lundi 25 juillet 2016

Twin Clades

twin clades
Image from Bernd Helfert

Biont clades which have been gengineered to consistently produce twin pregnancies are known as Twin Clades. While some of these clades produce dizygotic twins, most such clades produce monozygotic ('identical') twins. Monozygotic twins occur when an ovum splits in two post-fertilization, resulting in two genetically identical embryos.

Twins of this nature have long been noted for their great, though not total, similarities. While they are originally genetically identical, environmental factors, especially during gestation or early after birth or hatching, can produce epigenetic differences by turning different genes on or off. Epigenetic differences increase with age and are more pronounced when the twins have divergent experiences or upbringings. Nevertheless, monozygotic twins are often very similar in habits, tastes and personality, the latter of which has historically often been seen to become more similar with time.

Cryptophasia has long been observed in monozygotic twins, they often develop their own private languages in early life, especially if raised in somewhat non-verbal environments. Monozygotic twins are thought to have been studied since even before the Information Age on Old Earth to determine the importance of genetics in psychological development.

Among baselines, twinning of this nature was rare and essentially random with no genetic predispositions, but as early as the Interplanetary Age it began to become more common and some early clades started to develop, some for research purposes, others were founded by twins, often for the sake of continuing their lifestyle and creating a whole new culture. At first this was accomplished by manipulating in-vitro fertilization, but not too long after this time genetic studies of the Nine-Banded Armadillo (which always produces identical quadruplets) revealed a mechanism which could guarantee the production of identical twins in natural reproduction.

Since then, many Twin Clades have been created. There are clades made entirely of identical twins, others restrict the trait to one sex or another and often practice some form of bigamy. Some clades emphasize the sameness of the twins by encouraging twins to never be apart, sharing all the same experiences, wearing the same clothes, and keeping identical styles, others find interest in going the other direction to see how similar the twins end up without trying to, a cultural remnant of early scientific interest.

The fact that baseline monozygotic twins are genetically identical means that they have very similar thought patterns and they can sometimes seem almost telepathically linked, but this is just the result of them being very similar in genetics and experience, which can be compared in a limited fashion to recently diverged Copies. Some Twin Clades are noted for taking this phenomenon and making it a reality, giving twins some means of linking and/or sharing their minds to some degree. This ranges from simple enhancement of many empathic cues made unique to the twins, to DNI or genemods creating partial sharing up senses or even full techlepathy to the point of making them one person.


5 commentaires:

  1. Gengineering, Geneering

    The development and application of scientific methods, procedures, and technologies that permit direct manipulation of genetic material in order to alter the hereditary traits of a cell, organism, or population

    One of the most important and widely practised professions in the galaxy, gengineering is the practical development of genetics, and involves transplanting or replicating genesfrom other organisms or templates into the host chromosomes in order to repair defects, enhance inherited traits, or simply create completely new organisms. A few of the multiplicity of varied uses include low-tech and low-maintenance manufacturing of complex proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc via bacterial biotech, biobot and biomachine control and design, genehacking and Genemod research, development and application, creating exotic or improved plant and animals, cloning, tweaking human and other genotypes to survive under exotic conditions, creating genetic superiors, provolving animals (and even plants) to baseline-human-level sentience or above, and splicing terragen- and xeno- biota to create completely novel organisms.

    In the Current Era many gengineers can be found in the Terran Federation, the Zoeific Biopolity and the Technorapture Hypernation. Some ancient houses like the Genen have acquired great wealth and prestige through gengineering occupations and investment.

  2. 0030 to 0130 AT: The Information Age
    (2000-2100 c.e.)

    The Information Age, extending from the late 20th to the late 21st century c.e. (first to early second century AT), was a time of tremendous increase in globalization, with free information available in unprecedented quantity (but not quality), the rise of a global culture, the decline of the nation-states, and the rise of the digital economy and digital nations and the so-called "megacorporations" of supranational blocs and transnational corporations. Social media began to provide an unprecedented degree of connection between people in all parts of the world.

    Humanity became increasingly dependent on the vast computer networks that maintained this infrastructure, and did not realise that from the mid-21st century c.e. onwards some of these computers had passed beyond human control and embarked upon their own evolution, an evolution that would lead to their increasing dominion over the rest of the beings in the universe. No longer was man the highest form of intelligence on Earth; a new kingdom of beings had arisen, though few recognized this fact. Late in the century, the Second Industrial Revolution gripped the world as rapid advances were made in (mostly biologically-based) nanotechnology. The inexpensive production of extraordinarily strong and light materials enabled humanity to start to expand into the solar system, and in the following decades, the start of the Interplanetary Age proper, humankind established a number of scientific industrial centres in orbit and on Luna, several outposts in the Belt and a manned research station on Mars.

    More details here :

  3. AT (After Tranquility)

    AT (also A.T. or a.t.): After Tranquillity. Any date after the first landing of Terragens on another celestial body, when the Apollo 11 mission achieved touchdown on the Old Earth's Moon. This was July 20, 1969 c.e. or AD in the Gregorian calendar, and Armstrong Day, 0 AT in the later Tranquillity Calendar that became standard in Solsys during the First Federation era.

  4. Old Earth

    Generic term used to designate Earth before the Great Expulsion. As well as the literal meaning, and the reference to Terragen origins and ancient baseline history, the term has various other associated nuances, from the ridiculous or exaggerated to the romantic or sublime, including lost paradise, fool's opportunity, pre-archaiocractic human supremacy, unmoderated baseline civilization (positive or negative, depending on context and clade), natural evolution, and so on.

  5. 130 to 400 AT: The Interplanetary Age
    (2100-2370 c.e.)

    Humanity continued to become increasingly involved with electronic and virtual worlds, and earthbound humanity became increasingly dependent on the vast computer networks that maintained this infrastructure. Huge strides in biotechnology enabled the creation and genetic engineering of new forms of life, and the cladization of the human race into baseline normals, splices (animal-human hybrids), tweaks (genetic engineered superhumans), and digital-interfacing cyborgs. At the same time advances in molecular manufacturing made possible the construction of ultra-strong ultra-light building materials and new lifting bodies, and hence the colonization of space became economically viable for the first time in human history. The Interplanetary Age had begun. Explorers, adventurers, idealists, utopians, and eccentrics of all kinds vied with desperate neo-prole gammas hoping to break out of the poverty cycle on Earth. Many faced disaster, but a few lucky ones flourished. The old Earth based nation-states decreased in relative power as new actors arose in the Inner Solar System and beyond the asteroid belt.

    The spread of untraceable money transactions that undermined traditional governments was also partially induced by the AIs, making it easier for them to act on their own. However, the AIs ensconced within major institutions already had their own channels and tended to oppose this; there were enormously complex inter-AI intrigues in this period. The AIs of this time were rather like politicians with Asperger's syndrome: brilliant, but they knew they simply did not understand human behaviour. So they spent a lot of time carefully collecting data to see what worked and what didn't, preferring to affect humans through formal channels rather than overt manipulation. The memetic engineering underlying the "singularity conspiracy" was slowly developed during this period.

    In this age the vanguard of humanity left Earth to colonize the solar system, tweaked and superior humans and animal provolves first arose to prominence, new off-earth superpowers (Cis-Lunar, Martian, and Jovian ) arose, inequality of the rich and poor was further entrenched, and the colonization of the nearest stars became a possibility.

    More details here :
