Aux Mels qui avaient été les premiers colons, les cultivateurs (vers 10600, à la même époque que la fondation de la République du Cygne), il attribua le contrôle de la verdoyante planète Venceslas; encourageant l'émigration vers ce monde nouvellement annexé.
Les Myens (dont la diaspora s'étendit jusque dans le Secteur Corporatiste à partir de 10900) reçurent quant à eux l'autorisation de coloniser Sidoine, l'industrielle, pour ses ressources naturelles.
Aux Moris, qui avaient constitué la troisième vague (après 11000), le Marquis attribua Marina ; aussitôt rebaptisée Moana. Ils prirent le contrôle de la surface et reléguèrent les homo mermanus (des Humains amphibiens à la peau bleue-verte) au rôle d'intermédiaires.
Ainsi, la majorité Zatens/Zats (depuis 11400) était contrebalancée par ceux qui avaient jadis été évincés du commandement de Calypso.
Grâce au peuplement des colonies, le Fief Calypso se mua effectivement en Marche Calypso; bien plus efficacement sur le long terme qu'avec une simple occupation militaire.
La rancœur des Zatens/Zats était grande, cependant, et ils ne manquaient pas d'entretenir des rumeurs selon lesquelles la disparation du Chevalier Auguste-Henri avait été provoquée par son successeur et gendre posthume : Alf.
Celui-ci était en effet un roturier, certes très riche mais au passé fort trouble. Il avait épousé la jeune orpheline Victoria, héritière du trône, avec une rapidité qui stimulait toutes sortes de soupçons.
La version officielle était autrement plus romanesque.
"Touché par la grâce et la beauté adolescente de Victoria, noble orpheline éplorée, le valeureux Alf, célèbre corsaire des étoiles, vint lui offrir tout son trésor colossal, butin de mille explorations dans les Confins, et la demanda en mariage. Ils vécurent heureux ... " [le temps d'armer une flotte de guerre]
En effet, avec le trésor du corsaire (d'énormes cristaux de cabirium) et le concours des chantiers astronavals de Botajef, Victoria fit bâtir une flotte de guerre dont elle confia le commandement à son époux.
De conquêtes en succès, celui-ci étendit le Fief (modeste avant-poste impérial de la Bordure qui se limitait à un seul système stellaire) au rang de Marche. Promu Aristo par alliance, le néo-Noble Alf Ier grimpa dans la hiérarchie de façon foudroyante en à peine quelques années. L'Empire Galactique s'était trouvé un nouveau Marquis.
Voir aussi : Vagues successives du peuplement de Calypso :
The Homo mermani or Homo mermanus are often referred to as Atlanteans, as it is in the city of Atlantis that their first complex society emerged.
The origins of the Homo mermani are lost, but a few theories exist:
- Genetic manipulation: As the underwater breathing ability was found in both Inhumans and Deviants, it is speculated that it was scientifically bestowed upon humans by Inhuman or Deviant geneticists.
- Divine intervention: The Atlanteans credit Neptune who would have transformed them from air- to water-breathers.
- Natural evolution: It is stated that 10,000 years ago, genetic offshoot of Man Homo mermanus evolved the ability to live underwater. The Atlanteans reject violently the theory of natural evolution of their species.
- Magical manipulation: According to Neptune himself, the few surviving Atlantean (pre-Cataclysm) sorcerers used their powers to transform the Atlanteans into a water-breathing race.
Atlantis itself had been a small above ground continent with many human settlements, when an event 10,000 years ago called the "Great Cataclysm" caused it to be submerged into the sea. 2,000 years later, a group of Homo mermani made the ruins of the human settlements in Atlantis their home and went on to develop a society there using as much of the material as they could scavenge from the wreckage.
500 years after the settlement of Atlantis, another group of Homo mermani left Atlantis to found their own city - this time in a part of the ruins of another continent submerged during the Great Cataclysm - Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean.
These "Lemurians" would discover the Serpent Crown in the ruins of their city, and through their leader Naga's exposure and extensive use of the ancient mystical device, they would become more serpent-like in appearance than their Atlantean cousins.
During the 20th century the Homo mermanus race began to come into sustained contact with their human cousins. These contacts have often been hostile, and have included many aborted invasions and even separate occasions when large numbers of Homo mermani were rendered comatose or sterilized for periods. During the Second World War the kingdom of Atlantis also fought against the Axis Powers in alliance with the Allied Powers.
However, not all interactions between Homo sapiens and Homo mermanus have been hostile - during the 1920s a Homo mermani female, Princess Fen of Atlantis mated with the human sea captain Leonard McKenzie - a union which produced the first human/Atlantean hybrid - Namor, the Sub-Mariner.
Cabirium was one of the rarest ores in the galaxy. It had electromagnetic properties, and was extremely hard. However, it was very sensitive to blaster bolts, and would be consumed by the shots.
RépondreSupprimerA gigantic block was hid by the Kanduh on an unidentified planet in the Halawee system millennia before the Galactic Civil War. The Imperial Intelligence manipulated the Alliance to Restore the Republic in order to discover the ore for the benefit of the Galactic Empire. Unfortunately for the Imperials, the Rebels managed to destroy the treasure.
Source : "Trois mini scénarios: Le Trésor oublié" — Casus Belli 66
Botajef was a planet located in the Belsmuth sector of the Outer Rim Territories, at the confluence of the Salin Corridor and Hydian Way hyperspace routes. It was the homeworld of the Jefi species.
In the years after the end of the Clone Wars, the planet was ruled by the Galactic Empire through an Imperial governorship. Governor Quesl, however, declared the planet's secession against the Empire, mobilizing the Botajef Defense Force to defend the planet against the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera captained by Commodore Thrawn. Thrawn, however, defused the situation after revealing the secession was merely a ruse to facilitate the governor's theft of a collection of extremely valuable Jefi artwork, returning Botajef to the Empire's fold.
While near Botajef, the bulk freighter Eravana suffered a malfunction when its Thorsen field driver punctured the housing for its warp vortex stabilizer.