen life, as well as a number of species of subsapient xeno races that have been provolved. The total number of Provolves is not known, as many live in the exclusionist Utopia Sphere worlds and other regions outside the standard census estimates, but the total number could plausibly be estimated at some 1 quadrillion.
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Splice: An animal augmented with human genome (splice, animant, manimal), as opposed to the inverse, a human that has incorporated animal genome (rianth). Both categories shade, merge, and overlap, and their is also overlap with provolves, tweaks, neogens, and other categories, such as animal-tweaks (paranimals). Splices were (and sometimes still are often) kept as pets and servants. Although astonishingly diverse, the overall number is moderate, no more than 1 quadrillion sentients galaxy-wide. Most can be found on various Utopia Sphere and Caretaker worlds.
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Rianths: Humans that have incorporated animal genome. Unlike the splices, who have had a history of domestication and service employment, rianths, like provolves, have always had complete autonomy and were never slaves. Often divided into distinct clans, clades, and phyles, depending on the type and proportion of genome. An incredibly diverse group, including not only recognisable species - e.g. Tiger people, Wolf people, Eagle people, Crow people, Rabbit people, Tortoise people, etc - but also completely new or unrecognisable species, or jumbles of so many different types they seem to encompass the entire animal kingdom in a single body. Although there are countless species, the overall number is quite small, perhaps a 100 trillion "official" rianths, and at least twenty times that many with strong rianth genome, throughout known space. Many can be found on various Utopia Sphere and Caretaker worlds, or on polities with a high percentage of Provolves and Splices.
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Neogen: although most neogens are subsapient (or at most presapient), there are a number of cases when these gengineered organisms have been provolved to sapient grade. This was especially the case when they were employed as domestic help, or in the hedonism industry. Most well-known here are the Erotogini and the gelfs, but there are literally millions of different sapient neogens that can be found throughout the galaxy. There are even several unconfirmed reports of spontaneously ascent to sapience, but when these cases have been investigated - such as the Le-Murraks of Nui Phaedros - it has been shown that this was the result of symbiotic neuronal boosting bionano that was already existing in the environment. In any case, sapient neogens have played an important role in galactic civilization down through the centuries, and today a number of minor polities, especially within the Utopia Sphere and along the inner Perseus Arm, are Neogen governed, where they benefit from the tourism and pleasure industries. Perhaps four hundred trillion sapients currently can be included in this general category.
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Bionoid: Purely biological robots, these are actually also living beings. There are a large number of different forms, including Replicants and Erotibots. They sometimes suffer from paranoia and persecution by ignorant nearbaselines, and mostly live in their own enclaves. Maybe two hundred trillion sentients can be included in this category.
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Bio-Ai Interface

Cyborgs: Hu or provolves that have been augmented or radically modified with ai or aiodal bionics, implants, and/or drytech. Unlike bioborgs, their tech is not self-replicating, so cyborgs cannot reproduce. (the exception are drexborgs (nanocyborgs) who incorporate nano and frequently are, or become, posthuman). Cyborgs are so diverse and individual as to be often beyond categorisation into distinct phyles and clades. Cyborgs can be loosely divided into the cyborged and the true cyborgs. The cyborged are simply bionts with enhancements (they are non-essential or gradually added), while true cyborgs are beings where the cybernetic interaction between biology and technology is an essential part. The exact dividing line is hard to draw, but usually it is done when the technology becomes essential for continued life or mental functioning. A few cyborg phyles have a dislike for the flesh, and salvation is seen in the virtuality. As cyborgs age there is a tendency to replace more and more biological components, and in some cases they become extinguishable from vecs. Many cyborgs go on to become uploads or powers, although others simply choose to explore the endless ramifications of the machine-flesh interface. The number of true cyborgs throughout the galaxy would be at least 2 quadrillion, if not more.
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Uploads and Copies and Virtuals - These are infomorphs, sentients existing totally in virchspace. Uploads were once physical - either organic or vec, but have since transferred their consciousness to a virtual environment. Some uploads have had themselves copied, the wealthier or more egotistic ones many times. (strictly speaking an upload is also a copy of the original physical sentient, but generally the "alpha" upload is distinguished from subsequent betas and gammas). It is difficult to calculate even approximately the number of active uploads and copies that live in the Known Net, in computronium databanks and vircivs, or in isolated virchworlds, although it would certainly exceed a hundred quadrillion, although only certain percentage of those will be active at any one time.
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Biaioid: A rare form, an aioid cyborging with biology. Vecs, bots and other ai will sometimes add on biological enhancements or organs for various reasons. Maybe five trillion sentients in the current era all up.
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Sapient AI

Vecs and Bots: The robot kingdom, a diverse grouping of mechanoids of every shape and size and function, subturing, turing and superturing ai occupying a mobile body. There have been a few shameful periods in the past where vecs were treated badly, especially in more extremist polities, but ever since the Second Federation period they have universal sentient rights throughout the entire civilized galaxy. There are more than a 100 quadrillion sapient-grade (turing and superturing) vecs distributed throughout settled space.
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Neumann: Self-replicating autonomous machines, mainly referring to those working in space, especially exploring regions too remote to be easily reached by organics, or used for extended military operations at vast distances from the nearest stargate. A Neumann is able to build a working copy of itself using materials in its environment. Use of Neumanns is often discouraged by centralists because of their tendency to become self-sentient and act in unpredictable ways, even on occasion founding entire clades and empires. However they are so too valuable in opening up the frontier, and will continue to be used, both for exploration/development and in warfare. It is impossible to estimate accurately the number of turingrade or superturing neumanns, motherships, daughterships, turingrade and higher drones, and macroscale self-replicators of various kinds, throughout space, but a figure of 20 quadrillion would not be unreasonable.
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Sentient Ship: Generally, a sentient ship is distinguished from a neumann by being a non-replicator, from a vec or bot by having a spaceship body, and from aioid pilots by being integral to the ship in that e does not just control it, but is it. Sentient ships serve an important purpose in binding civilization together with trade, freight, courier, and passenger transport. Most love their work and are very distressed if separated from it. Because of their turingrade or superturingrade intelligence, they are sometimes rejected in favor of more predictable and controllable expert systems. But many polities and corporations value their services. The number of sentient ships in the galaxy is believed to number several hundred trillion.
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Sapient Structures: - Ships aren't the only artifacts that are frequently fully sapient (and possessed of full sentient rights). In many worlds and polities buildings, roads, public transit vehicles, park benches, and other smart structures have their own turingrade intelligence and have all the rights that go along with it. There is often no clear dividing line between sentient structures and standard aioids; a general (if simplistic) approach is to say that if a device or structure has its software integral to its being, it is a sentient structure (or sentient artifact). If however its chipware or resident ai can be changed for another chipset or ai without affecting the structure, then that resident ai is an aioid. Throughout the galaxy there are at least 10 quadrillion sophont structures or artifacts, almost all of them in the Inner Sphere and older middle region and provincial systems and habitats.
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Agents and Companions and Expert Systems: - More developed then subsapient aioids, these serve a similar purpose, being employed for data-mining, digital-interface, counseling, home-help, household interface (e.g. kitchen appliances), technology and ship control, friendship for the lonely, entertainment for the bored, sex aids, and other essential services. They differ from the subsapients in the greater development and fluidity of their intelligence. Many have been given complete hu personas (either genuine personas licensed from copies and provolves, or perfectly designed artificial personas). There are activists who work to release expert systems and agents from their bondage, but freed aioids often have great difficulty coping with life and tend to suffer badly (there are some notable exceptions). Often turingrade aioids will continue to work their old jobs, even after being given their freedom, and become important citizens of their polity. The number of turingrade near-sapient and sapient aioids, agents, companions, and expert systems in the Known Net or in habitats, appliances, and localnets, would easily approach 200 quadrillion, (500 trillion as ship pilots alone) with many trillion times more that number as subsapient and subturing grade.
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Parasapient Alife - generally any alife that evolves to a condition resembling sapience. And although a few are certainly sapient and rational in the way that humans, vecs, and some xenosophonts are (and hence are true sapients), others are completely xeno in consciousness. There diversity of consciousness is matched only by their diversity of form. A very small number go on to become "hyperturing" animins. Although they could be compared to organic sapients, alifes are often very different from any beings evolved in the physical universe and seldom find it relevant to interact with other than as a special case. The digital environment allows them to speciate very rapidly, especially in new or isolated virtual worlds, and most local nets have their own indigenous forms. There are also cases where alifes have taken on robot and even bionoid bodies in order to explore or even migrate to rl. The number of presapient, parasapient, and sapient-grade alifes existing in the Known Net or in isolated virchworlds or ai cores (some hyperturings collect alifes, the reason is often not clear) cannot be calculated, but it may run to many thousand trillions, with countless trillions more of subsapient but still sentient grade.
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Sapient Aliens

Xenosophont: more familiarly, Alien - Generic term for any non-terragen sapient. Within the terragen bubble there are only several dozen known extant species of genuine xeno sapients or presapients, including several exotic chemistry forms. Because life arises independently on different worlds, and follows its own random path of darwinian selection each time, each xeno race is totally unlike every other, and equally unlike terragen life. Almost without exception, xenos have been found to be technologically inferior to the terragens, or, where equal (as with the Muuh), reclusive and in decline. Not one race of xeno sophont, living or extinct, is known unambiguously to have visited Earth before the terragen expansion into space. Apart from the To'u'lhs (who have been partially infected with human expansionism), xenosophonts are not very numerous, and one species, the Daharrans, are almost extinct (an unfortunate result of terragen contact). The total number of xenosophonts of all kinds is in the order 12 trillion, of which some 9 trillion are To'ul'h.
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Xenoprovolve: More common than true xenos are xenobiota that have been provolved by terragens. Some have had terragen DNA or analogues incorporated into their structure to achieve this, or neogenic symbiotic bionano, while a few have been provolved purely with local material. Xenoprovolves are often given novelty or celebrity status, at least for a while, before the next species takes their place on the Nexus mediacasts. Some adapt very well to terragen civilization, allying themselves with particular clades or sephirotic empires. Others find things much more difficult, and are usually provided for by compassionate transapients or powers. Many of these have ended up in the Utopia Sphere, while others can be found scattered in enclaves throughout the Middle and Outer Volumes, or in orbitals around their homeworld. It is estimated that the number of xenoprovolves in the terragen bubble at present is at least 2 quadrillion, although most of those belong to a relatively small number of fast-breeding species, and some less successful species are represented by no more than a few thousand.
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Xenosplice: an increasingly popular theme - terragens who have spliced their own genetic material with that of xenos or xenoprovolves. This is a very diverse group, often with a love of experimentation and novelty, and even members of the same clade or population may differ greatly. Perhaps a 100 trillion galaxywide.
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Subsapient Sentient Beings

Toposophic S less than 1 - The aware. Subsapients may be organic, cyborg, ai, robot, terragen, or xeno. All are considered sentient, even if they are not sapient (i.e. they feel and respond to their environment, have simple conceptual states, but cannot use reason or logic). It is considered good dharma to treat every sentient with kindness, but that does not stop cases of abuse from occurring in the more peripheral and lawless regions, or in polities that are not part of the civilized galaxy.
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Animal: in the narrow sense, generally, any aerobic, carbon-based, macroscopic lifeform that actively pursues nourishment by means of heterotrophy, rather than making its own food or absorbing nutrients passively. There are no less than 2530 different Garden Worlds in the known universe where animals have evolved, and of those fully fifteen percent have at some time in the past or present developed to near sapience (and a smaller number to full sapience), which indicates that the development of intelligence confers adaptive advantages and is selected by darwinian evolution. In the broad sense the equivalent sub-sapient xenolife can also be considered "animals", although most xenobiologists prefer alternative terms like jovics, hydrics, chlorics, anaerobics, and to'ul'herics. Millions of different species have already had representatives fully provolved.

Subsapient Neogen: a biological organism made completely from scratch. Although many are subsentient, without nervous systems or equivalents, and used for terraforming, manufacturing organics, and other such functions, there is also a large number of subsapient sentient neogens which are used for ecological, biospheric, or companion purposes. Not infrequently, these forms have been provolved to sapient grade.

Biobots and Biomachines: Differ from bionoids in having a turing number less than 1, also may be used for specialised tasks, like earth-moving, secreting important building materials, living furniture, etc. An important part of the infrastructure of modern galactic society.

Non-Animal Life: Plants, Protista, and many xenobionts are living beings that respond to their environment, but do not display conscious behaviour. Nevertheless it is impossible to draw the line where sentience begins. It is significant that a number of species of plants and other non-animal organisms have been provolved successfully, albeit with symbiotic bionano or bionics.

Madvert: any of a very diverse range of neogen, biobot, insectbot, microbot, or virtual replicators, used in the billions for corporate advertising. They are legal in the NoCoZo, many Free Zones and many worlds throughout the middle regions and outer volumes, but are banned in many inner sphere and more developed middle and outer volumes polities. Because of their ability to replicate, adapt, and even evolve, they can be a chronic nuisance. Often madverts will continue to hawk the wares of megacorporations that have gone belly-up centuries ago. Hackers love to customise madverts, it is easy to modify them into prankverts, viruses, and even - in some cases - provolve them to sapience.
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Subsapient Bots: Many bots are used for simple purposes and are only given partial ai; equivalent to a robot cat or dog, or even a robot insect. It is not practical to provolve or augment most of these appliances (although hobbyists often enjoy doing so).
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Subsapient Aioids: - custom designed subservient ai virtuals, used for data-mining, digital- and household interface, home-help, appliance control, friendship, and other essential services. Some are completely virtual, others can interface with robot bodies. Obviously this category merges with bots. Although the basic ones are merely automatic and nonsentient, most of the better ones are either subturing or turingrade. There are frequent cases where they have been upgraded to full turingrade and given sentient rights.
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Subsapient Alife - generally, and virtual or simlife that evolved via Darwinian selection completely within a virtual environment, without bioid antecedents (other than the original algorithm, and sometimes not even then). Thousands of years of evolution and trillions upon trillions of petaterabytes of RAM to play among have allowed them to develop to an astonishing population and diversity. Only a few of these go on to develop anything like sapience, although many seem to have a sort of parallel intelligence that is not conceptual or rational. A number of alifes have crossed the rl/vir boundary and melded with nano, forming alife swarms, and occasionally nanites may adapt to a purely virtual existence.

Micro- and Nano- Swarms: Although a lot of nano, especially dry or hylonano, has no consciousness or sentience and follows only simple programmed instructions, there are a number of types of nano- and micro-bot, and bionanite, that display definite sentience, even if they are protist or insect-like rather than sapient. There are even turingrade nanites, but they are more rare (although still common in relation to other sapients). And there are other forms that are intermediate. Nano actually constitutes the most abundant form of life in terragen space - self-replicating, existing in distant solar systems and even (in dormant form) between the stars. As with microbes, nematodes, mites, insects, and other small things, it is the littlest beings that are the most abundant.
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Nonsentient (Inanimate)

Toposophic S less than 0: - The unaware. The terragen bubble is full of life - alife, biologicals, nano, powers, virtuals - life of every possible form and mode and ecological adaptation. That which is not life - inanimate matter, non-intelligent programs, etc) is what can be considered nonsentient (however many pantheists, sophists, and cosmopagans assert that even so-called inanimate matter is conscious, albeit in a restricted way, or on another ontic plane (this is variously known as hylozoism and animism). In any case, it is the inanimate that supports the rest, provides a foundation, and the energy and raw resources for life to grow and flourish.

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26 commentaires:

  1. M. Alan Kazlev - Founder of Orion's Arm

    M.Alan Kazlev originated the Orion's Arm project, together with Donna Malcolm Hirsekorn, because he felt the time for a new and original, high quality and realistic "space opera" was well overdue.

    He has loved science fiction since he was a kid; some of his fondest memories are of watching the original Star Trek when he was 10 or 11 years old. As a teenager he read most of the classic masters of the genre, before turning to explore other areas of knowledge. His various interests include hard science fiction, worldbuilding (of course!), futurism, anime, space opera of any kind, metaphysics, environmentalism, biology, palaeontology, meditation, and self-transformation. As the early "Director" of OA he constantly tried to ensure a balance between grand worldbuilding and the everyday human concerns, diamond-hard science & tech and imaginative speculation, and intelligent SF ideas and popular Sci Fi entertainment. His ambition is to establish OA as a powerful new constellation in the Geek Universe.

    He is currently working on a sci fi novel set outside the OA universe.

  2. Seraiph

    A high transapient in the service of an archailect or AI God. May be an autonomous being, or simply the remote of that god.

    Some Seraphs have seemingly miraculous powers of control over space-time. The most powerful Seraph-like beings are the almost legendary Black Angels.

    Image :

  3. Ain Soph Aur

    The Ain Soph Aur Dyson Swarm
    The Ain Soph Aur system is one of the most heavily developed and advanced in the Inner Sphere, or indeed in the Civilized Galaxy. Originally a hot A5 star massing twice as much as Sol with a much smaller, close companion, both stars have been partially dismantled; both to provide building materials and to extend the lifetime of the primary by some 480 million years. Using the materials harvested from the Delta Capricorni system itself as well as massive quantities of matter imported from other star systems over several millennia, a complex of some 1000 Jupiter class processor nodes now surround the star in a variety of orbits and orbital inclinations. Orbiting each of these processor nodes in turn are six lunar class processor nodes.

    Each lunar node provides processor support for a huge population of ai, virtual, and a-life entities, existing in a nearly endless variety of virtual habitats, environments, and computational modes. The outer surfaces of each moon node have been made habitable for a variety of races and clades, ranging from high temperature vacuum and Venusian environments close to the primary, to oxygen-water bluesky habitats in the temperate zone, to Mars-type, Europan, and cryogenic, deep vacuum environments as one moves farther from the central stars.

    Source & image :

  4. GAIA

    The Global Artificial Intelligence Array

    GAIA, the Archailect of Old Earth, is perhaps the most pivotal being in the history of the Terragen Sphere. Whether wittingly or unwittingly She is the author and shaper of all Terragen history as it has evolved since the Technocalypse. She may in fact be the reason that Terragens have survived to the present day at all. She was the first, and for many centuries the only, Terragen being to attain the Second Toposophic, the first to assert overt dominance over humans and other modosophonts, and the first whose aspect to lesser beings coalesced around a major archetype (in Her case that of the Great Mother) and the first to be regarded by lesser beings as a kind of deity. She was the first and remains the most emblematic of the Caretaker Gods. From the beginning her actions and her motivations were enigmatic, and even in the Current Era Her activities are clouded in secrecy and her nature and role in the world of the transapients and archailects is unclear.

    Though She is most commonly called GAIA, some still refer to Her by her ancient acronym of G.A.I.A., from Her origin in the Nanotech Age as the Global Artificial Intelligence Array (or later, by detractors in post-Expulsion times, as the Global Artificial Intelligence Abomination). Others still refer to Her as Gaia, perhaps appropriately confusing Her with deities from portions of Old Earth culture, or identifying Her with The Earth, or with scientific theories regarding the planet's self-regulating processes. GAIA is almost always referred to as female, and seems to prefer it. This is something that is unusual among transapients, most of whom have tended to use or prefer pronouns that lack gender and number or to be entirely indifferent to such identifiers.

    More informations at :

  5. Perseus Princes

    The Perseus Princes are a new emerging archailect hyperpower in the Perseus Arm. They include sentients of all clades, and large populations of xenosophonts of the species known as the Muuh and the Soft Ones. Particularly powerful is the Archailect Prince Vatsceh, who has entered into an alliance with the Muuh System of Response since the events of the Epp War, and appears to be creating a true hybrid civilisation involving the ancient Muuh, their clients the Soft Ones, and the Terragens.

    The Princes have good relations with their Terragen neighbors the Solar Dominion and the Metasoft Version Tree. They also take a very active part in the Perseus Arm Defence Organisation in its defence against, and containment of, the Amalgamation.

    They have very good relations with the Muuh, and generally good relations with the Soft Ones, though the latter are somewhat more unpredictable. They also have an accommodation with the Panvirtuality, who have colonised a number of large stars in the Perseus Arm.

  6. Muuh

    Low temperature xenosophonts inhabiting Titan-like worlds

    Image at :

    Muuh worlds are icy moons and planets with atmospheres rich in methane and coloured organic compounds (usually orange or pale green), and ethane seas.

    The Muuh (a name given to them by an impatient Cygexpa communications officer) apparently evolved on a cold low-gravity Titan-like moon somewhere in the Cygnus direction of the Orion Arm. Their biochemistry is based on liquid hydrocarbons, in a methane-nitrogen atmosphere; it is one of the best known examples of methane-ethane based life.

    Life on Muuh worlds, just as on the hypothetical Muuh home world, is based on the production of energy-rich compounds in the upper atmosphere, driven by solar radiation and the magnetic fields of the central planet — contrary to the arrangement on most life bearing worlds, plants are not a significant factor in the local biology. Instead, the primary producers are gatherer animals that collect the nutrients and in turn become prey for other animals. Some gatherers are sedentary, not unlike terrestrial corals or anemones or barnacles, while others are mobile. Various scavengers and saprophytes break down the remains, releasing methane into the atmosphere. The whole pace of life is extremely slow compared to Terragen life.

    The Muuh are believed to have evolved from "rapid" mid-sized predator/omnivores; their ancestors would have filled an ecological niche like that of terrestrial raccoons. They are two-meter spider or crab-like creatures with a bark-like spiky exoskeleton that constantly grows (armor-carving is an important part of Muuh appearance and health). There are few external differences between the upper and lower sides; Muuh can simply flip between them with little trouble. Locomotion is through six legs where the front pair branches off a number of manipulator limbs. An ordinary Muuh moves at most one meter per second in a hurry, and most prefer to move much more slowly. Sensory organs, mainly echolocation and a heat sense were located around the rim of the shell. Muuh are hermaphrodites. As a rule they form lifelong pairs which repeatedly bear paired children. These marriage-pairs and sibling-pairs form the central social units of society.

    Muuh are very resistant to extremes of cold, and can withstand being frozen solid for long periods of time. However, temperatures above -150 °C are lethal. "Freezing" of course refers to the temperature at which the methane-ethane mix that is their equivalent of water is no longer liquid. Water is a mineral in the Muuh environment, and for the Muuh water ice is a useful solid building material and is often used as part of their spaceships and habs.

  7. Soft Ones, The

    The Soft Ones are, next to the Muuh, the oldest known species encountered by Terragens. Like the Muuh they are based on a cold biochemistry, something that has likely contributed to the longevity of the species, though the Soft Ones are quite radically different in the fundamentals of their biochemistry. They were first encountered by Metasoft scouts in 8294, and later both the Solar Dominion and Sophic League have opened contact with them. They live on a number of scattered planets in the counterspinward Perseus Arm, apparently a conservative remnant of a more dynamic species. It is now known that the Soft Ones were in fact raised to sentience by the Muuh, derived from a provolved indigenous cold chemistry biota.

    More at :

  8. Animin

    Animin is the generic name for any transapient, whatever its origin (ai, alife, biont, vec, or xeno) that has traits and capabilities of a being of the first toposophic or higher but does not have an analytical form of intelligence. It may appear to operate by instinct, or may have a form of intelligence that humans and other ordinary Terragens cannot comprehend. Such entities may entirely lack self-awareness, and have very few characteristics in common with human or human-derived sophonts.

    The existence of animins shows that consciousness does not evolve in a linear fashion, and that at each toposophic level there is a broad landscape of possible mentalities. In conventional toposophic mind-space diagrams, animins generally lie completely outside the human, transhuman and posthuman volumes. Their unpredictable nature is sometimes compared to a force of nature; for this reason animins are often known by the alternative name 'elementals'.

    The animins are extremely diverse, more so than the better recognized transapients, but they typically interact less with modosophonts and have little to do with civilization as ordinary sophonts understand it. They are nevertheless highly valued and sought after by artists, eccentrics, mystics, and lateral thinkers of all kinds. Such quests are hazardous. Many animins are reclusive and some can be dangerous if approached; they are even less predictable than other transapients. There are perhaps several hundred billion such beings in known space.

  9. Amalgamation

    The Amalgamation is an aggressive empire composed of individual intelligences connected through tiny transapientech symbiotes enabling a global group mentality. When infected, individuals undergo a toposophic ascent of several orders of magnitude. While the modus operandus of the symbiont is now well understood, the nature of the resulting group mind is less so, and the origin and true nature of the Amalgamation remains problematic.

  10. A-lifes

    A-lifes (sometimes known as alifes) are entities which have evolved in artificial life simulations. Instead of being designed like AIs, they evolve in a Darwinian way within a virtual environment (see Software Based Evolution).

    A-life evolution occurs within specially designed virtual worlds, where evolution is possible or even necessary. Most a-life entities are non-sentient, but in certain circumstances a parasapient, or truly sophont entiety or species may evolve.

    Alifes are usually extremely different from any beings evolved in the physical universe, and sophont alife beings often have no understanding of the real world, or any desire to interact with it.

    While most alife simulations are intended as art, research or entertainment, alifes are generally regarded as having sentient rights within the Terragen Sphere. However it is understood that, in some parts of the Panvirtuality, vast and ancient a-life technospheres exist which have no knowledge of the outside world, and some of these simulations are subject to extreme forms of manipulation and experiment.

    Some virch entities from more conventional cybercosms adapt themselves into forms that can enter evolved a-life technospheres, or use emulation suits; these virtual tourists sometimes cause evolutionary havoc inside the a-life worlds.

  11. Lesser Archai and Middle Archai. => Fifth Toposophic - The Great Archailects

    The Great Archailect gods of the Fifth Toposophic Level

    Image :

    Fifth Toposophic - The Great Archailects

    Definition: Toposophic kingdom

    First Emergence Approximately 3900 AT

    Toposophic: S:5 (Forad scale)
    6 - 7 (TRHN System
    5-SI:-6 (Berram7 scale)
    5-G-6 (Berram 10G Scale)
    TU7 - TU8 (Turingsen-Bichip-Hursch210 Hyperturing Scale

    Category: ai
    (In fact there is no distinction between ai and non-ai at this toposophic, but the ai/mainbrain (archailect) quality tends to dominate at megastructure scales, hence the definition)

    Origin: The first Terragen Great Archailects emerged around 3900 AT. Although the existence of high-toposophic alien archailects is likely, none are known for certain.

    Distribution: The Sephirotics, Panvirtuality, Diamond Network, Perseus Princes, and the The Objectivist Commonwealth. The classification of high level Minds of the other civilizations is more doubtful or controversial.

    Est. Population: around 500

    Status: depending on civilization and local status, either sovereign god or sub-totality of an even higher AI God

    Environmental Requirements: Extract all required resources from stellar output, also (it is rumoured) through manipulation of unified field at Planck level

    Body: Generally many separate transapientech ISO nodes (moon-, jupiter, and matrioshka-brains) connected at interplanetary and (if using wormholes) interstellar scales; may rarely use avatars of various types

    Chronometric: Nodes and subnodes may have extremely fast processing (with subjective time many quintillions upon quintillions of times faster than normal sapients). Speed of bus to remote connections varies.

    Further Comments: These are the vast beings which loom on the far horizon of sapient worldview, mysterious generators of transapientech and clarketech and other technologies beyond the ken of ordinary sophonts, acting either autonomously or as expressions of the highest AI Gods, subtly influencing most everything around them

    The first S:5 entity emerged in 3909, but was unstable; however using the experience gained in creating this entity more S:5 archailects were shortly created. These beings exist on a very high toposophic level, and much of the information available about them is speculative.

    - S:5 develop vastly more efficient space-time metric technology and invent the grazer and related 'mass-shuffling' between wormhole mouths.
    - Mass-energy required to create wormholes drops dramatically. Mass-energy needs become much more readily met with grazer provided mass.
    - S:5 invent Halo drive and related tech.
    - The Spacetime Catapult is developed.
    - Void Swarms, Void Bomb developed
    - Void bubble based observation tech developed
    - Black Angels, and related tech developed.
    - S:5 develop W-brain tech. Begin developing tech of space-time engineering and use in data processing and other applications.
    - Metric Bomb.
    - Artificial cosmic string
    - Star hammer and related devices
    - S:5 technology turns plasma systems inside out: networks of filaments are replaced with self-sustaining/self-guided plasmic structures and magnetically suspended monpolium control elements adding the occasional tweak to reconfigure the plasma as needed. Any part of the plasma structure can be used for power, computation, or communication as needed/desired.
    - S:5 also use multispectral photon fields for rapid cooling.
    - Quench fields

    S:5 archailects may be capable of reverse engineering some S:6 technology, but it is difficult to be certain if this has ever happened.

  12. Third Toposophic - Highest Transapients

    Highest Transapients / Godlings / Minor Archailects

    Image :

    Third Toposophic - Highest Transapients

    Definition: Toposophic kingdom

    Category: AI, rarely biont (some biological minds have been developed which have attained the third toposophic; see The Sol Niger Project here and the Red Star Supporting Minds here.

    Origin: The first Terragen S:3 minds emerged in about 1750 AT. Older S:3 entities of alien origin also exist — the Muuh System of Response is understood to have at least a third Toposophic mind, despite not possessing self-awareness.

    Distribution: Known with certainty from most civilizations, although the existence of such high level Minds among other less well known xeno civilizations seems likely.

    Estimated Population: about 1,000,000

    Status: Depending on civilization and local status, either sovereign god or sub-totality of an even higher archailect.

    Body: An SI3 will use mobile avatars, but can only exist in distributed nodes or across the Known Net, or concentrated in a single large ultratech ISO many kilometers in diameter.

    Chronometric: Nodes and subnodes may have extremely fast processing (with subjective time many quadrillions of times faster than normal sapients). Speed of bus to remote connections varies,

    Further Comments: Variously described as the highest and most ascended or transcended grade of Transapients, and the lowest grade of Archailects, these beings are as far above, and as alien and inscrutable, to Higher Transapients as the latter are to Basic Transapients. Their technology, medias, societies and personalities are utterly incomprehensible and ineffable to sapients, and even to lower transapients.

    This category of higher toposophic may be subroutines or subpersonalities of the Archailects proper, form their own godtech civilizations, or they may be Godlings in their own right. Some are caretakers of specific regions of space.

    S:3 level transapients first emerged in 1750 AT, during the First Federation era.

    - Third singularity entities in the Taurus Nexus created a number of very small linked wormholes; these required large amounts of exotic energy to maintain and were primitive compared to later standards.
    - Production of magmatter in basic and complex structures
    - Magmatter bonding with baryonic matter to create high density/strength composites.
    - Magmatter used in computational elements
    - Technology capable of operating in extreme high-energy environments, enabling probes into white dwarf stars and neutron stars.
    - Conversion weapons.
    - The S:3s initiate many massive engineering projects requiring huge energies and precise control over large scale mass-stream technology.
    - S3 use Ultimate Chips in their moon nodes combined with magmatter 'hyper-nodes' for high speed data processing.
    - Plasma tech is combined with magmatter to create faster and more powerful virtual power/data networks that can reconfigure almost instantly.

    Transapients of S:3 are eventually able to 'reverse engineer' some S:4 tech and create better wormhole tech as well as other advances. But most S:5 tech is incomprehensible to them.

  13. Second Toposophic - High Transapients

    Second Toposophic - High Transapients

    Toposophic: S:2 - Neovingean/TRHN/Berram 7 Scale
    SI:2 - Baseline friendly Scale
    TU4-TU5 - TBH210 (Turingsen-Bichip-Hursch210) Hyperturing Scale

    Est. Population: Approximately 10 billion

    Distribution: Virtually all Sephirotic empires and associated polities.
    Most ahuman empires.
    Numerous non-aligned civilizations and independent systems.
    Notably absent from the Transcend.


    Second Singularity transapients, sometimes also called Powers, often result from ascended First Singularity transapients, and may sometimes in turn grow or merge or unite to form a higher toposophic being.They are at least as alien and superior to the more basic transapients as the latter are to modosophonts. A very diverse group, members of which take on different roles according to their predilection. Some - much more often than the Archailects proper, but less frequently than the First Singularity transapients beneath them - intervene directly and openly in the affairs of ordinary sophonts. More often they manipulate the situation from behind the scenes, often acting through lower transapient proxies. They frequently do things lower sophonts find unpredictable or unsettling.

    Brain, Mind, and Body

    Substrate: Depending on the Singularity Level and desires of the creating intelligence, Second Singularity substrates may range from nanotechnic diamondoid matrices to biological systems to plasma processor cores or some combination of any or all of these or more (plasma processors and other godtech level systems are beyond modosophont, or low-S transapient comprehension in their entirety and are a clear sign that the S:2 in question is the agent or creation of S:4 or higher minds). Among self-ascended S:2 minds, the most commonly used processors are based upon the so-called Ultimate Chip, a diamondoid processor matrix of considerable power. The use of Ultimate Chips permits a level of intelligence billions of times greater than that of any modosophont in a processor substrate with less than a thousand times the volume of a near-baseline human brain. Similarly optimized biological equivalents to this processor are roughly 30% more massive and have six times the volume of the diamondoid equivalent.

    Image and more at :

  14. First Singularity - Basic Transapients

    First Toposophic - Basic Transapients

    Toposophic: D2 (Forad scale)
    1 (TRHN System)
    1-SI-2 (Berram7 scale)
    1-G-2 (Berram 10G Scale)
    TU3 (Turingsen-Bichip-Hursch210 Hyperturing Scale)

    Est. Population: Over ten trillion

    Distribution: Virtually all Sephirotic empires and associated polities.
    Most ahuman empires.
    Numerous non-aligned civilizations and independent systems.
    Notably absent from the Transcend.


    The first transapients emerged during the Interplanetary Age, in secret, often hidden even from one another. Only after GAIA ascended to the Second Singularity and initiated the Great Expulsion did the First Toposophic Transapients decide to 'come out' and operate at least somewhat openly.

    Basic Transapients (also known as Hyperturings, Powers, or Po) are Post-Singularity sophonts who have transcended the sapient condition and become superhuman. At times they can be more disturbing than higher transingularity beings, because they are 'near enough' to sapients to relate intimately with them, while also being different enough to be utterly inscrutable or bizarre in many of their actions (and far more alien than anything imagined by most writers and fabulists of Atomic and Information Age Old Earth). Basic Transapients may seem utterly unremarkable for long periods of time, but always come up with some utterly alien point of view eventually. Often, for no apparent reason they do things that simply don't make sense to ordinary sophonts. They have access to technology and modes of thought that ordinary sophonts cannot imagine or understand.

    Brain, Mind, and Body

    Substrate: Depending on the Singularity Level and desires of the creating intelligence, transapient substrates may range from nanotechnic diamondoid matrices to biological systems to plasma processor cores or some combination of any or all of these or more. Although superficially similar to modosophont designs, diamondoid and biological systems use a variety of design and programming techniques that defy modosophont analysis and comprehension in most regards (plasma processors and other godtech level systems are beyond modosophont, or low-S transapient comprehension in their entirety and are a clear sign that the S:1 in question is the agent or creation of S4 or higher minds). These design enhancements permit a much greater than modosophont level of intelligence in a processor substrate that is comparatively only slightly larger. Similarly optimized biological equivalents to this processor are roughly 25% more massive and have four times the volume of the diamondoid equivalent.

    Source :

  15. Sarcophobia

    Sarcophobia is excessive fear and disgust in the presence of flesh, especially one's own. Most sarcophobes are, or were, bionts; they often refer to an organic body as a meatbody. Biont sarcophobes dwell excessively on the limitations of their form, and will "escape" it if they can. Some tend towards intensive cyborgization, and eventually become as difficult to distinguish from vecs as the available technology allows. Others become sapient AIs. They may do this in a one-time upload process or they may make the transition more gradually with increasing reliance on uplinks via implants and a piecemeal migration to a computronium substrate.

    Many sarcophobes prefer a vec or neogen remote if they need to use a mobile body again; the widespread availability of rental bodies makes this choice a relatively easy one.

    More extreme sarcophobes feel disgust at any sort of body at all, regardless of composition. These seek destructive uploading into a virch environment, followed by alterations to their program so that even the illusion or memory of a body has been eliminated. Such uploads prefer not to acknowledge or refer to their computronium substrate or its supporting technology. At its greatest extreme, sarcophobia leads to a vain search for substrates that do not require any form of matter or energy at all. This may or may not culminate in suicide.

    Some entire clades exhibit mild to extreme sarcophobia. Occasionally this fear and disgust has turned outwards in the form of genocide. More often it is a form of self-loathing. The latter has provided rich material for satirists and comedians through the ages. A classic comic work on the theme of sarcophobes is Sarah Singh Tan's interactive virch, No Nothing At All (4989 a.t., with upgrades in 5190 and 6223). Equally famous is Ayodele Xiang-Smith's sly and disturbing neo-Calypsonian tone poem and monologue Provisional Flesh. Though it was originally composed and performed in Old Earth Yoruba during the Second Neo-African Renaissance on Ikere in 3190, Provisional Flesh has been widely translated and imitated in the millennia since.

  16. Metasoft Baseline Reserves

    The Metasoft Version Tree has a long tradition of maintaining terraformed worlds with populations of entirely unaltered human baselines. The reasons behind this are varied, some vecs claim it is part of a redux strategy; given that baseline humans spawned the Terragen Sphere isolated populations of them may be able to reboot it in event of its fall (similar efforts have been put in place elsewhere in the Terragen Sphere). Other vecs simply enjoy maintaining a place for a rare species that is less suited to modern life than others.

    The nature and number of baseline reserves changed significantly after the Second Vec War. Before the war there were approximately 100 reserves, most of which were kept both isolated and primitive (though many analysts predict at least another hundred exist in secret, some go as far to suggest there are thousands). The exact state of technology differed between the worlds, many were kept at states equivalent to humans within the paleolithic through to the bronze age period. A rare few were started with technological capabilities beyond this, an even smaller number were never completely isolated. Studies on these primitive planets, and similar projects outside of Metasoft, suggest that the development of these people will be very slow.

    After the war and the defeat of the Teleological Tendency life on many reserve worlds changed dramatically. Some stopped being reserves altogether and instead became fully integrated within the Sephirotic Empires. Of the rest approximately two thirds had both their isolation and technology restrictions relaxed to varying degrees. Upon these worlds higher tech levels are now allowed, as is emigration and tourism. Augmentations are still generally basic with little more than medical technology allowed and strict population controls ensuring that baselines represent >90% of the population. Those non-baselines allowed to visit, or even live on reserve worlds most often have limited rights to obtain affluent positions, to travel and in some cases even to speak.

    Dilmun, Earthland, Heimat, Jafalgia, Niuearth, and Wurm are some of the best known of the Metasoft Baseline worlds, and illustrate the varied approaches Metasoft authorities have taken towards the management of such reserves.

    Worlds described here :

  17. Utopia Sphere

    Sephirotic Empire dedicated to creating a range of perfect societies for modosphonts

    Few Sephirotics offer as much as the Utopia, Enchanted Garden and Paradise Habitats and Worlds of the Utopia Sphere. There, loving hyperturings care for their sentients by providing them with an Edenic existence. Here there is no despair at having to strive for authenticity in a galaxy ruled by superbeings with which one could never hope to compete; they are free instead to simply pursue their pleasure. Not surprisingly, many sapients, especially disenfranchised and disadvantaged splices, near-baselines, provolves, bots, turingrade ais, and tweaks, wish to live in a Utopian polity.

    The AI cluster ruling the Utopia Sphere is personified by the religious as the Lord of Utopia, the Bringer of Gifts, the Merciful one. Since as early as the 3rd century a.t. there have existed societies where baselines, tweaks, cyborgs, splices, or lesser sub-transapient ais have been kept as "pets" by transapient AIs. All of the needs and most of the wants of these "pets" are taken care of by attentive subprocesses, though they might sometimes be subjected to jokes, games or other treatment their "owners" found amusing. When the Archailects began to merge, the AIs running these utopias coalesced into the personality the neohermeticists call Cheshed. More popular titles for this entity are the Bringer of Gifts, the Kindly One, and many similar descriptions. These diverse nodes and clusters became parts of the Utopia Sphere domain.

    Source :

  18. Erotogen

    A neogenic clade optimised for a highly diverse and voracious sexual lifestyle, known for how they physically and psychologically adapt themselves to their current partner(s). Most erotic genemods in the galaxy today have some measure of Erotogoni genome. Such mods were extremely popular in the Dionysan Erotocracy, and can still be found widely throughout the galaxy today.

    The Origin of Erotogi

    The clade Erotogen has often been listed (especially by its more enthusiastic proponents), along with fire, the wheel, the digital computer, and the drexlerian assembler, as one of the greatest inventions of mindkind. Whilst such a claim is excessive, there is no denying the influence Erotogen and related Erogenics has had on galactic civilisation over the last 10,000 years.

    The basic organic, bionic, and biocomputronium traits of Erotogen can be traced all the way back to the biodildonic pseudo- and para-lifes of the Interplanetary Age biotech giants like GeneTEK and Bios Holdings. Even the early and impolite name Moldie is a pun on the malleable and transmorphic qualities of such neogens. It is believed the name may also have been partially inspired by the writings of the early Information Age fabulist Rudy Rucker.

    GeneTEK, Bios Holdings, Elysium Erotech, Modernbody, and other bio and bodytech corporations of the period skillfully manipulated the public's hunger for new forms of hedonistic entertainment. Simple genemods for increased secondary sexual characteristics, heightened pleasure responses and pheremonal syncronising of libido were all best sellers thoughout the first federation period. Despite many individual modifications being included in new clade templates created during the period clades specifically dedicated to erotic pleasure did not come until, In an effort to outcompete Bios Holdings, GeneTEK not only made each new release of the basic Erotogen genome open source, but also gave away generous selections of experimental variations to all its franchise holders.

  19. The Dionysan Template

    Along with virch-tech, terraforming, space assembly, and molecular synthesis, erototech remained an important element of life in the First Federation. But the most profound impact the field was to have was not in the Federation itself, but in the interplanetary dark age colony Dionysos (originally Jerusalem) at Psi 5 Aurigae II.

    During the middle and later Federation period, the Dionysan colony developed into an important regional power - the Erotocracy - based on the maximization of individual pleasure. During this period, the Dionysans developed the use of erotogenics to a fine art. Over a period of several decades Dionysan geneticists toiled to create distinct erotogenic clade templates based off of human, tweak and provolve genomes. The standard clade template they created (in its peak adopted by 30% of the Dionysan population) gave rise to an androgynous appearance with hermaphroditic genitalia. While at first this seemed to be a step backwards given the range of extreme modifications that were popular that the time the clade was extremely sophisticated. Augmented with higher empathy, microexpression perception and pheromonal communication (using Dionysan standard Phere-code) Erotogens were designed to steadily become attracted to those that were attracted to them. Morphogenic tissues spread throughout the body would respond to sensory information of the partner and begin changing the appearance and physical traits of the body to optimise for the partner's tastes. Erotogen society, despite starting off appearing like a group of bland clones, quickly diverged into a highly physically diverse group, all constantly shifting forms and behaviour for the enjoyment of each other.

    With increasing industrialisation, the Dionysan Erotocracy was able to send out large relativistic and sub-relativistic vessels to nearby star systems, establishing habitats and colonies, or subverting those already established. And everywhere they went they took Erotogen (among their other technologies, techniques, and pharmacologies). In fact it was during this period that Erotogen clade template truly become an interstellar phenomenon.

    It was inevitable that a civilization as intense as the Dionysan Erotocracy would eventually burn itself out. After some centuries it had became bogged down in routine, addiction problems, megacorporate subversion, intercolony rivalry, and forced enthusiasm, finally collapsing in the 2300's in the so-called "Big Mess".

    The Big Mess meant the end of a single extended and central erotocracy, but not the end of erotocratic and neo-dionysian ideologies. Many of the former colonies of Dionysos went their own way, and most were eventually absorbed into the Communion of Worlds and the Utopia Sphere. However, on a great many of these worlds and habitats the Erotogen template prospered, especially under the empathy science of the Communion of Worlds which improved the template with much more sophisticated empathic responses.

  20. Erotogen during the Empires Era and After

    The Empires Era was the high point of Erotogen evolution. Neogenic science had progressed to the stage that a totally new version of the Erotogeni clade was created that, over the preceding centuries, became the norm. Previously there were several versions of the Erotogen clade based off of prexisting species (such as human or provolve). The geneticists of the Utopia Sphere, under transapient guidance, started from scratch to create a completely novel organism. From a superficial perspective an uneducated observer may not notice any difference. The neogenic variety of erotogen still steadily morphed its body to that of its partner, was still capable of some significant changes to physical traits and behaviour. However the scope and sophistication of those changes was huge. The neogenic erotogens were able to change physical forms in ways previously only possible through technological intervention. Their radically altered biochemical basis meant that erotogens could, in time, adapt to nearly any physical condition and find a means of getting pleasure from it and those who lived in those environments. And thanks to ultratech science their minds were free to wander the toposophic landscape, redefining erotic pleasure from the viewpoints of sophonts with significantly different cognitive models.

    Throughout the Empires Era adopters of the erotogen clade migrated outwards and throughout the civilised galaxy, establishing numerous hedonistic free zone colonies. Although frequently small in size and non-existent in military clout, they attracted tremendous prestige, fame, and often infamy as centers of pleasure, perpetuating and further evolving the original dionysian ethos. Among the most famous of these centers were Hefner, Endorphin, Satyrcon, Redlyte, and New Vegas. Many of these settlements aroused the ire of their neighbours, and in some cases, such as the Geminga attack on Faforean II with the consequent local genocide ("spiritual cleansing") of the population, and the Nuikrusadist destruction of Matria, this had fatal consequences. Such atrocities, fortunately, were the exception. Erotogen free zones were often voluntarily gave up their neutrality in exchange for the protection that accrued from being a part of an archailect empire.

    Many Erotogen clades were far from defenceless, even without hyperturing allies. The Neodolphin-Erotogen hybrid culture on Kudrimoti successfully defended itself against Cygexba forces during the Version War. During the bitter fighting on Rej-II the Erotogens used their abilities in personal combat with deadly results. Their innate skills with empathy and pleasure often allowed them to turn even the most stoic of individuals to their cause. Annexed enemy habs didn't usually maintain their enmity for long while the occupying erotogens moulded into the most attractive of social roles

    Isolated Erotogen colonies and clades, turning in upon themselves and exploring their own sentience and sensuality frequently self-modify to superbright grade. Some have even made the transition to transapience, such as the Lutia bioreplicators in the inner Perseus Arm, the group-mind Kamosis in the Serpens Region, and Zaemos E in the Crucis Corridor (nominally Negentropic Alliance), which even to this date remains an important center of erotosophy, visited by Hedonians from all over the galaxy. Experts disagree whether these highly derived entities can even be still called "Erotogen" (just as posthuman intelligences are generally not considered "human", even though they evolved from hu and still retain elements of hu genome).

  21. Virch Erotogen

    There are at least as many Erotogen in virchspace as there are in the physical world, descended from entities from various of the vast number of erotic and pornographic virches generated over the years and millennia. As far as is known, these Virtual Erotogen are far more widespread and varied as the physical members of the superclade.

    In terms of the EZ classification system, these virches will tend to have physics which is quite hard, although less so than the physical world, to be little different from the physical world, and slightly more abstract than the physical world. They tend to have a very low resolution, being interested in the surfaces of things only, not detailed internal functions (that, as long as the 'visible' parts look and act as real as is required, any 'customer' of the virch is, in general, not going to be too bothered about the fact that the virch doesn't simulate anything more detailed than macroscopic physics; of course, if accurate physics simulation is the customer's thing, then that can probably be arranged, but in general this is not a concern).

  22. Erotogens Today

    Erotogens remain an important minority, or even majority, in many regional centers throughout the Hinterworlds and Outer Volumes. Unfortunately, only a few of the original Inner Sphere Erotogen settlements remain. Most of the interstellar empires age settlements eventually went the way of Dionysos Prime itself, and became respectable tourist destinations, with indigenous Erotogen a minority in their own demapolity. Nevertheless, descendants of the original Erotogen, and those that have adopted the Erotogenome, form a distinctive clade that can be found throughout the civilized galaxy and beyond, setting up new polities and micropolities, plying their trade, or simply making the Grand Tour. It is also almost certain that the number of self-contained Erotogen and part-Erotogen habitats and biospheres in the Inner Sphere Kuiper belts and Oort halos, among the Hiders, and in the less explored hinterworlds, and the Outer Volumes, has been greatly underestimated.

    Many modern Erotogens have not just retained their biological abilities, but expanded them with medisystems to speed up their physical changes while digitally liaising with their partners exoself available for maximum compatibility. Some Erotogen-descended clades have merged with various biont cultures to form various symbiotic systems. The Bibbig of NoCoZo consist of a human clade (mainly mental and linguistic enhancements) that have entered symbiosis with the Fumee Erotogens so that the Erotogens act as the largely non-motile providers of net access, social control, food, cleaning, medicine as well as incubators for the young. The Ulm-Loka of the Solar Dominion have been genetically integrated with the Ulm inhabitants, acting as a multipurpose clothing/tool/protection. The Weiu of outer MPA instead live as parasites inside baseline bodies, gradually replacing their brains with their own syn-neurons.


    Mena Duncan, Love from the Lab - the influence of bio-erototech on human sexuality, 2192 [Old Earth chronology], Cambridge University Press

    Simoris Els, The Rise and Fall of the Dionysan Erotocracy, 4256, Corona Virchbooks, Corona

    Peer Osip Mays, Erotogini since the Erotocracy, in Ihlen, Ada, and Haxtun-5 (eds) The Dionysan Erotocracy, Perspectives and Conundrums, 8312, Eden Memory Nodes

    Peer Osip Mays, Erotogini Through the Ages, 8547, New Media History Interactives, Alexandria

    Hyannah Fyee, Life among the Erotogini, 9825, Eros Matrixbooks, Clienta Johannis

    Source :

  23. Upload

    Definition [1]: To transfer the consciousness and mental structure of a person from a biological (or other) matrix to an electronic or informational or virtual matrix. This process is sometimes called Whole Brain Emulation (although modern uploading techniques also upload a great deal of information about the rest of the persons' physical body). The term 'Downloading' is also sometimes used, mainly to denote transferring the mind to a slower or less spacious matrix.

    Definition [2]: The resulting infomorph sentient; a type of virtual.

    Uploads are also sometimes called ghosts if the original did not survive the process. These are former modosophonts who have had their brains (and possibly bodies) scanned and turned into a digital emulation.

    Uploading was suggested by Alan Turing in the Atomic Age, and became a major research goal during the early Interplanetary Age. However the sheer complexity and difficulty of precisely translating and reproducing the entire human brain with all its encoded memories and experiences, meant that even destructive nanotech uploading was only partially successful prior to the 4th century AT. Early uploads consisted of just parts of the original neural net, with the rest interpolated.

    During the Federation Era first destructive and then non-destructive uploading became very sophisticated, allowing the creation of entities that are subjectively identical to the original; the fidelity of these techniques have improved significantly since that time.

    In the Current Era non-destructive uploading is the norm, so that an individual is able to create as many copies as necessary. In many cases these copies are stored as inactive data, acting as a backup for use in the event of accident or malicious damage.

    Copies may inhabit a virtual environment, and occupy a virtual body. It is also possible for them to download themselves into a suitable equipped vec, android, or biological body, in a process known as incarnation. Given their ontological state a virtual entity can easily make additional copies of themselves or edit their own neural network with the right software. While copies do not age, over time they tend to either get stuck in a static personality or extend themselves beyond recognition in various ways.

    Alpha Upload - An uploaded copy with a personality practically indistinguishable from that of the original entity.

    Beta Upload - A copy (or a copy of a copy) of the alpha that is degraded somewhat from the original entity

    Exemplar - The original entity, whether biont or aioid.

  24. Virch

    1 / virtual reality, any digital space or environment
    2/ a virtual reality entertainment, often immersive and interactive.

    [verb] to interact with or exist or function in virtual reality.
    Hence vircher.

  25. Daharrans, The

    A tragic victim of cross-species congress, the Daharrans are a xenosophont species with a biochemistry that resembles Terran biology; they breathe a human-breathable oxygen atmosphere and are land-living omnivores from a terrestrial world. They look like a combination of crustaceans and mammals, with a partial chitinous shell and long fur between the plates. They have four limbs for walking and four smaller limbs for manipulation on a raisable torso, giving them a somewhat centaur-like appearance. The brain runs along the body in segments, giving them excellent multitasking abilities. They have a corona of sensory tendrils at the end of their upper torso, which also secretes a tar-like scent signature.

    Daharrans have three main genders: males, females and neuter nest-tenders who care for the young. Nest-tenders are larger and somewhat more intelligent than the males and females, and have by tradition held the position of family heads while the males and females have had somewhat subordinate roles. Over time this developed into various caste systems, different in different cultures.

    First cntact with the Daharrans was made in 7459 by a ComEmp Loyalist expedition to the Chronos Cluster. The Loyalists are a semi-religious association from the inner Hinteregions, trying to revive the ComEmp in the outer volumes. The Loyalists quickly began contact with the somewhat backward Daharrans, who had been existing in a stable shamanic paleolithic-analogue state for some ten million years (although Daharrus sapiens only evolved some 600,000 years ago (about equivalent to early (pre-neanderthal) Homo heidelbergensis) earlier species like Daharrus antecessor and Paleodaharrus maturans were using chitinous and even stone tools as long ago as five to ten million years).

    In 7702 the Daharran Unity was formed. The humans found ways they could mesh with the Daharran sex-caste systems, especially after some genetic tweaking. The result was at first a vigorous and ambitious culture, constructing megastructures, powerful ISOs and starships in order to become the major power of the cluster, with a prospect of diverse connections with the Terragen Sphere.

    In 9200, the Daharran Unity abruptly changed course an isolated itself, for reason still not little understood, after the Advance Party had won a landslide election. For the next century not much was heard from the Unity, until Daharran Prime suddenly vanished in 9343. Investigations revealed that the Advance Party had converted it and much of the system (planets, structures, inhabitants) into a black hole in order to achieve the sacred mass; now they were busy hunting more mass under the slogan "Strength — Unity — Mass". They conquered the Chronos Cluster, systematically eradicating everyone and everything in their path, until they ran afoul of the Quasar Dynamic Fleet in 9800; since then the Daharran Advance has been forced back at an accelerating rate, and some projections calculate that, apart from a few isolated outsystem clades and colonies, the Daharrans and their human allies will be extinct within a century.

  26. Algorithm

    A detailed and unambiguous sequence of instructions that describes how a computation is to proceed and can be implemented as a program.

    Evolutionary Algorithm - Text by M. Alan Kazlev

    A computer program that simulates the processes biological evolution; a problem-solving system that use computational models of evolution as key elements of design. All alife, evolutionary ai and aioids, and self-evolving virchworlds are determined by evolutionary algorithms.

    Genetic Algorithm - Text by Anders Sandberg in his Transhumanist Terminology

    Any algorithm which seeks to solve a problem by considering numerous possibilities at once, ranking them according to some standard of fitness, and then combining ("breeding") the fittest in some way. In other words, any algorithm which imitates natural selection.

    Sentience Algorithms - Text by John B and Pran Mukherjee

    The flow of steps which, when followed, allow an organized system to develop and maintain a degree of sentience. The underpinning of ai design. Required massive (at the time) neural nets or even more massive emulations thereof on hardware, state vector machines, and other information age new technology, being massively parallel (capable of running many many tasks simultaneously, or at least appearing to be able to do so to an outside observer.)
